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[official] Who was Jesus, Really? Searching for the Historical Jesus - William Lane Craig

//www.veritas.org/talks - For the past two thousand years, Christians have claimed that Jesus is the Son of God. But over the years, critics have raised many ...

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I often wonder why atheists and skeptics continue to attack people of faith. Why do they even care?
+Matt Brown I am not an atheist therefore I can't speak to their mindset or reasoning I can speak to my understanding of them or their believes but other then that would be speculation. I am as I have been allude I guess the term is ignostic because. I believe that all religion has at one point been corrupted by mankind for their own benifets. If you look at any religion you can find a time in which things started to change due to the leader or the people wanting something different. I believe that any religion has something to it and that their believers can truely testify to that part being true but I can't believe in a religion I believe not to be 100% true. As for you saying lack of proof isn't proof it can be taken as proof and unfortunately it is not the job of ab atheist to convince Christians not to believe the "Devil" can do that very easily. It is the job of a Christian to give an atheist a reason and something to believe in. Not that it is required but God did say to spread his words to the ends of the earth. So yes not all religion can be true we agree on that where I see that our opinions vary is the fact that I believe no religion to be true if we are going to put it in ley terms.
+Johannes Holdiman lack of evidence is not evidence of lack. You need to provide positive reason for disbelief or non-belief. Otherwise, you are not an atheist.And it is impossible for all religions to be equally true. They could all be false but they can't all be true. For they all claim exclusivity.
+Tosh Manta I wouldn't say their is no rational reason to believe in a creator or higher being. It is rational to want to be a part of something bigger then themselves and to want more after death. The irrational part is the thought that you can know God for sure with out a shadow of a doubt
+Johannes Holdiman I can find no rational reason to believe in the existence of a universe creator.
+Matt Brown The evidence for atheist is the lack of physical and concrete evidence in any higher or omnipotent being. Yes you may claim to have a testimony of God. but so does any full Catholic, Mormon, Buddhist, and etc... If everyone is positive they are correct but only one can truely be correct then people chose to believe that religion is man made.
+ToshMantaSo now you are saying that my belief in God and the resurrection makes me unreasonable? Wow nice ad hominemWhere is the evidence for atheism?
+Tosh Manta Let's begin by establishing the fact that God didn't actually choose an existing nation when He struck a covenant with Abraham. God had recently judged the entire world of nations with the Great Flood, when he called unto Abraham to leave his native land of Ur, and embark on a journey into another land.Abraham was born only about 400 years after the great flood, indicating that the world's population at the time of the calling of God was quite small. In fact, Noah died only two years before Abraham was born. In reality, there wasn't any nations established and defined borders such as is common today. There only existed a network of city-states.God could have chosen anyone He wished to become the Father of a new nation to be the vehicle of his testimony. Abraham listened and obeyed God. So, in essence, God did not choose Israel, he chose Abraham, and Abraham chose to accept.Uh oh, wasn't the answer you expected me to spit out now was it?Step back three at the buzzer, and creationism wins.
+Ian Heinze That is a great self fulfilling prophecy. If I was to write a book that supposedly happened over 2000 years ago I could make all these prophecy and make to come true. But then again if Jesus is the Messiah with a capital M of the Jews (people of Isreal) shouldn't the Jews ( people of Israel) accept their Lord and savior. Or are they no longer the chosen people, and if that's so then how does God all the sudden change his favorite chosen people? Some of the obvious flaws in a man made religion.
+Ian HeinzeAre your eyes bulging yet?"Israel was to be a nation of priests, prophets, and missionaries to the world.=============================I know dear, so you keep repeating,now explain as requested why god specifically chose Israel and made the Jews his chosen people,why not another race or time, this is the crux of the debate and i know i have you cornered,don't i sweetie.So hurry up and spit it out,you do not know why he chose them in particular, it is a freakin mystery....lol.Slam dunk boy,now about your creationism,did you bump your head as a child?
+Tosh Manta Ah but you see I already answered your question. "Israel was to be a nation of priests, prophets, and missionaries to the world." Who were the people of Israel? They were the Jews. They were God's people, to go out and share the news about Him, and lead others to Him.Unfortunately the "choke hold" of yours, turned out to be nothing at all. Next question?
