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50K Q&A Part 2 of 2 - Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Manchester to Linz

Part 2 of 2 of my 50K subscribers Q&A whilst making deliveries in Euro Truck! In Part 1 I left Manchester and headed over to the port at Hull to take the ferry to ...

User Comments

Do you play on the playstation 3
I wish I had A play station
+DaSquirrelsNuts what version of the game u playing
version 2
this episode squirrel explains why the red squirrels are better than the grey one 
Grey squirrels are extremely violent. Horrid things.

Euro truck simulator 2 Transporting Scud missle

Transporting Scud missle. MODS Peterbilt 379 EXHD mod by Stas556, Mishanka, Fox071rus, dmitry68, Kriechbaum, Pink Floyd and knox_xss. Military Cargo ...

User Comments

This is not a SCUD missile, this is a TOPOL-M

ETS 2 - DAF XF Euro 6 4x2 510 CV

Let´s Play Euro Truck Simulator 2 v1.15.1.1s incl.20 DLC´s DAF XF Euro 6 4x2 510 CV (EN;ES;RO) Title: Euro Truck Simulator 2 Genre: Indie, Simulation ...

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torrent link ?
da stiu , dar nu imi mai merg cele de pe filelist..nu stiu de ce.
cauta pe filellist!acolo sunt cele mai bune versiuni
Key? Please help
I used no key!

Arco DME pista 15 SBCT - B737 GOL + B767 AA + C-105 (C295) FAB

Operação sem radar em Curitiba. No procedimento, Boeing 737-700 da GOL, Boeing 767-300 da American Airlines e C-105 da FAB.

LIVE: Tensions high in The Hague after three nights of unrest

Ruptly will be live from The Hague on Wednesday, July 3, following three nights of unrest after an Aruban man died whilst in police custody on Sunday. A peace ...

