+Nusret Doğru evet. bos bide baska disk aldim onu etdim ama copyalama sizinki gibi diyildi yani sizde dosya diske aarya kagit gibi bene oyle etmedi sadece doldu nedenki?
Making of do DVD Ao Vivo no Morro, gravado em 2009 pelo Grupo Revelação.
Make A Best Selling CD, MP3 or DVD - on a budget
Chapter 1. Twelve rules to success in the music business Chapter 2. The New York Music Coach teaches you how to take a giant leap forward musically.
Presonus Audio Training #7 Aux Inputs/CD/MP3/DVD/Computer
Using Auxiliary inputs on the Presonus 24.4.2 Tutorial #7 Aux Inputs/CD/MP3/DVD/Computer This tutorial will walk you through how to play any sort of auxiliary ...
It's a little complicated so hopefully the following makes sense... A
subgroup allows you to combine multiple channels into a single bus so that
the overall level for the entire group is controlled by a single fader.
(ie. put all drums channels on one fader) You will find many uses for
subgroups that will make mixing more convenient and will provide better
control of your mix. Outputs are used to assign to specific speakers, ie
you have a 3-way system which rhythm in stereo and vox centered.
Hi Luis, happy to help. I downloaded the labels from someone on the
presonus forum here:
forums.presonus.com/jforum/posts/list/19463.page#137226 It's an .ai file
which means you need adobe illustrator to open and edit it. I hope this
works for you.
For some reason youtube wouldn't let me make that a link, to access the
above url, add the following at the beginning of the url: "h"t"t"p":"/"/
(no quotes, really weird that youtube won't let me post that.
Eu me chamo arão, vou fala do meu ídolo , bom, Washington Brasileiro pra
mim é o melhor forro que existe, sou teu fã cara,VC é demais , que Deus
abençoe os teus show , e tua carreira.