Sept. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Jim McCafferty, a Hong Kong-based Asia research product manager for Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, talks about the outlook for ...
How does BBX work?
Amazing coco water
In the film we can see the process of preparing coconut. After the preparation you can drink a coconut water straight from the fruit. Please find below an Interview ...
very cool elaboration of how the system keeps the human in the bounds of
the accepted "human-nature" -- and vice-versa: the accepted human-nature as
"survival" keeps the system running. time to give ourselves a push. time to
Stop and re-consider / re-evaluate what Living means and what Life on Earth
could be given the current technological and other advancements. the
realization of Oneness implies self-responsibility! i am 1 vote for life, 1
vote for equality! thank you Cathy
I Agree Cathy - Human Beings are not inherently Lazy - We have simply
Accepted ourselves as working-slaves for Survival, Believing that only by
Fighting and Competing with each other and ourselves, can we Survive. We
can End this With an Equal Money System.
great points cathy - thanks - the perfect slaves are those that don't even
know they are slaves = existence currently and throughout all of time. thus
we cut the chains and stand as life!
cool description of how we exist as slaves to the system that's here, and
our perception of ourselves. Resetting ourselves @ Desteni to reset the
world system
Forex US Dollar Likely to Trade Lower in Week Ahead
forex us dollar likely to trade lower in week ahead bbc forex us dollar likely to trade lower in week ahead bloomberg forex us dollar likely to trade lower in week ...