The Waypoint function of your DJI Phanom 3 is a very unique feature. But there are several limitations that you should know about. Learn how to use the Go App ...
Flying waypoints like this is quite useless, I mean if I have to fly a path
to set it, then I just manually fly it, why even bother to record the
waypoints to do it again a bit later when the battery will be probably half
dead? The Parrot Bebop Flight Plan feature is so much better (because I can
plan my flight offline, configure tons of settings for it, and finally go
to the place where the flight has to begin, touch a button and the drone
does it, it works quite well), wish DJI will create such a feature too. Do
you think it's gonna happen this year?
+dannydaw59 it's a standard bebop which doesn't have a gimball. The camera has only the diatone rubber damping balls to soften the vibrations a bit. On windy times the vibrations can be seen even more. I crashed it as well and I need to replace the motors. I started my channel by posting videos made with a Bebop as "warm up", but since last week I have a DJI Phantom 3 Advanced (looking forward to release new, more interesting videos! ;) ). I still believe that the flight plan feature created by Parrot in the Free Flight 3 app could be of inspiration for DJI. I really hope DJI can implement an offline planning and saving too. Also to allow to set a return home place for such cases. For a very long autonomous flights, if something goes wrong, you'd like a return home place in the middle from start and the destination if they are different and far away from each other.
Use the litchi app. Way better and you can plan and save routes on your pc and theyll be on your tablet and able to run them. Wish dji would take lessons on this app. It works flawlessly
Thanks for the lesson but, unless I missed it, you did not mention
altitude. Does the Waypoint feature also adhere to altitudes flown for each
Also, is there a quick way to cancel the route if you need to regain
control? I believe the switch is working from F back to P, but can you
program for example the C1/C2 buttons? The pause function does not give you
full control back, only lets you manually control the speed along the path.
Hallo, kannst du mir eine kurze Einschätzung, über das Risiko beim fliegen
über bewohntem Gebiet geben. Bezüglich der Störungen bzw. des
Kontrollverlustes durch die vielen W-Lan sprich 2.4ghz Netze. Das ist
eigentlich der Hauptgrund, welcher mich noch vor dem Kauf abhält. Bin
bisher nur ohne Gps mit 250er und 5.8ghz geflogen.
Das Tool hat nur indirekt eine Funktion. DU kannst auf der Karte einfach eine Route vorzeichnen oder Infos aufschreiben, etwas markieren oder was auch immer... Kann aber wirklich ganz hilfreich sein, wenn Du einen bestimmten Weg fliegen willst. Stay tuned and fly safe!
+Tom's Tech Time gehört zwar nicht zum thema signal, aber so erreiche ich dich hoffentlich. in meiner app kann ich noch auf der karte rummalen. Was macht das? Das muss dich irgendeine funktion haben?
+ELKINGLUI Hallo, eine Empfehlung zum Überflug von bewohntem Gebiet darf ich nicht geben. Generell hatte ich aber nie Probleme wegen WLAN oder anderen Signalen, absolut gar keine. Viele Grüße, Tom!
Kailash Mansarovar yatra - india route
The picturesque yatra (pilgrimage) to the Sacred Kailash and Mansarovar via the Indian government route via Om parvat.
Although there has been a lot of pralays Kailash has remained the same
Two people have seen God Shiu there and one has seen the trisul glowing
gold in colour
My experience was it was not me but the power of Kailash Pati that I alone
was next to him.I was unaware that there could have been wild animals.
As is brindavan.The place of queen Brinda.
If you sleep in sewa kunj Brindavan you will not wake up
after seen the ras leela
This is enough proof that Sanatan Dharam is a true religion
Also we do not discriminate male or female in God
A good example is SHIVSHATI
by Purohit Mahend Sharma
My Flight Proves the Flat Earth
Moj let iz Abu Dabija do Bangkoka dokazuje da je Zemlja ravna ploca. Sa visine vise od 11 km, nikakva krivina Zemlje se nije videla,sem potpuno ravan horizont ...
