Detroit radio news rumors Videos

Brame & Hamo - Parish Rumors [played by Detroit Swindle]

Taken from DanceTrippin Episode 389 - Detroit Swindle @ Loveland van Oranje Festival, Kingsday (Amsterdam) Watch full length episode ...

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I need to move to amsterdam. America sucks.
+Harold “Dominicanbulk” Tavarez facts lol.
something about this video makes me veryyyy happy lol
+MRjesseNL I don't need that shit to feel good lol

Detroit Radio Handles Khia Hatin Ass

// Khia and FM 98 WJLB's Cheron Battle it out Rapper Khia went on Detroit's FM 98 WJLB this morning and got her ass handed to her by ...

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She started out being rude to khia and khia stayed respectful the hole time while still putting her in her place while still staying on track talking about her music.
khia's a FUCK HEAD!
Never thought I'd ever be on Khias side but that DJ was rude as hell and messy as hell. Not even Wendy Williams on her messiest days was that bad. Khia handled her well tho. Much props to her.
khia is nasty, any black women who likes this piece of shit needs her head testing for large amounts of CRACK!! I Cant get with this hood rat street thug nasty behavior in any way shape or form. she likes to diss other black females like crazy!! and has no respect for anyone. she really is NAsty.
um, I thought Cheron handled her, sounds like Cheron got handled.
Lol right
Khia seems intelligent. Not sure why she carries herself the way she does.
+MrMitchell12996 i feel the same way about plies then i realize it's all a hustle.
That was very unprofessional of the host. 1st off, the listeners didn't know she was late! 2nd, Khia don't have to answer to the host. 3rd, The host made herself look bad! That's not your radio station to treat anyone in this manner! That was a hood ass interview coming from the host!
+Kitten Robins what did you really expect?
Cheron was tight for no reason! If this were anybody else, it wouldn't have been a big deal. You could tell. I wish a bitch would ask me why im late like a mother scolds her child.
+Brice Vanderwoodsan In a radio interview at least. :)!
+Brice Vanderwoodsan In a radio interview at least. :)!
Right. You don't ask GROWN ppl why they're late

Jason Momoa on the rumors of opening a Detroit brewery

Jason Momoa and Martin Henderson talk about the upcoming second season of the action thriller 'The Red Road'. The season premiers Thursday, April 2 at 10 ...

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Jason Momoa is too hot I'm so happy he loves my hometown Detroit! I hope he does open a Brewery here! I would go just to see him!
Jason is happy wearing clothes, but we women are not so much...



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That moment when you see one direction and 5sos in the article
But this thing is so fake I couldn't stop laughing
hey, fine demonstration of kicking ass and taking names. Nice to see your view count appropriating itself too. Keep rocking
+cicatrixta thanks a lot! just want you to know, i appreciate your continued support. i know you have been watching for a while now. thats awesome.
I take my previous comment back, THIS was my favorite video. Only because of the statement, "If there is a purge it needs to start with these guys." LOL!! Again, keep up the good work man.
+dragsterfan420 will do! thanks!
Keep up your good work,you're doing all you can!!!I dread to think about what's going to happen!!! Help!!!!!!
+Marilyn Cudworth thanks for the support!
I live 20 min from Louisville and Saturday when the had this "purge" only 2 people were killed which is about average for the Ville on a Saturn's day night lol. So needless to say it was pretty much all hype but it could've even been a beta run for these upcoming purges in the biggest cities. I guess we'll find out but my gut tells these ones could b for real nd lead to something nasty with martial law. Louisville police said they were taking the threats very seriously and had shutdown local events and closed off many roads in downtown for this in riot gear. And the "police scanners" were reporting all kinds of crazy fake shit like they were trying to scare the hell out of people, a big PsyOp in my opinion! But thanks for your work Tony and keep it up my friend! Stay safe!
+Hank Michael you stay safe too friend, thanks for the support
#louisvillepolicescanner was top trend on Twitter Friday night and the epicenter of the first purge. Fearful teens turned it into a joke though... but I listened as did +Minister Paul (he owned a security co for 22yrs, knows the lingo and did a vid on this). We heard of one guy being shot six times and dying. There were over 88k on the scanner at one point listening. A lot of real reports of "purge" activity, but were they fake calls? It WAS really scary and I am concerned one of these upcoming cities is going to really get purged.
+lis lark yea i cant tell whats going on with this. its completely mixed right now. i just hope it really doesnt happen. thank you for the support.
Shit man. Bay area here. Gonna keep my eye open.
Will do man. Eyes always open!
+Lumarious B please let us know if you hear or see anything. be safe, thanks!
still can't wait for those town hall videos!! i hope they go viral. if you can, two cameras would be better than one (one for their reactions, and one on you). good audio is paramount too by the way. just some things i thought while you were talking. later man. take it easy.
+Firstname Lastname i just hope i can get a camera in there period. thanks for the support.