User Comments

I doubt if those riot people knew the man in person. He was there to visit his family in the Nerherlands Anti racism? anti aggression? Why did they scream yews on gas? Or put a fire fluid on the agents? Why did they destroy belongings from peoplewho had nothing to do with this? So.. security from the mosque could bring those people to reason.. It is their residential..after all.
+klopte2009 Don't use corrupted individuals whom are a product of your rotten society where the victim is treated as the perpetrator and the perpetrator as the victim. And where the elderly whom have build up your country, are rotting in foster homes and are relieving themselves in diapers because nobody cares about them. Ps: Those thugs you are speaking about are indeed a menace to society, but they are not the ones who are going to the mosques.
+MRSFeeX but it have nothing to do with Islam... so sssht..
A couple of cops killed a man from Aruba during a festival in The Hague.. They lied about how he died; which was set straight by people filming the cops and putting it on social media.. Schilderswijk has always been a problem area, where clashes with the police often occur.. But, sad to see my country changed into a police state.. It's getting worse day by day..
Ik vond het al vreemd..Verkeerd begrepen dus..
+MRSFeeX Was ook niet naar jou gericht, maar +Appi Arryani , hoewel ik zie dat zijn comment weg is gehaald..
+Rogier Hop ??Nergens hoor je mij over een witte Hollanders PartyWaar heb jij het over??Maar ik heb wel mijn twijfels over vrouwen hatende culturen.Dat heeft niets met kleur te maken, maar met vrouwen die als familiebezit worden beschouwden geen recht op zelfbeschikking hebben.Maar goed.. jij moet geen dingen invullen voor anderen.zegt meer over jou..
>I think they The Dutch white party < There is no dutch white party, so what you think, on basis on what you just said, you have no clue what you're talking about.. 
+Appi Arryani >It is the Dutch who have problems with the multicultural society<  First; The actions of someone is important, not the color of their skin.. Second; It's the government that gives refugees housing and such, which leads to indifference's with the indigenous population.."Why do they get everything and don't have to work for it, while I do have to work for everything?" is the question often raised by the indigenous people.. It's a political diversion; a new voting block to undermine the existing culture.. The Black Pete discussion last year is a good example.. Aside from some guilt tripping by a small minority, the discussion of black Pete being black was never really raised, until the minority of guilt trippers raised the issue.. These are often second or third generation of refugees, who have felt oppressed by the racial tendencies my country has..Another example would be; A Dutch white kid wouldn't be arrested as quick as a Dutch brown kid.. People with color are often arrested quicker; The Schilderswijk is a prime example.. But, as I said; it's the actions of someone who define the person, not the color..    Third; The reason why refugees come here isn't because of getting a better life in this country, it's because they're fleeing from their own war torn country; or fleeing from a poverty stricken country.. Their own situation is in their country so bad, that they come here.. If the west didn't spend so much money on war, and rebuild what they broke, the world would actually be a better place.. But, I know that won't happen, it's divide and conquer, and it has been for centuries..
+Appi Arryani I do have problems with religion riotsThose who think their religion are reasons to think they are better.Brainless people who think they are God/Allah, or think they know what God/Allah wants..I think it is sick.
+klopte2009 My god, I've seen dogs smarter then you.. First of all, I'm not defending the riots, I'm just saying how it happened, that doesn't mean I agree with it.. Second of all, you're telling me I'm talking about race; >man from Aruba< is racist according to you.. Well, how DO you call someone from Aruba?  Aruban? Is that racist too? Third; by your own admission you don't live in The Netherlands, so you have no idea about what's happening in the Schilderswijk.. Last but not least; police violence is a global thing; see what's happened in the US; Ferguson, Baltimore, Washingston state etc etc..  Police violence + cover up makes an angry crowd, but you're not smart enough to understand this.. 
+Rogier Hop Still stop thinking or talking for me. Capeable of doing so without your help.And logic thinking people shouldn´t defend this street thug´s nothing less and nothing more. Islamic Thug Youth.... selling drugs, robibng innocent etc... but demand our respect. Uhu...
+veager123 Still; the cops didn't need to kill him..
+Rogier Hop The egg was dropped when he yelled he was armed causing the cops to jump him.
+klopte2009 The police killed a guy, they tried to cover up their story, but thanks to social media the cops needed to retract the story.. Our justice system is corrupt.. The ex General Secretary of Justice, Joris Demmink has been accused of pedophilia..  Politicians always said there was nothing wrong, while victims were speaking out against him.. He lost a court case involving a newspaper that published an article about his dealings with a pimp from The Hague.. >Demmink verliest rechtszaak tegen AD< //nos.nl/artikel/2009436-demmink-verliest-rechtszaak-tegen-ad.htmlEn doe nou niet alsof je geen Nederlands begrijpt.. 
+Rogier Hop What a great source Wikipedia, depends but I guess I dont have to explain you that.
+klopte2009 >Stuppid is by the way with 2 P´s that is kind of stuppid.< >I guess you are really stuppid <  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StupidYou're not the brightest bulb in the lot, are you?  That dude was beaten to DEATH by the police!! Police are there to serve and protect, not to shoot and kill.. This is what happens when you bike the wrong way in Amsterdam..//www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/2148891/e1c647fd/aanhouding_centraal_station_amsterdam.html