Hahahahaha, koji si ti lik.Ako en vidis zakrivljenost, onda ima sproblema
sa vidom, naravno da je horizont u ravni ociju jer si zaboravio visinu
atmosfere i da si u odnosu na kuglu zemljinu poprilicno blizu da bi doslo
do spustanja horiznota,Sto se tice korekcije putanje aviona, ti ocigledno
ne poznajes zakone fizike, niti kosmicku brzinu da bi se odlepio od zemlje
i odluto u svemir.Nisi ni dovoljno naucan da "objasnis" strucno tvoju
teoriju vec zakljucujes na osnovu onoga sto vidis i to pogresno. A ono za
avion i kretanje zemlje ti je najsmesnije, i nisi u racunicu uzeo cinjenicu
da se i ti vrtis zajedno sa zemljom.Nemas pojma sta je centrifugalna sila,
a osetio si je milion puta. :)))
+hajduk split 1950 Tvoja naucna replika na moje tvrdnje je : " ko tebi jebe mamu? "Nisi samo ti leteo avionom, ima ko je leteo na daleko vecim visinama i to u borbenom lovcu. ;)Ako je mene oprala amerika, zasto je ona oprala i RUSE? ;)
,,zakljucavas na onome sta vidis,, a na cemu ti zaklucujes ? na americke propagande? na nasu? pa ako necu virovat mojim ocima picku materinu kome onda da virujen da buden tako pametan kao ti? smece jedno
hahaha ajme meni sine moj, haha, ovake poput tebe je oprala amerika, oprala te kao moju bracu hrvate koji misle da smo mi neduzni! zemlja je ravna, gravitacija nepostoji sine moj, izgasi televiziju sine moj, big beng teorija nije realnost!
+cenzurauva D0 nije 100 milja tebi je to postavljeno kao tetiva a ne kao kruzni isecak i kada se doda nadmorska visina eto greske i manipulacije. Evo ti print screen brate. //
+cenzurauva Naravno da jeste udaljeno toliko (oko 148 miliona km , to sto nisi uneo u taj tvoj " trougao" se zove ravan ekliptike sinak.) Izracunaj za koliko se zemlja zakrivljuje ako je precnik njen taj koji su odredili astronomi i geolozi, to je jednostavno.IZracunaj radijane. Trigonomoetrija ti je savrsena ali na ravnome papiru za zakrivlejnje je daleko slozenije i moras da ubacis barem 3 ravni. ;) PS ti pogresno racunas razdaljine i racunas ih u jednoj ravni, narocito rastojanaj izmedju gradova koje smatras da je pravolinijsko a u stvari je tetiva.isprobaj pa ces da vidis. Tu tvoju teoriju zavere je po vama paranoicima zapoceo cika Erastoten, stari grk pre nego sto smo mi kao narod i postojali na ovim prostorima.On je prvi izmerio precnik zemlje jos 3oo godina pre hrista i to uz pomoc 2 stapa! danasnji isntrumenti mere mala odstupanja od tada, ali lik je bio genije. Obim zemlje je 40 075km a poluprecnik 6371 km. U racunicu sa tornjem ne verujem, nesto tu ne stima i sada nijedan naucnik ne zeli da ide tamo jer je podplacen. Pogledacu bolje sutra pa odgovaram a ti vidi za moje, ok? Nisu ubacene ni nadmorske visine u racunicu i to je jako bitno. Toronto 76 metara A rochester 154 metara i to nije uracunato. LOOOL. :)
+9000halNASA O... pa ti si obrazovan i načitan više od nas (???) pa ti to daje za pravo da vredjaš ljude... lepo obrazovanje...nema šta. Vidi, zabole me Q šta ces da mislis po ovom pitanju ali evo ti malo zanimacije za mozak. Ako si na ekvatoru uz more i gledaš zalazak sunca na 60 stepeni a na drugom kraju Zemlje je nekom upravo u tom momentu izlazak sunca pod 60 stepeni, (recimo Macapa Brazil - Malabo Afrika), razdaljina je 6,654km.Dakle , ti vidiš sunce u nekom pravcu iz Afrike a u suprotnom ga vidi brazilac.Da li je to Sunce onda odaljeno 150 miliona km od Zemlje ? Upotrebi mozak i matematiku, geometriju...Čuo si valjda u tvojoj školi za jednakostraničan trougao ? Ne ? Aaaa...jesi... onda ćeš lako izračunati razdaljinu Sunca. Ispada da je na 5762km visine. Kako ???? Hmmm... pa ako je ??? Eto, na "sitnicama" pada sve u vodu. Ili, ako iz CN Tornja u Torontu možeš da vidiš Rochester N.Y. na 160km udaljenosti preko jezera, kako je onda Zemlja okrugla kad bi taj grad trebao da bude 800m ispod horizonta gledan sa tornja od 440m visine. trazi sam ili se vrati medju "obrazovane i pametne"... za razliku od mene i majmuna pred globusom koji ce se bar nekad zapitati šta je istina za razliku od tebe.