T.I. Addresses everyone who thinks he's iggy azaleas' GHOST WRITER

Does Iggy write her own rhymes? That's the million- dollar question that everyone wants to know, especially after Nicki Minaj seemed to imply that Iggy doesn't ...

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TI need his ass kicked for co-signing ziggy garbage ass. He a snitch ass sambo anyway. Plus she is definitely writing her own rhymes cause they weak ass hell.
Exactly if you say you write your own lyrics at least make them good
Igyy worked very hard to get where she is today, no doubt. She loved rap at age 14 and learned by heart all the lyrics to her favorite rappers. At 16 by herself went to florida with little money to get into the rap game and to get into a music engineering school but couldn't since she didn't graduate High school at the time. . She networked and ended up in Atlanta where she networked and spent a lot of time in music studious learning rap and being influenced from others thereby perfecting her Atlanta accent to make it more real and to pay respect and homage to the hip hop culture thinking she would be appreciated more, little did she know the haters would pounce on her. She has her ups and downs and eventually had label contracts. She is a perfectionist with all her music and videos and writes her own lyrics. Iggy wrote deep lyrics but professionals told her that deep lyrics dont sell where she should "stupefy" her lyrics. She tried an experiment. She wrote two songs with videos, one was with very deep lyrics and the other was simple but sexual.. The sexual simple lyrics by far was more popular. She decided to write more simple lyrics. She is a workaholic so she didn't get successful over night. From age 16 to 24 she busted her a ss off to get to where she is today. Even with all the hate tossed at her she is concentrating on success. She is not a Hip Hop purist as she admits where she doesnt follow any rules. She experiments with sounds, content, beats and young new artists for hooks. She mixes hip hop with pop, electric and even reggie on one song with Movado. .She does not cast shade on others and supports other rappers including black males and females. She is not a hater. She is friendly and makes friends easily that is part of the reason for her popularity. She is real and doesnt make false claims in her music. She isn't a poser like many gangsta rappers that haven't held a gun in their hands, spent time in jail, beat down on their b itches or shoot at cops. People forget those in the rap game are entertainers, its show business where they are in it for the money and not to create world peace or win a Nobel peace prize. Just enjoy the music and if you dont like the music get a steppin and find someone else you like. No need to go out of your way to create hate and negativity for someone trying to make a living. People forget Iggy is bringing more people to listen to and like rap where other artists, black artists will benefit from the new audience she is bringing to the table.
+Stephen Berson  Come on you really believe that lie, and you left out her modeling and pop music your lost, come on man wake up
+Yo Metubewrx No, she was poor, she cleaned hotel rooms with her mother to make money. Eventually her mother got her a free ticket to Miami because her father or a relative worked for the airlines. Once in Miami she hooked up with some guys practiced rap then she moved to Atlanta where she made friends in the hip hop game and hooked up with TI's sister Precious. She learned how to rap Atlanta style and learned Twerking. Iggy started making money with TI and when her record and video Fancy came out. Fact is its all true but you dont have to believe it if you dont want to.
Stephen B I don't believe that bull shit ass lie of how she came to America at 16 GTFOH, you forgot her being a model and pop singer, she's a rich girl who decided she wanted to do rap and her family made it happen
ugh....iggy matter how hard she worked, she still didn't give up 1/4 as much as Nicki. she gets butthurt over social media. basic ass white girl
+Yo Metubewrx Iggy said she had to write for the european market meaning more of a pop sound. The song she was referring to was Bounce made in India. her content was written by her. She heard that beat from before, katy Perry wrote that song and Iggy was the hook rapper but nothing was done with the song. She got permission to change the song entirely with her own lyrics and she became the primary rapper and changed the lyrics herself. IGGY IS NOT TOLD TO WRITE LYRICS// SHE WRITES WHAT SHE WANTS TO WRITE ABOUT. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD.Here is a tip for you, you dont like Iggy Azalea's music, DONT LISTEN TO HER MUSIC AND DONT TAKE OUT YOUR FRUSTRATION ON IGGY AZALEA BECAUSE HIP HOP HAS CHANGED INTO SOMETHING YOU DONT LIKE. Go listen to all black Motown. Spend your time listening to music you like and stop spending time bit ching about Iggy Azalea, its not normal,
