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How to vote against gay marriage Videos

Gay Marriage: Liz Cheney Votes Against Sister

Super Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the first judge in the Supreme Court to Officiate a gay marriage. Guess who the couple was? Did Conservative ...

User Comments

I guess no one cares about God anymore, at least in this liberal cesspool.
+Peter Hallett Science is never absolute because things we know about certain things always change. We used to believe the Earth was the center of the solar system, it was considered irrefutable, then out of nowhere, we find that is not true.
Scientific evidence trumps all.  Irrefutable.
+Peter Hallett No Biblical stories are not allegorical. Lol listen to you, a non-believer telling a believer what the Bible means. Furthermore, I never said the earth was flat. In fact, where almost every scientist said it was flat back then, the Bible called it a CIRCLE. The circle of earth. Lastly, as for Noah, a talking snake, and surviving inside a whale. Anything is possible with God, so there you go.  
YOU believe in Adam and Eve,  Bible stories are allegorical.  Didn’t actually happen.  No scientific proof. There is proof of a big bang in the formation of the universe and no, the earth is not flat.  That was debunked 600 years ago.  Noah’s ark?  We have since discovered through science thousands and thousands of  new  species in the last 400 years. Noah’s ark?  All of them on a wooden ark?  Same goes for talking snakes and surviving inside a whale.
+Peter Hallett Because Israel had to deliver him first. Moreover, I believe mankind has existed for longer than that. There is a lot of evidence for that too. Remember, how we believe in Adam and Eve as the first humans? Yeah.  
Man made him up to answer inexplicable questions like where we go when we die et cetera. Science has proven that mankind has been around for thousands of millennia, why is it Jesus decided to just come around and ‘save’ everyone in the last two?  Religion blinds uneducated to the truth.
+Peter Hallett Imaginary would mean I made him up. I did not make him up.
+CalvinCoolidge isGOAT Your imaginary friend. Muslims have an imaginary friend; his name is Allah.
People are born either gay or straight, you can't change it. I really admire straight people who support gays (and there are many of them) just like you Ana. I have many friends who stand up to me and I just love that. We need to keep making this world a better place for everyone without discrimination. 
+Dougie HawHaw Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night.
+LatinAmericanDog Are you saying I'm ignorant? how could I be ignorant about something that even you say there is no Scientific evidence for. What if I am the one who will be right, and you are the ignorant one?
+Dougie HawHaw Sexuality it's too complicated, that's why there's no scientific evidence yet. I hope one day they can prove it so ignorant people can understand.
There is absolutely no definitive Scientific or tangible evidence that proves that.
+Dougie HawHaw Sexuality is not a choice, because it comes from inside you. You can't control it. 
+LatinAmericanDog I am afraid you are totally incorrect, the gay community have always said that until recently when their new clause was they were born gay came along. but lets face it theirs no solid evidence for that either.
+Dougie HawHaw Gay people have never said it's a choice, that's what society says. And there's no agenda, nobody would choose to be discriminated and called an abomination. It would be a lot easier if people could actually choose their sexuality. Believe me, nobody would want to be gay. The only choice you have is to either be true to yourself or live miserable for the rest of your life.  
+LatinAmericanDog it's funny how every gay on the planet once said being gay is a lifestyle choice and when that didn't work they resorted to highly disputed medical reasoning about how they are born that way that supports their gay agenda. hell I know a rake of guys who turned gay just because they could not because they had no choice.

I'm gay and I'm voting No. Here's why.

Keith Mills and Paddy Manning give powerful and compelling reasons for voting NO to redefining marriage on May 22. Use your vote. Vote No. See more at ...

Not Alone

We're here because we have something to say and we're no longer afraid to say it.

