Detroit pension fund news Videos

Law & Crime News - Detroit, Supreme Court, Andrew Cuomo, Christine Lagarde

Two Detroit pension fund officials indicted DETROIT (Reuters) - Two former Detroit city officials were indicted on corruption charges on Wednesday, a week after ...

Pension Funds Will be STOLEN to Pay Government Deficit as Debt Rises!

Look Inside My Book!: // ******************************************************************** My Free eBooks: FLUORIDE: ...

User Comments
Who were the thumbs down people? Do you listen and learn or ignore your future under your new regime?
+See Canon This is a terrible video. The real question is who gave all the thumbs up for a confusing, scattered video that explains nothing. What proof or details does the video maker have that "pensions funds will be stolen to pay government deficits"? As I see it; he has nothing to back up this claim, so he suggests it early in the video and then goes on dozens of unrelated tangents that say next to nothing. He's simply trying to get views and trying to scare people; "retirement plan" is canned beans, ammo, silver, cash. Social Security is fucked and so is my 401k
+See Canon Hang in there. Its a good move to get out of your 401K and pay down your mortgage. If you have the land, I would recommend  raising chickens or rabbits as a means to grow protein as well as having your garden. Also, if you live in a moderate climate zone, I strongly recommend planting a moringa tree. They grow like a weed, and the leaves are edible, but more importantly, the leaves make great animal fodder supplement.
+The Wise One abortions i am guessing...the coat hangers
+BOB FRYE Tampons are good for the bullet holes; they suck up the blood. What are the coat hangers for? The best barter item is alcohol, hard liquor and lots of it, and you can drink it yourself if you can't take it. I intend on being drunk throughout the entire thing because I'm a big pussy.
+BOB FRYE Tampons are good for the bullet holes; they suck up the blood. What are the coat hangers for? The best barter item is alcohol, hard liquor and lots of it, and you can drink it yourself if you can't take it. I intend on being drunk throughout the entire thing because I'm a big pussy.
+BOB FRYE LOL! nasty ass shit! Tampons and coat hangers... oh man :)
+See CanonBasically, yes.  If you have paid for property, save it.
We are being laid off along with our 401k. Turning it in and paying on the house. Taking the severance paying off the cremations and buying a new mattress. Putting in a bigger garden with a few supplies. Got the Berkey. Gonna get the SS for a while until they find me mummified on my new mattress. Saving for retirement is a lie. Higher taxes and new ways of getting your money.
For Barter items:Tampons and coat hangers.
+Dogger8095And tampons.
+Brendon Bookman Regardless of having water or not, TP will be a great barter item in the not-too-distant future.
Hoard toilet paper too, assuming the water is runningYou can have all different levels of cooperation, but there is only onelevel of no cooperation.
Me too.Sept/Oct SHTF moment, anyway.

Retirees speak on Teamsters pension cuts in Detroit

On Monday, up to 1000 retired truck drivers, delivery workers and package handlers attended a hearing on the plans to slash the pension benefits of 270000 ...

NFL Star Calvin Johnson Announces Retirement

Calvin Johnson, the Detroit Lions' all-time leading receiver, has confirmed his retirement from professional football. Johnson, who leaves the NFL at the age of ...

Two charged in connection with Detroit pension funds

Two charged in connection with Detroit pension funds.

Chicago pension funds worse than Detroit

Here is a fact that most people would never believe. It is Chicago, not Detroit, that has the most underfunded pensions in the United States. The Illinois ...

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