+stephen b rac·ismnoun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also ˌshi\: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race: the belief that some races of people are better than others.    All said is she is fake and whole shit is a lie , when did I say no other races in hip hop at all, and that's what I really really hate about hip hop of today it all about being fake, fucking bitches, killing niggas, I got these shoe, this car, live in this house. Me and lots people I know, been hating this new shit since the 90's. What happen to hip hop is that people with money who hated  it at first, but now still hate  hip hop but knew the money they could and make from it, took over. No hip hop artist of today don't writes what they really want, they write what they are told to write, even Iggy said that in one of her interviews. Now I just said the shit about the hood shit because, like I said most rapper come from these places that all, you can get all butt hurt because you love so much. Most people who really know her from when she came here, have a different story they called her the white superhead, yeah she work really really hard good job, your great, good luck. XXL doesn't determine who great in hip hop many I say many black rapper have been on that cover to and had a short lived life in hip hop, so stop crying about ("She was put on the cover of XXL Freshamn which is a Hip Hop magazine") LMAO wow XXL is hip hop didn't know even I over 40 different copy from past to present thanks for that info, now I can be a real hip hop fan too. Still understand how I'm because I don't like Iggy, but I love 3rd Bass, beastie boys, and even liked Eminem at first until I heard his song foolish pride.
+Yo Metubewrx You are hung up on hip hop belonging to the black man and dont want any white girl stealing your culture. doesnt matter how good she is. You are going to say she is fake and not real. You dont believe the truth because you dont want to believe the truth. you are in fact a racist I dont care if your wife is white. Look up what a racist is. If you are a hip hop purist then go listen to oldies from the 1970's where the message was to educate the world of the black struggle. Hip hop today is to make big money where the message is gangsta by posers that dont live in the hood, never held a gun and who dont beat down on their bit chess. Hip Hop is a business, Show Business where what you hear and see isn't "keeping it real' they wear costumes and talk the gangsta rap when they are full of s hit. You cant possess an art form. Blues, Jazz, scat, country, hip hop and opera are performed by all colors, all nationalities, with different accents and languages. There are no rules to be followed Even in hip hop since most of these hip hop artists are putting on an act.  People that like rap could be any color from any country. They can become rappers in japanese, chinese, puerto rican, cuban or Australian and there is nothing you can do about it so dont lose sleep over it. Hip Hop is changing with different face colors, different content in the raps, different beats, different sounds, electronics, etc. You are a dinosaur so you better get on the new hip hop train because its leaving and going to the next stop without you. Whites and women are in hop hop. Football, basketball and baseball once was all white. Does that mean blacks shouldn't be playing? You want to go back to ALL white bathrooms, all white restaurants, sitting in the back of the bus. Hip Hop is not yours. It belongs to the world to enjoy and participate in. You can say Iggy is showing respect to the culture by using a southern accent to keep it real. She actually mimicked her favorite southern rappers when she was 14 in Australia. In Atlanta she studied with southern rappers for two years where she perfected her accent and took up twerking. Doesnt matter if you like her or not because she is doing very well. IShe was put on the cover of XXL Freshamn which is a Hip Hop magazine which is very strict who they put on their cover so she is most definitely a Hip Hop artist despite your racist attitude. many hip Hop professionals accept her as truly Hop Hop that has crossed over to pop. Just a handful of racists and jealous individuals area b itching.
