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Cheap cars kona Videos

Kailua Kona Hawaii Car Show at Splashers

This is a short video of the Paradise Cruisers in Kailua Kona Hawaii.

User Comments

did you by chance film the big island Honda benefit car show for baby Cassidy a few months ago? if so can you post it up..I belive I saw a drone that day launching next to our jeep's if that was you.
+normanmakaio Sorry, but that wasn't me. I will be going to some shows and filming and will definitely put them on YouTube. Thanks for looking.

Kona Honzo - Car Wreck!

I will only buy Kona bikes for the rest of my life. I snapped the chainstay on my 2012 Honzo and less than a week later I had a brand new 2015 frame in my ...

User Comments

Oh cool. A recent vid. Didn't know when you'd return after reading about bailing at high speed. Good to see your back at it! Did you destroy your old frame because this looks different? Any changes between the frames?
+Bryce Elston Awesome news. Kona blew me away with their warranty service too but I believe this was on my 94 Kula when everyone tried to offer lifetime w/ their frames. Of course this was just as the whole freeride North Shore scene was picking up which meant a glut of warranty claims as at that time the industry was driven by racing.Anyways , mine cracked at the TT/ST junction atop a weld likely from too much seat extension. This was close to 5 years after purchase and the guys at the shop still remembered the bike , called Kona, and said , "you have a new frame buddy."I was sooo relieved as I was actually a messenger at the time and needed it and could never afford that calibre of frame otherwise. Within a week I had the improved 98 model. Good Company. 
Yeah im back and riding my bike more than ever.  Snapped a chainstay at the BB yolk on my old honzo, Kona back up their warranty with a 2015 model.  The new 2015 honzo frame feels remarkably better than the first gen 2012 model.  Only geometry change is a slightly longer toptube, but the complete redesign of the top tube angle allows for insane amounts of standover that allow you to lean the bike even further without the frame coming in contact with your knees.

Riding in the Car with Kona!

Kona in the car at 55 mph....

User Comments

Who knew she had spinnakers in her ears AND her mouth! That's going to seriously cut down on your MPG... :) How did you guys do that! We love Kona (aka STILTZ!)
Oh my gosh, that was funny!!! I saw Kona's ear video and looked her up for more! What a treat to witness such "flappage"!! :)
lol UAAAAA, THAT was terrifying :-)
ack! where did the eyeballs go?
Too funny.

[Fancam] 141225 Lee Teuk arrives at Kona Beans Christmas fansign

Lee Teuk arrives in his chic car on Christmas Day for a fansign at the Kona Beans café at Apgujeong!

Shanlee and kona off leash heel around kids, cars, and dogs

Bengal Cat Car Ride - Cheeto and Kona Ready to Ride

Bengal Cat Car Ride, they really know how to travel. Please reply with comments and select "SUBSCRIBE" to recieve notifications of the latest videos. katze, ...

User Comments

wow, that is truly impressive! and they are both so gorgeous :D hoping my bengal is this amazing when i take her on the road!
+Liz C Don't wait, the younger the better. Take baby steps, put your cat in the car without a car ride first.

Kona Summer Car Show '13

July 20, 2013 Red Hot Sizzlin' Summer Car Show at Kona's Old 'A' Park Courtesy Transmission Technology Kona & Hilo.
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