Hwbot Tech Talk with Intel's Michael Moen about enthusiast and XTU
Pieter (Massman) from HwBot talk with Michael Moen from Intel about enthusiasts, new CPUs, how intel is providing performances processors and how Intel ...
The Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU) is a complete tool that lets you overclock your system, save and load profiles, compare and compete benchmark results ...
ma3jebnich n9oulha b sara7a, qualiter de son 5ayba, tari9et klemek mahech
nsi7a men 3aned 5ouk... eli isawer fik tardou :p nfadhlek, el camera
raka7ha w o93ed 9odemha wa7dek w a7ki 3ala ro7ek 7ata ki to4let wala tansa
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+Low End Pc Gamer yaatik essaha tfarajt fil video :D nchlh nhasen min video li video nchlh, thnkx for being honest ^_^
how to overclock your computer
Here's the link for Intel Extreme Tuning Utility :https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24075/Intel-Extreme-Tuning-Utility-Intel-XTU-
MSI GT780DX Overclocking
Filmik przedstawiający Overclocking MSI GT780DX Link do programu https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24075/Intel-Extreme-Tuning-Utility-Intel-XTU-
I tried 5-th and even 4-th version and none of them worked. Had to find version 3 and it worked. Spent almost 1 hour to find it because Intel cleaned whole Internet out of their older XTUs.So I really doubt that latest will work.LINK: //fichiers.touslesdrivers.com/35099/XTU-Setup.msi