+Yo Metubewrx  You say a real hip hop artist has been rapping for years. There is no such criteria to be a "real" hip Hop artist. You made that up yourself. Iggy was practicing hip hip at 14. READ HER BIOGRAPHY AND LISTEN TO HER INTERVIEWS. She got to Florida at 16 rapping. She is 24 today. Whats the matter 10 years isn't enough for a black racist like you. You dont know anything about music. You listed a bunch of names that co wrote her songs. THAT INCLUDES WRITING THE MUSIC BY SOME, THE BEATS BY SOME, THE HOOK LYRICS BY SOME (LOOK UP HOOK IF YOU DONT KNOW) AND LYRICS FOR THE RAP PARTS WHICH WERE WRITTEN BY IGGY HERSELF.
+stephen bOh and P.S. my first wife was white, and not one of those white girls who act black, she dress white, talked white, dance white, no hood slang at, had a Masters Degree, so yeah I'm very Racist Yeah
+stephen b When I first heard Fancy I was like nice, but then when I learned about her back ground, I'm was what ever, a fucking lie. I bought many black rappers CD and have broke them or right out the window of my car, this hip hop one day your here next your gone and that base on what people who listen to hip hop like, so get over people talking shit about her.
+stephen bTheirs a lot of black actors from England who play black hood role, now how is that because they study the accent and can turn it off and on that's acting, so it's safe to say she is acting too.
+stephen bBefore I was 17 I knew 21 people who was killed, plus two uncle's, two aunt's and my cousin. Hearing gun shot was nothing, drug dealers around the corner, drug dealers over in the projects and also lots gang bangin, someone I knew was shot in the head and burned in the alley behind my grandmother house,I also saw an older friend who just got out, from a 9 year prison sentence when I was in the 8th grade, in the back of an ambulance with bullet hole in his forehead , my best friend killed a man in a robbery and got life with parole. So yeah for you and where come from its just music but some of lived it because that's the way it is. Iggy using a hood accent is fake in every way, because if she's been in all these hoods and only around black people, she would not still be talking in a Austrian accent come on be for real.
+stephen bAnd yes most rapper saying their drug dealers, killers, gangsta and shit are not, but most still come the Hoods and saw that shit every day from friends, family, and just people who lived around them, so they rap about where and how they came up, some not true, but go to these areas and see for yourself , and see what most rappers are talking about, it real maybe not by them, but it's real for other MF"s who lived and still live in these Hoods.
+stephen bHow I'm I racist who am I holding back, and not offering a chance to have a good life and  not to make money who.
+stephen bI don't believe that bull shit of her coming to America at 16 by herself it's a fucking lie, that lie was to make her look like she struggled and made it big, and also to give her street credit, that's fake ass fuck even if she was black. You know how black rappers fell off for being fake. If people see fake they call it out. You taking up her like you owe her your life or something. It's 2014 and people can talk as much shit about her if they want, all rapper are talked about. If you really know Tupac you would know, he said on one of  his song, that he fuck Biggie wife at time Faith Evans, and Biggie talked shit back. If she can't take heat she need's to get the fuck on then. Racist LMAO I was just explaining what I know and saw, and with 15 years in military saw the same shit from lots of my white friends and co workers.
+stephen bWhen did Katy Perry become Hip Hop because she even wrote on one of Iggy's songs now that hard core.
+stephen b Songs from Iggy,  hopefully this is proof for you, a real rapper that has been rapping for years and not some pretty Girl they can push on us with a big booty, writes there own song, real rapper write there own shit, now in R&B it's ok but not in Rap, or Hip Hop.   website I found this on //                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1. (Eight people co wrote this song)                                                                      Acting Like That feat. Jennifer Lopez:James Smith / Jennifer Lopez / Mark Pitts / Kristina Stephens / Amethyst Kelly / Leon Youngblood / Terence Coles / Yoni Ayal                                                                      2. (six people co wrote this