//www.amazon.com/How-Overcome-Shyness-Work-ebook/dp/B006ZMCGYK/ How to overcome shyness at work by discovering new ways of interacting with ...
How to Overcome Shyness - Working in Information Technology
This is question that was asked to me. How do you overcome shyness? Specifically being in Information Technology what did I do and what can I teach you?
The most important thing you can do as a 17-18 year old is get a part time
job. Work at least three times a week...benefits are :
=>Better time management (you have to figure out how to do your
homework+hangout with friends+go to school and get to your job).
=>Understanding basic economics : things like money transaction + price
margins+ .....
=>Developing empathy and social intelligence: (you'll be able to just based
on someone facial expression find out what they are up to...what will they
=>Customer service / management : how to handle that pissed off customer,
how to handle that passive aggressive customer, what to do with someone who
is a regular (retention)
=>Business hierarchy - becoming someone’s supervisor for example..what are
the do's and don'ts
=> Developing that "this is personal" "this is business" sixth sense :)
Just remember this, the people you are helping think you are a magician.
You are some mystical creature that possesses strong witchcraft, so let
that help build your confidence.
+ChicagolandGeeks True story. It's also the best when you walk into a place and the issue that was of so much importance now magically works because you stepped foot in the room.
Not certain about the points made but ,if anyone else trying to find out
exercises to overcome shyness try Skyarza Stop Shyness Star ( search on
google ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my co-worker got
great results with it.
hey ,if anyone else needs to find out about best ways to overcome shyness
try Renkarter Stop Shyness Report (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some
amazing things about it and my brother in law got cool results with it.
I\'m not sure but ,if anyone else trying to find out try Renkarter Stop
Shyness Report (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary
things about it and my m8 got great success with it.
My second entry for the 2010 EarthBound Fanfest! A Tenda (being shy by nature) finds himself needing to overcome his shyness when a traveling visitor needs ...
Wonder what's ardwick is doing... it's been years since he made another
animation on youtube... well I bet he graduated college. Maybe that's why
he's so inactive on youtube...
+John Wilkerson hey ,if anyone else wants to discover best ways to overcome shyness try Moorack Stop Shyness Miracle (just google it ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my neighbor got excellent results with it.
I'm not sure but ,if anyone else needs to find out about try Alkarno
Shyness Alchemist (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some amazing things
about it and my cousin got great success with it.
+gala hello your video is good for watching.shyness and anxiety is a common problem.We can solve it easly by trying to Conversation with others Self Esteem and also find more ways from google.Renkarter anxiety method report is an example.In Renkarter anxiety method you will get more idea about how to overcome social anxiety and shyness
hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to uncover how to cure shyness naturally try Alkarno Shyness Alchemist ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my buddy got amazing success with it.