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Edinburgh university free speech Videos

BBC3 Free Speech

Dr. Ranj on BBC3 Free Speech at the Edinburgh Fringe.

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Dr. Ranj: "It has never been harder to be a young person." Me: Mmmkayy...

BBC Free Speech @ University of Westminster

Rick Edwards & Tina Daheley pop by Regents Campus to host a special pilot episode of their BBC 3 show Freedom of Speech.

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this lady setting in the middle has no respect for the other opinions she's laughing and making fun of other people's opinions this is absolutely irreparable 

FreeSpeech: Do families need fathers? (27Mar13)

Do families need fathers? Only lefties and weirdos claim they don't. This is a requested clip by: @MrHarryCole on Twitter and many others also on Twitter.

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"The idea that a family need two parents is outdated." - What the fuck is this world coming to? Seriously.
And every point that Jasmin made could be said about mothers too. So where do we go from here? See the stupidity and blatant patronising sexism in this question?
Can you imagine them asking do we need mothers?
A suggestion like that wouldn't even leave the chalkboards since you would have raging feminist left, right and center coming at you for that my friend lol.
Why are we not asking, "Do we need mothers?' What kind of question is this? Do we need fathers. Really? That is a bloody ridiculous question.
Would these questions even be asked if the government was not playing daddy with welfare, food stamps, forced child support or jail for the father. Get them out our personal lives. 2 people make a baby my tax dollars do not need to be taken to raise another person's child. That young girl talking about she does not need a father and having a bad dad's he does not need to be there, no one told these women to open your legs with that dude.
We all know what would happen if we asked that question. There would be worldwide outrage by women on large and manginas would`nt be that far behind either.
I agree. The answer is we should be asking neither question and stop trying to undermine traditional values, which young people are being brainwashed into believing is the progressive and intellectual thing to do.
I am offended by this question
+1hitwoon Me, too. There is good and bad in every human being, me included.

Sam on BBC 3 Free Speech

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Here is the problem with the UK : Corrupt politicians in collusion with corporations making promises while increasing their influence over the country for example allowing them to establish monopolies and exploiting the working poor. We have a stupid and drunk majority that is too blind to see that their money is being stolen by the corrupt establishment. Instead of focusing on this fact they run after the poor taxi driver as if he has their money stashed in his trunk or the broke cleaner at mcdonalds as if their tax money is in his bucket. 
Don't know why you're secluding this to the UK - this is a global phenomenon.Politics, as a whole, is a dirty job - but a job someone needs to do. Of course a lot of them don't seem to be doing their job properly.
Simon z rabbit. Fuck off you racist. The scum in my toilet is worth more than you.
Nah he's got a point uno

Please don't Shoot: Is Free Speech Dead on Campus

Peter Hitchens - Rape (BBC3 Free Speech 2014)

EDIT: Peter Hitchens wrote a blog post on this debate ...

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Spot the fat ugly feminist
+Kaziel A fat ugly feminist? On the BBC? You'll never find one.
That footballer was later found innocent and it was proven that the girl, had indeed lied. How is support a jury judicial system supporting 'rape culture'. Presumably, the alternative that the obese women is demanding is a totalitarian judge who bases his or her (her preferably) decision on instinct rather than fact.
Cheers m'dear 
+Carlywarly44 I believe he's referring to the Brian Banks case.
Can you tell me who it was? I'm curious :O
this fat ass isn't very educated
+Taureg I agree that she isn't very intelligent, but given what passes for "education" at 21st century universities, she sounds very educated.
Britian is one of the most sexiest countries? What, more sexiest then those countries that stone women to death for having sex outside of marriage, or poor boiling hot oil on them? Damn, seems like they've gone to shit.
+Josh Duriden A tip for you: never, ever confuse the words "sexist" and "sexiest"! You will get into a lot of trouble.
I class myself as a feminist, but a feminist with a pragmatic approach. YOU CANNOT drop the rules of evidence and make it easier to convict in the cases of rape. Radical feminists need to use logic and accept the fact that you can't prosecute without hard evidence! I admire that they're so passionate about the subject but they mustn't let emotion get in the way of common sense.
+Busher50 Feminist and women in general are incapable of using logic, that is why they should never be allowed to vote.
+Nadüme I shouldn't have used the word ''radical' really, they're not feminists.
+Busher50 So feminism in general then.
+Busher50 I find it interesting you would attempt to dissociate yourself from "radical feminists." The truth of the matter is that all feminists are feminists whether their rules are "radical" or not, and average people who dislike "radical feminists" aren't going to care much for your brand of feminism either. Stop using "radical" as a smear tactic against feminists you disagree with. I most certainly am not a feminist/proponent of female supremacy, and watching you fight amongst either other only makes my day.
Joke's on you, Feminism is designed to Spawn radical Berta Lovejoys, otherwise it wouldn't be called FEMINAZISM, it would be called Secular Humanism, Egalitarianism, Humanitarianism, Equal rights activism, and so on. But no, the FEM was added to emphasize the obvious sexist nature of Feminism that has always opted to mask their designs of Female supremacy as equality.
And see, you're someone with a level head, someone that I can appreciate as a feminist, but honestly when I see that fucking label, I cringe and usually view them as a retarded shit head with skewed views on equality. That fucking clapping at the end of this video. Fuck that, man.
I call a radical feminist someone who doesn't use common sense or is not pragmatic in trying to achieve equality
What if the women arguing against Peter Hitchens aren't actually radical feminist's like you believe? You feminist's seem to have a hard time understanding what's radical and what isn't in your own movement. The manhating mindset of these "radicals" could only come in to being through politcal agendas made by western civilization, basically they came from like minded people, which means it has to be a popular mindset. They don't just fall out of the sky like you seem to believe. New flash, there wouldn't be any "radicals" if they weren't fed lies by the education system and the media. By the way. What makes you different from a radical feminist? Is your idea of equality among the genders better than their idea of equality? Do they vote for a different political party? Do they use different rape statistics? No? Then what's so radical about them? I'd suggest you do some research on Swedish an French laws that have been passed by modern feminists, because in those countries, what you deem radical isn't radical over there. I may have been rambling a bit but you should get my point's.