song)                                                                      Black Widow feat. Rita Ora:Mikkel Storleer Eriksen / Katy Perry / Benjamin Levin / Tor Erik Hermansen / Sarah Hudson / Amethyst Kelly                       3. (eight people co wrote this song)                                                                                                                                             Bounce:Mike DiScala / Mark Hadfield / Mark Orabiyi / Natalie Sims / Jochem George Paap / Oladayo Olatunji / Amethyst Kelly                                                                        4. (seven people co wrote this)                 Change Your Life feat. T.I.:Adam Messinger / Nasri Atweh / Natalie Sims / Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. / Amethyst Kelly / Lovy Longomba / Raja Kumari5.(seven people plus Iggy co wrote this song)                                                                       Fancy feat. Charli XCX:Jason Pebworth / Jon Shave / George Astasio / Jon Mills / Charli XCX / Kurtis McKenzie / Joey Dyer / Iggy Azalea6. (four people co wrote this song)                 No Mediocre feat. T.I.:Dijon McFarlane / Clifford Harris, Jr. / Amethyst Kelly / Mikely Adam7. (two people plus Iggy co wrote this song) Problem feat. Ariana Grande:Max Martin / Savan Kotecha / Iggy Azalea8. (three people plus Iggy wrote this song)    Work:Natalie Sims / The Invisible Men / Iggy Azalea / Trocon Markous Roberts                    9. ( T.I. plus Iggy co wrote this song)                100:                                                                        T.I./ Iggy Azalea
+stephen bI said most dick head
+Yo Metubewrx I dont think you cant generalize. I think you are a bit racist. By the way, you are full of shit YO. Why you deliberately lie by stating Iggy doesnt write her own lyrics. That pisses me off. You are saying things that are false to defend your racist views. Iggy writes her own shit. Yes, some white people dont like rap. Some dont like black rappers. Some like black rappers, Some like black and white rappers. You cant say all whites dont like black rappers. THIS IS A RACIST STATEMENT.
+stephen bOk I see where your coming, hey you like Rap cool, it it was it is, white rappers get more famous because of race, but those same fans are racist because most of them don't like black rappers, just someone who looks like them cool.
+Yo Metubewrx That may be true so what is your point? You may have some racists up there or you may have guys that dont like gangsta rap or really bad black rappers. A lot of people just dont like rap. There is a very small community that like rap compared to other music.. I for example dont like rap unless there is a beat I can get into. Tupac had some good songs.They might like Iggy for some other reasons. Country western lovers are pretty closed minded so they probably like her for her looks. I found Iggy on a video on the internet. I became more interested in rap. I discovered TI who I wasn't aware of before. Also I found Nikki Minaj and Missy Elliot because of Iggy interviews. I find their style interesting. No doubt anyone interested in Iggy will discover black rappers. No guarantee they will like them but without Iggy they will never have discovered black rappers.
+stephen bI have iTunes with 15,133 songs on it, a iPhone, and a blue tooth speaker, so I am good, was just making a point that the same white ppl who like Iggy, are not fans of most black rappers point blank, so for bringing more fan for black rappers is not true.
+Yo Metubewrx Hard to understand what you are saying but i like iggy and Tupac and some others depending on the song. I prefer Motown which is all black so it isn't a white or black thing with me, its the music. I suggest you buy a, iPod so you can listen to any black music you want.
I'm up here in North Dakota working in the Oil Fields with lots of white people,  from Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Oregon, Minnesota, Washington, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Michigan and many other mostly white states in there white towns and cities, when they hear any black rapper they don't like and say something, we listen nothing but Country or Rock all day, let some put Rap or even R&B  on the shop stereo, and they be like no one wants to listen to that must, some still try to tell me Hip Hop is not music to them still, ever heard that the fan that like Iggy don't like most black rapper and will or would not buy black rappers music , so that dream is not real, good luck.
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