User Comments

Poor homophobic assholes. I'm so so sorry that you can't accept the fact that gay marriage is legal and that you're not the victim. If you're homophobic you've probably grown up in an overly religious household or are hella gay yourselves. You are acting like the white people who say "all lives matter" or "reverse racism is real" or "white genocide" or "white people oppression" I'm so sorry that you have not had the opportunity to be attacked and bullied for being gay. I'll pray that it gets better for you :((((((((
I really want to be friends with you
They act like someone is forcing them to marry someone of the same sex.
You're allowed to believe marriage is between man and woman. In fact, you can marry that way and no one can stop you. But what's disrespectful is that you're trying to deny others, who don't believe this way, for their right to marriage. That's just as bad as you being forced to be married to someone of the same sex in an entirely homosexual world. As that isn't happening, I don't understand how you can make this video and think you're doing something 'good'. Also, those poor actors, man.
+laki m and don't take that out of context. I don't believe any deaths are needed, but especially when religion is inolved. I do not like ISIS and I am so far in opposition of them. had to state this, in case you tried to pull a 'so you're sympathizing with them' counter.
+laki m no, that's a teaching of religion. spirituality relates to the spirit rather than the physical form. because of this, you find spirituality and religion are commonly paired. the horrors of Jihadists were, in fact, spiritually based as they do not think anyone is clean or worthy of life until they join in their beliefs.much like your ignorant reasoning against homosexuality. only difference is that you don't have a weapon.
+Twiggy MorrisThis is not spirituality, they are following a extremist religious dogma. Spirituality is to love your neighbor as yourself and to support each other.
+laki m if you believe spirituality is so good, then you must have praised ISIS over their death toll. they did murder those people due to their spirituality, after all.
+laki m I disagree. spirituality might have always existed, but the religions we see now are very new. it helps people find comfort in that they can't explain, but it is not an objective thing that must exist for humanity to continue.that and it's one of the number one causes of war alongside money and property.
+Twiggy MorrisYou're absolutely right but i think we are spiritual creatures and should help each other. i don't hate gays, i only see that they are often very promiscuous and that is a harmful behavior imo.
+laki m and I'm not religious. sins belong to your religion. I refuse to sit here and allow you to force your subjective morality upon others. especially when their choices do not impact your life in any way.
+laki m and humanity is a plague. a plague that kills millions of its own species, as well as other species, a year. it's also a plague that gives its carries a sense of self-entitlement when they have no entitlement
+Twiggy MorrisGays are like drug addicts, we must help them. Catholics only say this is a sin. This video is not good but the massage is okay.
+laki m As are you.

Ireland votes to legalise gay marriage

Support for gay marriage in Ireland reaches 65 per cent with just the final votes to be counted - a resounding yes which forces the hugely influential Catholic ...

User Comments

just look at that crowd. do they look normal to you ?! they look like some sick perverts. fuck ireland !fuckin homos
+christopher brennandid i say you call me homo ? I said im a normal person not some homo like you. You can't even comprehend simple sentences you're too gay to even think straight haha :D
+terrorsquadlith Never called you a homo I called you an inbred so thats proof that you're idiotic.
+christopher brennannope.im not a homo, im normal, my family is normal so you fail once again
Says the inbred who's aunt and uncle are you're parents LOL.
Nope. My family is happy normal family. You fail again. Your whole life is one big fail
+terrorsquadlith Says the fucktard who's parents are probably siblings.
Mass Gays incoming!
Why would they want to do that, now that same-gender marriage is legal in Ireland, douche nozzle?
+Aaron RosenbergI mean they will imigrate from Ireland to the world dumbass :D
+marian stefanov But they were already there. Nobody's really incoming. Just out-speaking. 
+Aaron RosenbergIreland sir!
+marian stefanov From where?

Catholics Are Super Sad Gay People Can Get Married Now

Catholicvote.org wanted to make their position clear on gay marriage. They released a video where young people were discussing how they view marriage has ...

