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Battlefield 4 Gameplay #55: Conquest on Gulf of Oman 2014 (PC) (HD)

Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by: DICE. Published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield's multiplayer contain 3 playable factions; U.S., ...

Battlefield 4: Second Assault DLC - Conquest on Gulf of Oman 2014 Co-op Gameplay (PC) (HUN) (HD)

Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by: DICE. Published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield's multiplayer contain 3 playable factions; U.S., ...

Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by: DICE. Published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield's multiplayer contain 3 playable factions; U.S., ...

Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by: DICE. Published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield's multiplayer contain 3 playable factions; U.S., ...

Battlefield 4: Second Assault DLC - TDM on Gulf of Oman 2014 Gameplay (PC) (HD)

Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by: DICE. Published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield's multiplayer contain 3 playable factions; U.S., ...

User Comments

Ha egyedűl játszol akkor miért nem beszélsz? 
Szia!"Ha egyedűl játszol akkor miért nem beszélsz? " - Mert egyedül játszom. :)

Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by: DICE. Published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield's multiplayer contain 3 playable factions; U.S., ...

Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by: DICE. Published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield's multiplayer contain 3 playable factions; U.S., ...

User Comments

Valaki tudja hogyan kell megszerezni a .44 magnumra a 3×-os célzót?
Szia lesz Doom 3 végigjátszás?
nice vid

Battlefield 4 is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by: DICE. Published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield's multiplayer contain 3 playable factions; U.S., ...
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