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Pho soup college station Videos

Update: KS Republicans Cut College Aid to Pay for Tax Cuts

Flashback: Kansas Republicans, including Governor Sam Brownback, want to cut college aid for the poor to pay for more tax breaks On the Bonus Show: NYC's ...

User Comments

David, why dose tax cuts for the rich destroy the economy?
+Skinnymarks He will never say. KS is struggling in some ways simply because Brownback is an idiot.
I live in Kansas, it sucks there's a new story out every day here about another fiscal problem in our state from Brownback and the Republican legislator. He has a lower approval rating than Obama among Kansans. And the people here still don't get it.. still deeply red, they're so ignorant it's insane. Remember kansas republican voters just gave Ted Cruz a win here, they'll never fucking learn.
+Nathan Hass Berning in Illinois
+Mike A I caucused here in Kansas for Bernie
Democrats are smarter. The wanted to Bern
Another example of how Republicans only care about themselves.
+Persis Johnson The word you are looking for is Narcissistic.
why feel sorry for those fucking idiot's, when election time comes back around their just going to vote him back into office, FUCK'EM.
 i feel sorry for the reasonable people of that state.
+mike dixie rect A lot of Kansans, who vote for liberal politicians, also suffer. A lot of us turned out to caucus for Sen. Bernie Sanders.
No one candidate for president is speaking about education. I haven't heard a word about it. Is it cause they think it's fine?
+XMADDMARSX Are you deaf? I'm sure you can read.
and white people still want to vote Republicans SMH
+Come into the void couldn't say it beater myself.
+Donald C. He's a racist
+Come into the void wait what ?
+Bukk shut up dummy stupid white ppl like u complain about blks but there are more whites on welfare
I know. how dare they not give up DAT money.

How to Make Vietnamese Pho Bo, Part 2

Epicurious' Around the World in 80 Dishes takes you to Vietnam with a demonstration of a recipe for Pho Bo (beef rice noodle soup) prepared by Eve Felder of ...

User Comments

I thought you are supposed to simmer for 6-8 hours.... Hmmmmm....
Whow, attention to detail to the recipe ! But the kitchen, so so..
Wtf vermicelli noodles? You just butchered "pho"

Vietnamese Government Officials Assault Church Leader

On December 14, 2010, Vietnamese government officials assaulted and detained Pastor Quang, a church leader and administrator of a Mennonite Bible college ...

User Comments

Be of good cheer for their names are written in the Lamb's book of life. For now they suffer but this suffering is nothing compared to the glory to come. God bless
Lifting up our brother and all of the students. May the Lord put a hedge of protection around them, and see them through this time of trial.
let's pray for our christians brothers & sisters, Christiandoms let's unite again
Isn't that the school the kids visited in Underground Reality?
This is sad. My prayers goes out to him and his students.
God be with them, their reward is great inn Heaven!
Pray for these brave believers!
God help them

210 - Child Adoption Part 2

Nguyen Legal Group, P.C. is a full service immigration law firm that was established in 1997 with the intention to assists the community in all immigration.

2010 move aTm HD

COMPUTER PROBLEMS - Life After College: Ep. 256

//www.lifeaftercollege.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Lifeaftercollegecom FACEBOOK = //www.facebook.com/VlogAfterCollege TWITTER ...

User Comments

You gotta dye your hair bro, like red. I say this because since you work from home... and you have thousands of people you entertain by your vlogs weekly. I'm sure your new hair color will find a nice home in your heart! :) + People will think you're some kind of pop star.
Ryen, i'm thinking about going into marketing and ultimately going for an online business/website. About to get my bachelor's, do you recommend I go for it now?
nice vlogs, my gym also is being renovated so I had to switch to a new gym, but am in Europe, what a coincidence..lol
I'm so sad I missed so many vlogs and you are getting to the point where you get dislikes! :O you are growing :D
dude seriously, when are you going to be a couple with someone. You like being alone or something?
why dont u use a desktop computer instead of a laptop? I think it will make ur work easier lol
and that is why i hate windows.. just switched to mac. so quiet!
I love you and your vlogs ESP at target, wholefoods, etc :)
why does it say 75 cents on the air machine if its free?
Thanks! Please help me share the website with everyone!
The fan bearing might be failing Ryen hence the noise.
I think that's the same gym the hodgetwins went once.

How To Make The Best Ramen Noodle Soup

//www.vegeta.com/products/vegeta-natur In today's video my husband is the cook ;) he likes to cook with a little sarcasm. I hope you enjoy this easy to follow ...

User Comments

that's a lot of ramen: did he make it for the entire family?
+Fart See yes it was a big pot for the whole family ;)
This is a great recipe.. I don't like ginger, Can I leave it out?
He forgot to mention his lovely assistant and ginger grater LOL! Your husband is so funny and modest too ^^ I'll be doing this recipe soon, please post more!
I'm not allergic to the cadavers, but don't have to have them...just leave out the mushrooms, and I'm right there with ya!
I understand.
You don't need mushrooms for Ramen Soup; But it's what we had in the fridge on that day. I am not allergic to animal cadavers either, but I lost my taste for them about 17 years ago...
You are cool
:)) I'm to good looking and to honest :)) That's the reason why I'm not showing my self neither :)) Love you two guy! have a lovely weekend!
He said :He is Good Looking and Modest" but he talks fast so it sounds like "Honest". Either way it's sarcasm.
Thank you! This is awesome! Exactly what I wanted, I will be making this tomorrow or later next week! Also the chef is so funny! :D 
+HanazawaEternalIce thank you
it turned out pretty well !:) loving the new cooking segment! and your hubby is funny :)
sounds great! Let me know how your soup turned out ;)

117 Vietnamese Martyrs Celebration

UCI Bren Event Center Orange County Vietnamese Catholic November 22, 2015 St. Barbara Liturgical Dance Team Song: Tinh Hoa Man Coi.

College General Feast of the Vietnamese Martyrs

College General Penang, 19 June 2014, 6-7pm Mass.
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