User Comments

" we don't like gay people" They never said that......???? idiots
Also it is hard to be honest these days. If you don't suppert LGBT your looked at as hatefull and whatever else fools want to throw at you. They never saif their the real victims lol you people are so....i dont know....not smart?
i support gay marriage but you guys act like dicks
+josh gainsboro no wonder you got quite a few dislikes on this video
+josh gainsboro no wonder you got quite a few dislikes on this video
First of, i have lots of black friends and i am not racist at all! I just don't think black people should be able to get married! the black lifestyle is just not natural! I feel very offended whenever i see a black person in public, i mean keep it to yourself! I was at the mall earlier today and i met this guy and he was totally being black right in front of me, i mean really dude? I just can't be around people like that! I will vote against black marriage! I am tired of being discriminated against just for holding this belief! That is my right as a christian and i am tired of people persecuting me just for being christian! I wish everybody could just love each other and accept each others differences! Why should i have to be affected by black peoples choise to get married? I mean you don't see me running around being all black and stuff! Peace out!
gr8 troll m8 xD. this comment... seriously xD
I'm a Catholic and i came out as bisexual and i don't care what the rest of my Catholic family thinks of me or if they choose to shame me for what i am i am happy being who i am
+Jenny Medrano i know right to be honest i follow by what i feel is right or not
+MusicLover4688 I heard that we weren't supposed to eat shrimp or just seafood, and I'm like, "Well, my family breaks that rule constantly!" lol Like you said, it makes no sense. Most of the things I've heard that go against the bible, I'm just like, "I'm pretty sure there are other things that are more troublesome to God. One should hope He's not that picky."
+Jenny Medrano right? it makes no sense lol
+MusicLover4688 I've never really read the bible either lol but since my family's Catholic, I just know there are a lot of things that go against the Catholic faith and the bible. For some strange reason, those things are never talked about as wrong.
+Jenny Medrano i will! and i don't read the bible lol i follow whatever i feel is the right thing to do
If anyone tries to shame you for who you are, remind them, if it applies, that a lot of things go against the bible, and they have no problem with those things.

Would You Vote for an Pro Gay Marriage Republican?

What if he was running against Hillary Clinton?

