ch.5 We Built This House, NOTE FACTS: Did you know that Germany told Japan to start invading all Asian countries in the Pacific just to distract America from ...
Part 1: Building my own -WORKING- elevator control panel - 1: Getting the led matrix working
Back when i was little, i always wanted to play with elevators. Nothing could be cooler than having a scale model one in my room. That never happened!
This is great, I'm looking into doing this myself and ran into this video.
I'm currently an elevator mechanic so I understand everything for the most
part - just not the programming of PLC/Microcomputers/Chips.... Is there
any tips or books/classes you recommend?
+TheDaveyExperience I recommend you to take this free online course: The next session starts in January 2015. You need to order texas launchpad and some components like LEDs, potentiometers etc (it's all described in course prerequisites section).