Detroit newspaper phone number Videos

Newsmen on phone, on typewriter as MPs on duty at door of a press room in Detroit...HD Stock Footage

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Livonia porch thief caught on camera

Livonia porch thief caught on camera ◂ WXYZ 7 Action News is metro Detroit's leading source for breaking news, weather warnings, award-winning ...

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That guy was stealing everything in his way, even that $3 garden decoration.

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UAW officials grab cell phone, forcibly eject WSWS reporters from press conference

On Wednesday morning, UAW officials from Local 600 in Dearborn, Michigan physically ejected two WSWS Autoworker Newsletter reporters from a press ...

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Wow, how "democratic" of the UAW! How embracing of freedom of the press. Worst of all, they are a bunch of cowards for not wanting to face tough questions about why they're debilitating their membership with this lousy contract push. Disgraceful.
+Adam Cortright Lobbyist's control the Unions that's why the Lobbyist's need to get out politics and let the unions be.
great job brothers. if you come to my house and i ask you to leave. LEAVE! love my uaw!
+cheryl Eakins I think the whole point is that the UAW had called a "Press Conference"-the WSWS is the most widely read socialist website internationally. You may not agree with the political perspective of the WSWS (that is if you have actually taken the time to read the website) and that is your right, however advocating against Freedom of the Press, puts you in the camp of supporting a fascist dictatorship.I may not agree with your views or that of the rags such as the Wall Street Journal but I would defend the right for YOU and others to Freedom of Speech.Basic democratic rights are being stripped away by the ruling classes internationally and must be defended unless of course you would be happy with your children being interned in work camps!
this is an anti union group of course they weren't allowed to attend. man people are dumb
+Zach Lamanna the WSWS seeks to expose to workers that unions are no longer organisations that represent the interest of the workers. over the past 10-20 yrs unions have degenerated into organisations that are dominated by a bureaucracy whose own personal privileged positions are tied by a thousand strings to the corporations. Nowadays the unions themselves are anti working class and they function as the industrial policeman for the rich. betrayal after betrayal, sell out after sellout, telling the workers their is nothing they can do but accept the current (and worsening) conditions, assisting the bosses with speed ups, 'economic savings' and orderly shut downs all while they gladly accept our union dues and earn big $ themselves. if you are still under the illusion that the unions-not just in America but internationally- give a damn about the workers they are suppose to represent i suggest you have a look at the WSWS website where on any given day you can see articles and interviews with workers from around the world who are experiencing these won't find these reports in the pages of the Wall Street Journal or on Fox NewsOnly the WSWS gives a voice to workers internationally and seeks to unite us as class brothers and sisters internationally. What I have learnt from reading the WSWS is that the American working class has an amazing history of principled and courageous struggle.So of course the UAW bureaucrats are hostile to the WSWS-they are trembling in their boots and rightly so. workers are waking up!
+Zach Lamanna I call bullshit on you. The UAW "union" is a business that allows capitalist publications but not any that oppose the union bureaucracy's attacks on the auto workforce i.e. the WSWS!
+Zach Lamanna Yeah, if I was a little, fat, bald lackey of the bourgeois I would be angry as well!
"Anti-union"? What kinds of fools say this. More like the people who say this are not workers, are company hirelings and want to impose permanent capitalist wage slavery misery on the workforce, i.e. the sending back of workers to the 1920s and worse. Some "union" more like a corporate business which needs to be overthrown and replaced by rank-and-file action committees fighting for the nationalization of the auto industry, fighting for Socialism.
Yea, that's pretty much what the wsws is pushing for. They are not anti union, duh. They just believe the uaw no longer is serving its memberships best interests and would like to see then replaced with rank and file members.
Great job uaw, keep this anti union group out. Call tmobile, lol..
+Marc View If your union embarrasses you and the best defense for it you can mount is "lol," maybe you should take the WSWS seriously when it suggests that you get rid of it and build a real organization of struggle to get the wages, health care, and living standards you deserve.
Lol.. really, lol
+Marc View If you're on the side of thugs who steal cell phones and bar reporters from press conferences, you should be embarrassed.

1 mom + 14 kids + 14 dads = Internet hoax

Karena Bennett, a 22-year-old waitress who considers herself shy and private, was working a routine morning shift at a small-town restaurant when she got a ...

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Nice video! if u can check my channel and new video that ll be great btw keep it up subbed :)

Suspect shoots at police with AK-47

Police are searching for the suspect who shot at police with an AK-47. ◂ WXYZ 7 Action News is metro Detroit's leading source for breaking news, weather ...

Ukraine crisis Leaked phone call embarrasses US

For More Worldwide Breaking News: SUBSCRIBE:// TAGS: abc news,alternative news,bbc ...

100 cancer cases caused by Mobile Phone Masts ? Part 2

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