+Ian HeinzeI thought Jesus was god, he didn't have to be Jewish, i ask why did god choose the Jews and you respond " God chose the nation of Israel to be the people through whom Jesus Christ would be born "This is not a reason old bean,i asked why he chose the Jews, and am,still waiting.Got you in a nice choke hold,the more you squirm the more it tightens.tic toc tic toc.
+Tosh Manta God chose the nation of Israel to be the people through whom Jesus Christ would be born—the Savior from sin and death. God first promised the Messiah after Adam and Eve’s fall into sin. God later confirmed that the Messiah would come from the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus Christ is the ultimate reason why God chose Israel to be His special people. God did not need to have a chosen people, but He decided to do it that way. Jesus had to come from some nation of people, and God chose Israel.However, God’s reason for choosing the nation of Israel was not solely for the purpose of producing the Messiah. God’s desire for Israel was that they would go and teach others about Him. Israel was to be a nation of priests, prophets, and missionaries to the world. God’s intent was for Israel to be a distinct people, a nation who pointed others towards God and His promised provision of a Redeemer, Messiah, and Savior.This discussion is rapidly going downhill as you are finding less and less to argue about.
+Ian HeinzeHello....hello.and first showed himself when he created the first humans to walk on this Earth;==============================Ahem...tap...tap...tap...please tell me you are not a creationist, and if god showed himself to the first humans why were they Jewish?This discussion is rapidly going down hill.
+Tosh Manta God did not wait until the Bronze Age to reveal himself. As the creator of the universe, He has always been with His people and first showed himself when he created the first humans to walk on this Earth; as they were created in His image. God was with the first people. God was with Moses. God was with Abraham, hundreds of years before Moses's time.If God forced himself upon us, we would rebel away from Him.As an example, if the government came to us and said the only song we could listen to is 'Back in Black' by AC/DC, we would rebel against that and want nothing to do with it as humans cannot be forced to love something.If you say God should have created us so that we are unable to deny His existence, therefore resulting in us only being able to love God, that would destroy the concept of humankind. We would be like robots, programmed to love God and know nothing outside of Him. God doesn't want us to be mindless followers of Him, which is the core of why he gave us free will. So that we can listen, learn, and choose to love Him.I think we're both adults here and in no reason whatsoever is it necessary or mature to refer to ourselves as "A spider who's web is becoming tighter and tighter." Especially if you have yet to trap anything in the web.
So we have a hidden god who decides to reveal itself AGAIN as Jesus,change of tactic perhaps?But if you don't accept the holy spirit it is unforgivable for eternity....wow,so much for free will.The web just keeps getting tighter and tighter.
+Ian HeinzeMore waffle my friend:If God made us unable to deny his existence, we would be unable to choose to love Him.=================================I repeat for the last time,explain why god waited until the Bronze Age and chose some random tribe from the desert?The same hidden-ness applies if he popped into the Stone Age,so hurry up and tell me why he chose to reveal himself to Moses?tic..toc..tic...tocA sensible god would have revealed himself to humans in Africa before they left and colonized the earth...but he didn't did he now,very mysterious.Funny how the belief in gods was global thousands of years before god came out of hiding,care to explain that to the spider?Once you have explained the basics we can move onto whether Moses ever existed.
+Tosh Manta What is He doing? He's only doing one of the most important acts of all time in giving His people the commandments. In short, it all boils down to free will. If God made us unable to deny his existence, we would be unable to choose to love Him.  And if we could not deny God, we would be nothing more than puppets.  Why would God want to seek to be in a relationship with puppets?  Power can do everything besides the most important thing of all, it cannot control love.  If God uses power and force with people, they would renounce Him as their freedom of choice would be corrupt.  God gives us all a free will.Which is why He allows your brain to continue to be clouded, and as C.S. Lewis puts it, have “willful blindness” about the beauty that God is.And as for this argument?  I don't need to pretend that I'm winning, and certainly don't need to worry about being "eaten by the spider".  When I've clearly picked apart all points and thesis's you've had, rendering your arguments inconsequential.  You can bash and insult me as much as you want, your use of ad hominem fallacies only hurt your own argument.And look at that, once again you try to end an argument by an irrelevant statement, that's directed to demoralize me and actually to persuade yourself that you're putting together a somewhat intellectual argument.Therefor, you will not get, "God works in mysterious ways." out of me.  You may have won past arguments with others using that phrase.  But when somebody stands toe to toe with you, you're going to have to do better than that.