World Humanist Congress: Plenary One - A.C. Grayling on Freedom of speech and freedom as such

World Humanist Congress | Freedom of thought and expression: Forging a 21st century enlightenment Plenary Session One Freedom of speech and freedom as ...

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16:00 I don't think he's quite right on that one. Most people I know, don't have a choice about politics or religion or any other ideology they've been brought up with from an early age. The brain absorbs as a child and afterwards, it's quite hard to let go and wonder into the unknown. It is reasonable to call it human nature. After all, people are meant to survive and breed, not to have doubts all the time. So people just mindlessly repeat the same tape over and over again and it takes great skill to talk them out of the ideology ingrained into them. The one exception is with people who have been subjected to rational inquiry over and over again and that happens very rarely.
My concentration is fragile ... the intermittent grinding noise imposed in the background has ruined this video ... I'm going to sue.
Always lovely to hear Grayling speak. Like beautiful music, his words are so soothing and full of wisdom.
A subject I have often pondered on and Grayling has explained it well. Thank you for this.
AC Grayling: always welcome in my YT viewing list. #humanism 

Free Speech 25th March 2014 - Should we legalise medicinal cannabis?

BBC 3 debate featuring Peter Reynolds.

User Comments

'cannabis gives you schizophrenia.' it would be funny but it's so scary because so many people share this silly silly view.
+Karl Pilkington bulshit !!! you do not know that you are just talking like a fool
+Knife Only Ben ツ ha haaaa
More to the point, why was it ever made illegal? Just google 'cannabis old bottles' and realise it was a commonly used medicine before prohibition
the oil companies felt threatened so they got it banned and fucked our planet up with petrol etc
If my sister looked like that id go on heroin too
The best comment i've ever seen ha ha
I really dislike the fact as soon as Peter started talking about the endocannabinoid system they just laughed and said "we'll google it later"... It makes me quite angry because it's a classic example of how uneducated people are on the matter. They think they know everything yet they won't take him seriously. It's a never ending battle and I have the upmost respect for him not giving up. Peace. 
it was more of a time thing I think. he has to be funny and shit as he needs to make the show capture people
The reason the government and police care so much about the prohibition of cannabis is not because it is a dangerous substance that makes people aggressive and should be kept off the street, it is because dealers are making money from an illegal market without paying tax, where I live in Scotland the police are so relaxed about personal use that if you are found to have a small amount they let you go without taking it from you. Cannabis is so much safer than many legal drugs such as alcohol which can damage the liver, kidneys and stomach. Of course cannabis can damage your lungs if inhaled, all smoke has dangerous chemicals, the alveoli in our lungs are very sensitive and can be easily damaged by chemicals in smoke and can slow respiration as the lungs find it hard to take in oxygen if their alveoli have been destroyed. The fact is Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol the active chemical in cannabis is not harmful in any way, it is simply a chemical similar to those found in our body which belong to a group of neurotransmitters called endogenous cannabinoids, these chemicals attach themselves to receptors in the brain and nerve endings and can give a relaxing feeling or cerebral uplifting high depending on the strain of cannabis used. Many researchers believe that CBD or Cannabidiol (which is legal in the UK) has a wider scope of medical applications than its counterpart THC, I agree with this as CBD acts more like a pain killer than a psychoactive drug, instead of feeling a brain high the CBD binds to receptors in your nerve endings rather than receptors in the brain. Technically it is legal to use cannabis in the UK, but only if it is a CBD strain with no THC (you can actually buy CBD or hemp oil online).
The government don't want it legalized as it would take money from the tax alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical drug companies pay them as it would replace some of the market for smokers and drinkers also it could take the place of many medications for depression or anxiety etc. But then again the dealers who illegally sell it don't want it legalized either as they are making money without paying tax.
+F4lloutBoy96's Channel you made a good argument for keeping it illegal .... surely if you are allowed to smoke cannabis and not be prosecuted as you rightly say ... then the only possible reason for legalising it in law would be so that large corporations , the same ones which most of these students moan about selling junk food and loans would be in charge of a mind altering drug
It really disgusts me that Tim mutters Hippies after seeing the Poll Bar say more people would like to see cannabis used medically in the UK. It's stereotypical Pricks like him that are making people continue to suffer. I'm a keen smoker for both reasons and I think it's about high time we follow in America's footsteps. Pretty sure the statistics and facts given by US Politics and Law Enforcement that Crime has gone down and profits to the tax office have gone up into the stratosphere. It almost makes me ashamed to be British as we have slid backwards on the global social scale. Get the cockroaches out of office and put some people with some actual sense in the cabinet for once.
+Kieran Murray 10:00 Silly wrong Tim. Non lethal cannabis. No arguement? The man just told you a child with severe fevers was medicated with weed.
+shinjenriz im not you turd .... i'm saying you can use statistics to bullshit your way through anything .... just because you legalise murder and make the crime statistics amazing doesn't mean bad things aren't happening .... exact same with anything else such as canabis ..... 100% of all women that drink water will die , therefore people are putting chemicals in the water to kill women .... ofcourse im missing out how EVERYONE that drinks water will one day die 
+Joel Rowe the example that you've used is stupid, how do you equate cannabis to murder?
+Kieran Murray lol .... crime goes down ... if you legalised murder the murder rate would go down 100% but that doesn't prove anything ....
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