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Car crash edinburgh Videos

Scottish Labour car-crash of the week

Edinburgh MP Ian Murray has, let's be generous and call it an "uncomfortable" time at the hands of Gordon Brewer on Sunday Politics Scotland. BBC1, 8 March ...

User Comments

These cunts are gonna have to get back to the drawing board arn't they. They should have announced a deal with the SNP they would have got a few more votes. Did Labour really believe cunts like this one saying Labour voters wouldn't want a deal with SNP. We would have voted SNP ourselves if they had fielded candidates in England
+cucking funt If you want a 'Labour' government you had better vote SNP if you are in Scotland, and Green if you are in England. It is the only way 'Labour' will learn.
Motorway pile up more like
+dennis mclaughlin haha
+dennis mclaughlin haha that bastard will be oot soon...i canny fucking stand that wee fat cunt x
What a wanker
+scottishbadboy1 good, been busy with work too. I was talking with some friends about Scotland the other day
+nabilako been busy with work my friend..hows things with you
long time no see, mate

Edinburgh & East - Thursday, October 21, 2010

Top stories: Murder mystery: Detectives link the discovery of a body behind a village pub with a car crash in East Lothian. Also, life sentence for the killer of a ...

Edinburgh's first tram crash of the modern era

Edinburgh & East - Monday, November 7, 2011

The victims of a fatal car crash on the A9 in Perthshire have been named as Cole Gibson and Michael Joyce. In other news: a man has gone on trial charged ...

Edinburgh & East - Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Allister Gibb, a man who tried to set fire to his girlfriend's killer after dousing him in petrol has been jailed for three years. In other news: a mother of a young boy ...

EDINBURGH | Travel vlog

Edinburgh Travel vlog_6 by simonainireland Edinburgh, Scotland, 30-31.1.16 Music by Ben Murray-Smith https://soundcloud.com/ben-murray-smith Shot on ...

User Comments

Wow the buildings in Edinburgh look like castles/probably are? Beautiful! TY for sharing :D
+CupofTJ they all really do but there is just one castle haha! the old town in particular is gorgeous! thanks! x
I love it ❤️
+Anežka Sechovcová thanks x

Crash at 21k no prep Edinburgh Race way

Truck slips and slides off the track at Edinburgh Raceway luckily Driver is okay and confirms he will be back!!!
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