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How to test overclock stability Videos

test overclock stability of your pc

here you can download the used programms: prime95 for 32bit system: //www.multiupload.com/G3DKYULF7L prime95 for 64bit system: ...

Flight Sim - X-Plane 10 - Overclock stability testing | i5 2500k at 4.7ghz - view in 1440p

Testing temperature and thermal load on an overclocked i5 2500k at 4.7ghz with a GTX570.

Overclock Stability Test and A70 Test

Battlefield 4 - GTX580 Overclock stability test

q6600 Overclocked to 3.69 stability tests on Prime95

The stability test with a q6600 on a 680i mb overclocked to 3.69 ghz on Prime95. I'm going to try and tweak it to the last mhz and see how high I can get while ...

User Comments

@JosephBuckmaster You'll have to learn your bios, I would suggest just upping your CPU BUS speed a few points at a time, and run the computer to see if it's stable. Then raise it a few more. Until you have some experience under your belt, I wouldn't mess with your voltages. There are several stability programs out there you can use to test your settings, such as Prime95. Overclocking and making sure it is stable can take a very long time, my current PC took me a month to get just right.
@Ironwind1972 I did not try to overclock the ram 2,so that's not it,also i had my vcore was set to 1.3v and i had it overclocked to 3.2ghz,and i could pass prime95 small fft's test,but large fft's and blend tests i got errors,and someone had said it was my ram but i've tried it with both my 1066mhz ram,and some 800mhz ram,and got similer results,but i'm looking into something that might be my problem.
@oceanseguin A case with great airflow is a must, as well as the best heatsink you can get, and finally a good motherboard that can support higher voltages. I think the right combonation of voltages is important. You can't crank up one too high without following up with another. The 680i allows you to OC your ram and CPU separately, which is a must to get the most out of any system.
how the hell you have AUX temp soo low??? mine goes to 90cº...all the others go only to 65cº max, my motherboard is a abit ip35 and its the q6600 B3 at 3490mhz 1.525v in bios ( 1.48v at load in reality)...my temps are good i just dont understand the AUX massive difference reading
it's funny i have a q9450 luqid cooled,4gb or 1066mhz ram,and a 680i lt motherboard,and i can't even it to be stable at 3ghz lol,i'm not saying it's the mobo,it may be my cpu,and my highest temp was 56c,so i don't know what is wrong with my rig lol.
@Ironwind1972 i thinki found the porblem,lol my cpu is a yorkfield cpu,and the 680i boards don't support yorkfield cpu's, i have a q6600 in a diff pc that i think i will throw in,do you have any advice on overclocking a q6600 on a 680i board?
i fixed my problem,my q9450 was not supported by my motherboard,but i had a pc with a q6600 in it,so i ptu it in,and i am starting to overclock it,is running the voltage at the 1.456v you cpu-z says your's is at,safe to run?
I don't understand why everybody goes from 1.28v-1.30v all the way to 1.45v? Even If you go from 3GHz to 3.7GHz. They still go to 1.45 volts even though the stock 3.7GHz version runs at 1.32v.
@trainergames It's safe, just make sure you have adequate cooling. Watch your temps closely for a while. Run Prime 95, if your temps are decent and you can run Prime95, then you're good!
@trainergames It's probably your voltages, if you are trying to overclock the ram with the CPU, then its probably your ram.
Thanks for showing your rig but could you tell us how you got there? maybe even make a video with instructions?
@Erndog2k I used a Coolmaster v6 GT, a good case is always helpful too. Take care.
@Ironwind1972 u cant multiply more then 9 :S ?
what voltages did you use to overclock it?
wow nice OC

The Witcher 3 FULL TEST 60 FPS IN 1080p/2K/4K WITH STABLE OVERCLOCK ON GTX 960-I3 4150

Sigo sufriendo por que no se que paso con origin que no aparecen mis juegos T_T creí que era un problema de server pero ya paso mucho y probé en varios ...

User Comments

Que Parche tenía el juego cuándo grabaste el video ?
Era cuando estaba nuevo ... No recuerdo q en ese momento se hubiera parchado
El juego esta en ultra? Tengo una gtx 980 y no me corre a 60fps.
reitero xD muchísima inversión =P pero es bueno q estés contento con el rendimiento q alcanzas
+MikE Del Angel intel core i74790k placa asus sabertooth z97 y fuente seasonic x-1050 watts.
XD mucha inversión no?
Me bajé el original y compre otra placa y procesador y todo va a 60fps ahora.
Ñeee hay varias opciones q baje pero laMayoría esta en ultra
hola amigo, esta es tu fuente //articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-560195935-fuente-550w-reales-cooler-master-extreme-plus-la-plata-_JM y si es, no te anda con cuello de botella????
Excelente equipo entoces
gracias porresponderme lo que pasa es que me voy a comprar esa plca y ademas tengo lo mismo de procesador y de ram y me faltaria la fuente y la placa
Esa mera es mi fuente, y la fuente no da cuello de botella ( y si fuera insuficiente mi equipo se apagaría) las fuentes no aumentan rendimiento solo cuidan q tus componentes no se estropeen
como você fez o overclock? aumentou para quanto? tenho a mesma PC que você, gostaria de ter o mesmo desempenho
+Fábio Fernandes Da Silva hare un video de AC unity explicando el overclock para la gtx 960 strix.... comparativa con y sin overclock =D solo deja terminarlo
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