User Comments

These people are fucking idiots, such a shame lol
+TheVinc123 If you can't look one minor issue means your a retard or a homophobe, these people happen to be both
Why does the gay rights thing have to be a drastic liberal/ conservative split like it in in America. In the UK we have a conservative president that is in favor of gay marriage! Don't you American's have more pressing issues like your own economy or national security, to worry about than two boys or girls doing it?!
+Marshmallow920 Don't you have your own country to talk about,  Gay marriage is morally wrong and against the laws of the everlasting GOD YWHW and YESHUA
+Marshmallow920 Lmao, yeah you would think that.
+Gutenhund Not making it legal for "gays to marry". making it legal without the consent of the governed .If social views have changed, prove it, via the democratic process, what are you so afraid of. It worked in Ireland. It seems fear is the reason you turn to the courts instead of the polls.
And I am gay, and still a conservative fiscally as well on some other social issues. I'm not demonizing and blaming society for all my problems and crying "give me gay marriage cause I'm oppressed". I'd be happy if my civil rights are upheld thru legislation against any hate crimes, and I am content with civil unions.
+Marshmallow920 And again, you go back into dictator ship. Sorry, but saying that making it legal for gays to marry is akin  to dictatorship is daft. Anyway, you have fun with all that because I'm done trying to talk only to have to repeat the same thing over and over. Have a nice day.
+Gutenhund Freedom of expression and belief. People DO have the freedom to believe what they so chose as long as it doesn't deprive another group of rights. The question you should be asking is how does not allowing gay marriage depriving them of their inalienable civil rights. Just because the conservatives want to keep the institution of marriage between opposite sex couples doesn't constitute "hate", it's a political opinion, that has as much merit as your liberal values. It becomes hate when some crazy right wingers want to and act to deprive gay people, if they want to segregate people for example. That's wrong, I agree, and should be dealt with by the law... but "marriage" is a public issue. Its certainly not a matter of life or death unlike the ability to work, have economic rights ,study and better yourself. And the allowing of same sex marriage deserves the consent of the governed, simply because not everyone agrees. I'm not trying to "impose" my morality on you because I'm open to options, I'm open to compromise between both sides, not hearing only one, considering them the gospel truth, and demonizing the other side for "bigotry".  Civil unions would have been a great compromise on both sidesIts a win win.; protects the rights of LGBT, as well as the freedom of christian groups who don't want to have beliefs imposed upon them. That's talent of the far left; call everything you disagree with as "hate", run to the courts and get YOUR ideology passed thru. The typical liberal argument of "if gay marriage doesn't affect you don't get one" is childish and simplistic at best. We live in a pluralistic society. The liberal left wants to make it a dictatorship.
+Justin Turullols Says the guy trying to impose his morality on others. 
+Gutenhund Says the guy trying to impose his morality on others.
+Marshmallow920 How is this Tyranny? Your arguments are getting more ludicrous. This ruling doesn't force anything on anyone. How is gay marriage going be "imposed" on you? Help I'm being oppressed because two people of the same gender can get married? Get over it, gays being able to marry doesn't effect you. Some out dated notion of sin or the "sanctity of marriage" that likes to be thrown around doesn't belong. You keep trying to throw attention away from an issue by pointing at something worse happening elsewhere. That's an overused fallacy riddled argument technique that small minded people like to rely on. So who are YOU to impose your morality on others?
Non discrimination policy, the freedom to work, study and live whoever you are gay or straight, equal opportunity, those rights already existed. What more "rights" are the LGBT crying for? "Marriage" isn't a "civil right". That's just political correctness of the left. The US's 14th amendments wording on "equality" means equality of opportunity. and is specifically against slavery, not gay marriage. The places you should be horrified are where gay people are being killed just for simply being gay, like in tyrannical dictatorships like Iran. but where's the left's criticism over those real injustices? Freaking crickets.There are many EU countries where gay people live happily without marriage, sometimes with civil unions, sometimes they simply live together. Gay people didn't rush to the alter in the UK either when civil unions were legalized. Don't play the victim game for every single minority and blow it up into a political issue. Its getting ridiculous. Who are you to impose your morality on others? If you really want gay marriage, because you believe that "opinions have changed on gay marriage" as Gallup polls show, like they did on the issue of slavery years ago, then do what Ireland did and have an election. Not run to the supreme courts to force states to legalize same sex marriage. That's tyranny, exactly what democracy was supposed to avoid. Whatever happened to democratic justice, checks and balances. Oh right; with the liberal left, there's no need for them; because how dare you oppose the politically correct message of gay marriage or the welfare state or whatever else. 
+Gutenhund But the Left keep trying to claim that these 2 separate things have some thing in common, which they don't. Minorities have been denied the right to vote, right of education & the right to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. Gay people have only been denied marriage, despite the fact that many states had tried offering civil unions & domestic partnerships like several of the European countries have. If it was just about partnership they would've settled for that.
+Justin Turullols A right was being denied them and your examples trying to make that out as not a big deal are laughable. That's like saying that just because starving people in Africa have it worse than someone in the U.S doesn't mean they can't also be depressed. 
+Gutenhund Yes, because gay people are being barred from the right to vote, forced into separate schools, & are being hosed down by corrupt police forces.
+Justin Turullols That's like saying the civil rights movement was a problem we should have ignored.
+Marshmallow920 Exactly, that's why we're trying to ignore it, but the left keeps making it a problem we have to deal with now rather than later.

Irish Teenager Reacts To Anti Gay Marriage Ad

UPDATE*: The YES vote won! The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25qhj7CYfss In Ireland, we're having a referendum on same sex marriage on May ...

