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Infinity Skaarf 1.6 - Support Crystal Carry - Toxic Taka [ THb 6-5-13 90% ]

This was a Ranked Queue. This was a crazy game when our team didn't have any support at all. Well both my team mates were instalocking, they picked Saw ...

Taka 1.6 - Hybrid Jungle - Omni Present [ THb 11-5-13 100% ]

Taka 1.6 - Hybrid Jungle - Carry [ THb 8-2-6 78% ]

Death Metal Krul 1.6 - Support Roam [ THb 3-5-10 62% ]

This was a Ranked Queue. Finally, I got first game of the day. I played as support Krul. However my teammates Joule and Taka really knew when to initiate fight ...

User Comments

Hey people, the video is outdated. Method above no longer works! After tried everything, this site is the only one that worked! https://www.facebook.com/VainGlory-Hack-Tool-Online-418769204989061/?pidid=43157b21-bd05-40f9-9b69-cf82874f86a0 You guys should try it!! Death Metal Krul 1.6 - Support Roam [ THb 3-5-10 62% ]
+gnana sai , couldn't agree more. There is "1.6" on the title, it means the version of which this match was played. We are now at 1.13, so yeah, 1.6 Krul totally has a different playstyle compared to 1.13 Krul.
Really nice game man, iv been struggling with krul recently, but lately i have been building support like this. Much more enjoyable to play.
+maggersssbro yep.. Krul is the most versatile hero IMHO, you can build them CP, WP, Hybrid, and support.

Gift-wrapped Fortress 1.14 - Roamer Carry [ S2 THb 8-2-11 91%]

This was a Ranked Queue on Season 2 Winter 2016 This time I played as Fortress Roamer the Carry, together with Weapon Joule and Weapon Ringo, versus ...

Fortress 1.5.4 - Support Roam - Invicible [ THb 6-1-19 93% ]

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