+hajduk split 1950 Kako vidis da zivim u americi, tako si i video iz aviona da je zemlja ravna. Pusti me ti masonerije, ne verujem ja u ta sranja, niti zivim u americi. Ja spadam u teroije zavere, gde se generacije i generacije koriste za manipulaciju javnim mnjenjem a ti koji si se malopre ispilio i nisi procito nijednog slovceta iz NIJEDNE knjige si naso preko youtube kanala da nam otvaras oci? Ne znas bre da podelis broj jedan sa nulom. ;)
+9000halNASA vidinda zivis u americi, i sad vec nase ljude placaju da pisu gluposti, jel ti se bar isplati da lupas gluposti? vi masoni ste svi u kurcu, a tvoja nasa ce lagano popusit kurcinu, odjebi sa nasih videa, potreban si nam kao triper na kurcu
Aha, a ti si bas bistar. U tu tvoju teoriju su umesani svi zivi naucnici koji ceo zivot rade po unuverzitetima, umesani su rusi i kinezi i amerikanci.posto ces uskoro da budes u ludnici, videces da svi oni misle da je "napolju" neki zao svet i da su samo oni u pravu. ;)
+9000halNASA si na ovu skolu ? Biće da si je ti zavrsio pa treba i drugi da je zavrse...c,c,c... Koristi mozak i oči čoveče.
Pakistan Tourism Bus crossing wagha Border from India to enter Pakistan.
Pakistan's Bus which comes from Lahore to Delhi and return from Delhi to Lahore is corssing the border at Wagha Border (Attari). I feel like great to watch that ...
@kennathwalpita2009 Have you ever been to India or to Chennai.Chennai is
the hub for Medical tourism. Virtusa is the only CMM level 3 company
working in SL which is the biggest of all in SL. In Chennai You name any
company in IT it will be there.Other industries like
coal,Nuclear,tea,Coffee, Rubber and name anything it will b there in TN.TN
is one of the best states of India.Education in TN is also one of the
best.I am not saying bad about SL just telling you but TN is more dev than
what you say
@kennathwalpita2009 Past is Past buddy we need to live in harmony. How long
we are going to carry this. I have lot of friends in SL I mean in both
Sinhalese and Tamils. All are very good people. One my friend who is
Sinhalese person came to my home had a nice time and we friends here helped
in his trip to TN. Thats the spirit we need to develop change is what we
@kbalajie1 You may be right, buts still with TN's general political hatred
towards Sri Lanka and its culture which can be tracked back for 2000 years
clearly is something beyond the common LTTE problem. So in that case than
exploiting the markets it can make things worst for Sri Lanka. Anyway if
the bridge is to the northern part Sri Lankans will be thrilled.
lol... clearly all these comments are from ignorant people. 1. Majority of
Tamilians hate LTTE 2. Indians don't even go to Andaman, why do we need Sri
Lanka to migrate to? 3. The bridge is meant to open up a trade route for
commerce. 4. All border crossing roads & tracks are tolled and vehicles are
checked one-by-one by the army before entry or exit.
oh no...Dont connect with Tamilnadu anyway... If this highway is built, you
can see people shitting on northern side and clean in SL side... Keep the
highr living standards of SL unpolluted by south Indian looter.. they will
try to jump right across for better health, education and living and good
jobs to SL
this is madness. sri lanka is trying to commit suicide soon after gettng
rid of a bunch of mad men. now we have to fight with some 50 million south
indian tamils or if not 2 billion indians. fo whose benefit is this bridge
This will better for people like me who like to drive long. In june I am
planning for a drive from Chennai to Rameshwaram which is about 500 Kms if
I have a chance to drive to SL its a pleasure to be in.
this pakki only spread false info between us(indians and sri lankaans)
cause they are going to wiped out within next 10 years by their own
internal policies so keep ignore them and keep doing good work
BollyWorld - Chef Sanjeev Kapoor launches 'The Spice Route' by Shipra Khanna
Watch Shipra Khanna's book 'The Spice Route' being launched by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor. Shipra Khanna is the winner of the TV show MasterChef India ...
LUMDING- SILCHAR Meter gauge Railway of India
Enjoy the scenic ride through Barak valley in Assam in slow meter gauge railways of India with enchanting countryside (Assamese) music. I did this ride on 24 ...
Kalpa, Kinnaur valley,Himachal Pradesh, India 2012, Tapas Guha
a small slideshow from the pix i took at beautiful Kalpa valley at 9400 feet height. The music is totally borrowed...thanks to all those talented musicians :)