+Ian HeinzeDearie me Ian, you are a silly billy, you wish me to open up my mind to irrational possibilities and straw men,and you consider this to be a sound argument.Did the creator of the Universe introduce himself to Jews or Romans,Greeks and Egyptians, do you think red herrings are a sound argument?Why did god ignore humans for thousands of years while they worshiped spirits and many other gods throughout the planet?So buck up my friend,this is schoolboy stuff,now explain WTF the creator of the universe is doing on a mountain talking to Moses in the Bronze Age instead of introducing himself to the entire human race some 100,000 years earlier?I will squeeze and squeeze until you cough  up the usual answer " God works in mysterious ways ".p.s. Please stop pretending you are winning any argument cupcake, condescension without substance is just waving a white flag,come closer to the spider and get eaten...LOL.
+Tosh Manta You're saying our ability to reason has been stunted? Seriously? When you're the one that has a mind so clouded it can't open up to faith and God. We do not embrace irrational thinking, we embrace the truth. God did not choose just to "pop" down to Earth in the Bronze Age. In your own statement you say, "A creator of a universe". God has always been and will always continue to be, and if you would open your mind just a tiny bit, you would realize that God does not ignore Greek, Roman, and Egyptian cities.Greek - God had the Apostle Paul travel through many of the Greek's cities spreading his good news.Rome - A huge portion of the New Testament is in Rome, most notably Jesus's trial was in Judaea.Egypt - Seriously? The entire accounts of David, Moses, Abraham leading the Jews out of slavery? All in Egypt.Again, you should think and double check what you say, because you're seriously lacking in putting together a structurally sound argument. Just because you can sit here and type out insults, will not win you an argument. I suggest planning out your arguments in the future, or hope you never meet somebody else that can clearly see how porous your argument is.
+Matt BrownI don't hate anyone you nitwit, i accept you are a product of nature/nurture,and in your case it has stunted your ability to reason.Feeling significant because you embrace irrational thinking is quite obnoxious, it reeks like sanctimony.When one understands nature and human nature,one cannot hate, there but for the grace of god go i.How anyone can believe a creator of a universe would pop down to Earth in the Bronze Age?God ignores all the great Greek,Roman and Egyptian cities,and chooses some shit hole in the desert.I will say this with some humor,anyone who seriously believes in the resurrection has a massive cognitive bias, i am talking off the charts malfunction.
+Tosh Manta My faith is not bogus and you yourself are making a sweeping general statement that is not always true. You are ignorant and hate religious people just say it
+Tosh MantaI'm not being obnoxious, simply stating the flaws in your argument.  You try to abruptly end all your arguments with closing statements and irrelevant sayings; which in itself is a red herring fallacy, rendering your argument flawed.  Your defense does not rest, and "another fly", has not been swatted.  As I said before, sometimes it helps to think before you speak.
+Ian Heinze You are now being obnoxious,the defense rests.Another fly swatted.
+Tosh Manta You can't say his analogy is bogus when you both used basically the same argument. Sometimes it helps to think before you speak, which is possibly why you see faith as obnoxious or irrelevant.
+Matt BrownYour analogy is as bogus as your faith,another reason why i consider people of faith to be obnoxious.
+david j A lot of atheist feel like they have been duped and lied too. Which makes them angry and upset and want to make sure other people aren't lied to and lead down a road of false hope and false happiness. Well being expected to financially and publicly support a organization made up of hypocrisy.
+Tosh Manta what a silly sweeping statement. That would be like saying people of skepticsm are fools, immoralists, and delusional.
+david jPeople of faith are obnoxious.

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