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Car accidents deaths per year Videos

DNT TXT N DRV - Texting and Driving Causes 3,000 Deaths Per Year

www.hupy.com Every year, texting and driving causes 3000 deaths. Make the roads safer and help save lives. Take the Hupy and Abraham, S.C. DNT TXT N ...

The 7 Dangerous Days | Thailand's Annual Road Death Crisis | Coconuts TV

Read the full multimedia feature on Coconuts Bangkok: //bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/09/09/7-dangerous-days By any measure Thailand is an incredibly ...

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You know what life is about. It's about death we all go. So it's not ironic at all. Are you going to live forever not drinking, eating lettuce and carrots wrapped in bubble wrap, always use a condom with your wife "just in case" to live is to be also close to death.
I love Thailand. Whats wrong with "live and let live" this whole wrap you up in cotton wool does not work anyhow still lots of deaths on western roads.

Drunk Driving (Statistics)

The statistics for driving under the influence. Don't do it.

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Hey Matt, Can I use this video for my school website? I would like to include a few of the slides into a video I am putting slides. Thank You!

What Does Statistics Says About Drunk Driving -- Community Education at Pulse Uniform

Check out the source page where you can get other information here: //www.pulseuniform.com/community/drive-sober.asp Over the past few decades, the ...

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With more than 10,000 motor vehicle crashes and more than 31% of car related deaths in 2010 that were attributable to alcohol, one would think there would be more of a social stigma attached to DUI offenders. Yet, there are more than 17 million people who admit to drinking and driving. It seems that if we can achieve any long-term solutions about drinking and driving, that social attitudes must change.
What utter bull and twisting of statistics. not the money ... the deaths by DUI incidents.
You are right David. Social change is must to see some positive changes

Texting While Driving statistics

Call now 866-231-9686. Ask for Jackie Williams FDI Mobile Voice takes telecommunications to the next level with VOICE operated technology that works on ...

Car crash compilation Daily accident 2015 # 24

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZkIhYhJ5__9RFCwcJGpZA site: //crashbloga.blogspot.com Annual Global Road Crash Statistics Nearly 1.3 ...

Driving So Dangerous It'll Be Outlawed? Mandatory Ignition Breathalyzer?

Looking at car accident and driving safety trends, deaths per miles driven have actually decreased significantly, although driving is still considered a relatively ...

User Comments

@eswyatt Rethinking this. A search required by state law would be at the behest of the state. Although the results are not revealed to the state, I'd say it's a search. That said, I think the search would ultimately be held reasonable. The intrusion is very low; it reveals only one bit of information--intoxicated/not-intoxicated. It's not like someone rummaging through your personal things. The public interest in preventing drunk driving justifies other suspicionless seizures, e.g., roadblocks.
How in what fucking way does the first amendment protect against policies against drunk driving. 10 year old kids arnt allowed to drive, one is not allowed to speed, and is it considered alright to text while driving? Puting breathalizers in cars, mandated by the federal government, has and will put no limitation upon freedom of speech. I mean we have building codes, and laws against yelling fire in crowed buildings. Its like defending someones right to walk around shooting freely.
People can't drive their cars, and the majority of ALL accidents are committed by "sober" people, especially the most deadly accidents. We should ban "sober" people from driving. Or better yet, ACTUALLY TEACH people how to fucking drive. Make 16 year olds wait until 18 to get a license, and require someone to have a learners permit for 3 years with at least 4 whole actual weeks worth of driving time behind the wheel with a legitimate driving instructor, BEFORE you get a license.
@Jallandhara Not wearing a seat belt does not change the way you drive for the worse. Its a safety issue, yes, but its also non-intrusive and you can still drive safely without a belt at times. Having to put mouth to a device to FIRST PROVE we haven't drank is tantimount to assuming guilt before innocence, which is a slightly diffferent matter. I do not need to prove that I have not broken a law. They require evidence that I have, BEFORE they can take action against me.
Once autocars become common, regular cars will soon be banned from some highways and other roads, because roads servicing only autocars will be vastly more efficient. This will increase the rate at which autocars replace regular cars. This will have a positive feedback effect, which will end in regular cars being allowed only on race tracks. The effects on safety, travel time, and comfort while travelling will be enormous.
We need to follow in Germany's foot steps. We need a better Driver's Education system, speed limits where they matter, etc. I also think we need better safety ratings and have handling/"accident avoidance ability" to out safety ratings. I don't think a car that drives it self is the answer. If planes could start flying themselves, who would go on a plane with no pilot.
I can imagine an emergency situation where being unable to drive due to breathalyzer failure would hurt someone. Maybe some people would chose to install one if they got a discount on auto insurance? Maybe if instead of making the car inoperable, a failed breathalyzer would turn on a warning light visible from the outside of the car?
Honestly, I'm torn about a breathalyzer ignition since I don't like the idea that it's presumed that i've been drinking and this new ignition would keep me from driving because such. But then again, we wear safety belts because we presume we will get into an accident and need to wear it.
@TrueTriad4Life me no but there are some that do but people want money now so if they paid somebody 500 dollars to start their car people would probably take that money and there are other friends that dont care
@TrueTriad4Life it doesnt mean they are going to the same place as them its just a way to get the car started cenk even mentioned how that can happen on TYT or they pay somebody to start the car for them
I think the guy means the Fourth Amendment. And unless your car called the cops when you failed the breath test, I don't think the Fourth Amendment would be implicated.
What the fuck are these nazis babbling about? Breathalyzers in your car now? WTF? The only discussion about such a thing should be no and hell no.
Texting while driving is becoming as much or more of a problem as drunk driving. I'm in favor of the breathalyzer ignition.
People would be much more willing to give up their cars if there was adequate affordable public transportation
a road is still a road ; the roads are marked and rules and signs are clear....that's the answer.
they can have their friend do the breathalizer and stuff thats why i think those are semi stupid
@Groundbrekr Hard Life Easy by Satellite Party
it seems no more intrusive than a seat belt
what is the song that opened this segment?
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