+Rogier Hop I guess you are really stuppid, where I said the cops are right to kill a person? No where. This riots have nothing to do with that. Even the family of Mitch asking you guys to stop protesting and abussing his death for rioting. I bet you have a problem reading in Dutch and so in English right? Then Google translate it, before accusing me of anything or how I think to think that for me.
+klopte2009 So according to you, the cops were right to beat a man to death? Is that what you're saying? You need to get your priorities straight..
+Rogier Hop sure... keep dreaming and defending this bad behavior. Until they destroy your mothers house like they they did here destroying innocents people their property because they are against violence. This have nothing to do with Rishi or Mitch this is Islamic propaganda why they are shouting "CANCER JEWS" just because referearing to cops why in this country it is forbidden? Stop closing your eyes and defend this criminals robbing, steeling, destroying properties of innocent people just admit they are wrong. With your lame excuses.
+klopte2009 There's something called cause and effect.. If you drop an egg to the ground, it'll break.. A very simple example.. Now; if cops kill someone,and nothing is done against the cops (as is the case of Rishi) what do you think the effect will be? There's an underlying current you are ignoring.. Problems have been around in the Schilderswijk for about a decade.. These riots could've been prevented if the cops would've just arrested the Aruban guy without assulting him to death.. My country is a police state, and it's sad to see that..  Mayor van Aartsen has no problems when it comes to recruiting isis members, but when there's a demonstration like ''break the system'', a whole army of cops stand in the way.. 
+Rogier Hop Woon niet in Nederland, waarom ga je daarvan uit? Familie distancieert zich van deze demonstraten en zegt dat het hier niks mee te maken heeft. Heeft alles met Islam te maken of ga je nu ook zeggen dat de lokale moksee er niks mee te maken heeft?
+Rogier Hop You are defending this idiots and I am the one that is stuppid, no that makes sense! Stuppid is by the way with 2 P´s that is kind of stuppid.
>Demonstratie tegen politie om dood Arubaanse man loopt uit de hand< //www.trouw.nl/tr/nl/4492/Nederland/article/detail/4090986/2015/06/29/Demonstratie-tegen-politie-om-dood-Arubaanse-man-loopt-uit-de-hand.dhtmlBeetje teveel last van de hitte?
+klopte2009 >"man from Aruba "<; Well, it was a male, from Aruba, that died at the hands of the police..  Is that too hard to follow for you? The demonstrations about the man's death went out of hand.. As I've said before; the family distanced itself from the violence.. And as I've said before, there are other accounts of police violence, as is the case of Rishi, which cause these clashes.. You're just looking for an excuse to say something stupid..
+Rogier Hop " man from Aruba " there you starting making it about a man from Aruba, that have nothing to do with this riots. What do you think Einstein? It will nothing work putting your racist agenda as an excuse to destroy our country that is what is happening here. The family put distance from this "Islamic" youth and don´t come they are not "Islamic" or I want to be it about "Islam" why then the local mosque send 100 people to calm their people down. Strange right if they where christians the mosque try to help and educate them to calm them.
+klopte2009 Can you show me where I started about race? What do you mean by  ; >Doesn´t work this way in the Netherlands and it shall never work that way you are wanting it too happen.< I'm condemning police violence, nothing more, nothing less..
+ComradeAgopian The people in the Schilderswijk have a reason to be weary about the policing there..  Here's an article; >Oud-agenten: Haagse politie gebruikt buitensporig geweld tegen allochtonen<  //www.omroepwest.nl/nieuws/16-10-2013/oud-agenten-haagse-politie-gebruikt-buitensporig-geweld-tegen-allochtonen
+ComradeAgopian no he is not, but muslims have to protest for him.
+klopte2009 It's not about racism, it's about the ever growing police violence in this country, and that cops get away with it, as I've shown with Rishi.. +G.ten Brink The problems in Schilderswijk have been there for a long time.. The death and subsequent cover up of the guy from Aruba was what made the public in Schilderswijk angry.. 
+G. ten Brink  , Man killed by police , is Muslim ?
+Rogier Hop And? no right to riot. No right to blaim it on racism. And what is your point? Doesn´t work this way in the Netherlands and it shall never work that way you are wanting it too happen.
+klopte2009 The cops initially lied about how that Aruban guy died; on the way to the hospital;  it came out on social media that their story didn't fit the bill..  The guy was already dead and put in a police van according to what was filmed on that day.. Now, tell me where I'm wrong.. 
+klopte2009 I didn't regard any race in my comment.. The man from Aruba was killed by cops, but this is just one example of extreme police violence..  The anger in the crowd is fumed by other occurances; like the death of Rishi.. //nos.nl/artikel/590046-geen-straf-agent-voor-dood-rishi.html ; >Geen straf agent voor dood Rishi<> No punishment for cop for death of Rishi< I'm not lying about anything; the family of that Aruban guy distanced themselves from these riots and any other forms of violence.. 
+Rogier Hop you are lieing about this thing the family says it have nothing to do with race and disagreeing this riots the family of the death an from Aruba.

ATR 42-300 Melilla Airlines en aeropuerto de San Sebastián (LESO)

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Euro Truck Simulator 2 Episode 18 A380 ENGINES PART 2 DISASTER

hello again guys another episode of euro truck simulator 2 with lewis92 here are the mods that I have installed on my ets 2: blue Scania mod AUTHOR: teddy ...
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