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Canisius college winter service week Videos

Public NFTA meetings set for this week

Here's your chance to tell the NFTA what you think of plans to cut bus and train service in Buffalo.

See, Amid the Winter's Snow (St Thomas New York Choristers)

Sung by the choristers of Saint Thomas Church, New York City. Directed by John Scott See, Amid the Winter's Snow ▻▻ Carols from King's ...

User Comments

These boys get very close to British perfection.Set in one of Americas wonderful Catherdrals.
which is the very well best said? how so is it said? may as well sing!
i love their English accents
Beautiful!! Well done.

Army of One, Ep. 5: Fal w/ Iron Sights and Lodestar. Final: 48-4

Nice gameplay of the Fal without any sights. I still manage to get a lodestar plus 3 sentries. Enjoy and please subscribe. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Polo ...

User Comments

that's right :D
Thank you.

"Let There Be Light " - A Centerville Tradition Christmas Concert 2015

"Let There Be Light" - A Centerville Tradition Christmas Concert 2015 THE CHRISTMAS HYMN by A. Grant/ M.W. Smith performed by The CPC Centerian Choir ...

GSD Technical Department ALS Ice bucket Challenge

GSD's Technical Department accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and nominate GSD's Sales and Marketing Department. Donate on www.alsa.org.
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