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I would love you to meet Jesus.all your views would be different as you will see things from his perspective.
Hi Aaron.I am the one who pities you.You insult my intelligence but I forgive you.I am leading a very productive life doing what Jesus did when He was on this earth,healing the sick, casting out demons and caring for the orphans and widows. That was not poetry but the truth from the bible. Imaginary friends could not have healed me and my husband but the healing power in the name of Jesus.He wants a relationship with you but the choice is yours because He has given us a free will. I pray that you will choose Him before it is too long. Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and the time is getting closer and closer.
+freckles"One day you will meet Jesus whether on this earth or on judgement day and your knee will bow and your tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."What bad poetry. And as an assertion, you have nothing to show for it.  This comes from your myth-beleaguered indoctrination, for which I truly pity you."I pray that you will meet him on this earth as He is so beautiful.He has healed me of many things and is a wonderful friend."Children have imaginary friends, too. "Deep down you have a longing to have a relationship with Him becuase that is what He created you for."That is only what you've convinced yourself about people who are more intelligent than you. You're going to die one day, and when that happens, the highest probability is that you will simply cease to exist. All the wishful thinking and superstition in the world won't change that. Make the best of your one chance at life. Focusing on superstition and imaginary friends isn't a beneficial use of time. 
One day you will meet Jesus whether on this earth or on judgement day and your knee will bow and your tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I pray that you will meet him on this earth as He is so beautiful.He has healed me of many things and is a wonderful friend.Deep down you have a longing to have a relationship with Him becuase that is what He created you for.
+freckles It's not possible to meet the figment of your imagination.
You just proved the ad right. She said that Dolce and Gabbana gave their opinion and then not only to you call their opinion "stupid and harmful", but you also justify the angry response to it as reasonable. Showing great love for Freedom of Speech there mate.
+Graceful Gamer Girl Yes, Freedom to say what you want without facing prosecution. But the kid who posted this video justified boycotting them for expressing their own opinion because it was a "stupid and shit" opinion. That is not freedom of speech. That is bullying.
Freedom of speech means that you can say whatever you want without being arrested by the government. If someone calls you stupid for showing stupidity, you can't proclaim freedom of speech because it doesn't make any sense. Denying someone human rights is stupid and harmful, thankfully the referendum has passed.
Fact: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way. The first very large, reliable study of identical twins was conducted in Australia in 1991, followed by a large U.S. study in 1997. Then Australia and the U.S. conducted more twin studies in 2000, followed by several studies in Scandinavia, according to Dr. Whitehead. Twin registers are the foundation of modern twin studies. They are now very large, and exist in many countries. A gigantic European twin register with a projected 600,000 members is being organized, but one of the largest in use is in Australia, with more than 25,000 twins on the books. A significant twin study among adolescents shows an even weaker genetic correlation. In 2002 Bearman and Brueckner studied tens of thousands of adolescent students in the U.S. The same-sex attraction concordance between identical twins was only 7.7% for males and 5.3% for females lower than the 11% and 14% in the Australian study by Bailey et al conducted in 2000. Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD - Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100% that both twins should be homosexual, Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women. Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. - No one is born gay, he notes. The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors. For example, one twin might have exposure to pornography or sexual abuse, but not the other. One twin may interpret and respond to their family or classroom environment differently than the other. These individual and idiosyncratic responses to random events and to common environmental factors predominate.
+Frank stiles The studies you reference make the observation that there is no genetic factor that resuts in homosexuality. That may be the case, but remember that lack of evidence is just that - lack of evidence. Everyone knows that babies are not in a completley isolated environment in the womb. The environment that the mother is exposed to also affects the baby. Anything that passes into the mothers body can be passed into the baby also. The fact of the matter is that nothing in science can ever be proven beyond all doubt. Light was thought to be a particle for a long time, then it was proven to be a wave by various 19th century experiments, disproving the particle theory. Now it turns out both models have degrees of validity and we have yet to fully comprehend this. The same goes for homosexuality. The lack of evidence for one theory does not automatically rule out another. Scientific experiments that are carried out to confirm or disprove a particular theory can sometimes lead to a prejudiced interpretation of the results and hence a biased conclusion. The simple fact is that there has been no definitive cause found for homosexuality. There may not even be one single cause, which would make pinning one down pointless. A vast range of factors goes into making each person unique. Genetics is one thing, yes, but there are also environmental factors, social structure, life experiences and many more.

Croatians protest anti-gay marriage vote

Subscribe to our channel //bit.ly/AJSubscribe Subscribe to our channel //bit.ly/AJSubscribe Gay rights supporters have staged protests in Croatia ahead ...

Croatia votes in anti-gay marriage referendum

Should Croatia constitutionally ban gay marriage? That is the question being answered by... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for ...

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Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries on earth and its citizens are kind and thoughtful. Just because some parts of the "west" have forgotten their Christian past and abandoned their most cherished believes and tenets of faith, WE HAVE NOT!!! We Croats have fought against invasion after invasion , from Ottomans, Serbs, Communist and fascist. We will also fight against this agenda to forge each nation into the image of some sort of "ideal" that is unnatural to our culture and our traditions. Za Dom Spremni, God protect our small country.
why-tf are you monetizing this?
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