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South Glens Falls High School, NY - Tragic Loss

No school should ever deal with such a loss. South Glens Falls, NY - The high schools in a year and a half has dealt with the death of students, staff members ...

User Comments

i just graduated from the school last year and had been there when most of these things started happening-a girl Sabrina from my graduating class had posted this on her facebook-i think that this is a good idea-i'm trying to do the same in spreading the word on this video like every school, ours has it ups and downs-but lately i feel its gone pretty low. yes ppl do heal and move on but they never forget. i do beileve im not the only one when i say if you could come to our school it mean alot
I go to South Glens Falls High School, and am very, very proud of my school and where I'm from... I'm kinda a school spirit person. But really, people need to start to appreciate each other, and I don't want to say "accept everyone" because, "c'mon its typical highschool".. I get that. But stand back for a moment and notice the little things and qualities of people around you. Learn to appreciate your friends or potential friends and stop doing stupid things like juding people, bc things happen.
Thank you so much for doing this, I left southy about a year and a half ago and it pains me that I can't be with my friends, Seeing that your reaching out to all of the kids and teachers is a burden of our shoulders. Even though i'm six hours away it still breaks my heart that I can't be there and hug my little sister and tell old friends it's going to get better and I live in fear of what might happen next, I feel like I could have helped and I wasn't there. Thanks you so much for reaching out.
@Cameopin I went to South High. I have MS and a girl who lived on my small street also has MS and I've heard rumor we're not the only ones. That's quite a high incidence for a small town. We've lost one since graduation due to suicide, another to brain cancer, and who even know what else their poisons have done to us? We're all still very young! We lost many to car accients, (RIP Mckittirick, Rouse, France, and I can't even remember them all.) I grew up thinking small town life was ideal. Ick.
Thanks so much for caring about our school and community. I hope the administration can find a way to get you to come and speak. I graduated from South High last year when all this started happening and had hoped it would not continue into another year. We have lost a lot but we are a strong community. The administration does the best they can and I know they, as well as our teachers, truly care, but I believe the students need some kind of wake up call to keep this from happening yet again.
Only being in 7th grade and in the school, also suffering from depression, suicide thoughts, an eating disorder, and a loss of 6 friends in a time period of 7 months, my life is in a really bad state. I have a journal that I write in, but sometimes that isn't enough. I want to tell everyone else that has the same problems, you are not alone. I'm here and can relate. As for now, R.I.P Kenny, Bri, Dan(the 8th grader, I knew since diapers),Evan, Nick, And Kyle. I miss you all, And our memories.
Aw, I randomly came upon this video. My school went through the same thing. 1 friend of my committed suicide, died in the hospital another friend killed himself while getting ready for school it all happened 2 months apart. Then a teacher died of health issues. Then, a couple months later 4 of my friends died in a car accident. Gosh, this reminds me when I felt suicidal. Now experiencing it twice I will never result to that. The thought always comes back but seeing the result..not worth it.
Thank you so much for responding to our children's school. My daughter goes to SGF and this has been such a loss for everyone. As a parent it is the little things that mean the most for these children, whether a hug, a kind word, or a smile. These children are strong, for example the Marathon dance they do and come together to help others in need! If my arms were big enough I would hug everyone of those children! Thank you for your video, it brought tears to my eyes, but hope in my heart.
I'm from Upstate New York. I'm from Corinth, but grew up right on the SGF/Saratoga school boundary. I knew none of the people who died, but my sister went to South Glens Falls and knew all of them, most of them very personally. I can't imagine losing that many people in my life in one year. I saw what it did to my sister, and it was fucking terrible. I apologise for my language, but I believe its best to voice such frustration as it appears naturally, rather than after socially filtered.
Dear Friends, Parents, Teachers and Community Members of South Glens Falls - Thank you for your kind words about my video and emails that I am receiving. It is my pleasure to share words that hopefully heal hearts and spirits. This is what I do. Please don't put any further blame on administration and teachers for how they are responding. I assure you they are doing what is right and following emergency protocol. Let's just move forward together and we can create significant memories.
Mr. Yalden, I am an alumni of South Glens Falls High School. This video brought me to tears. They are not tears of sadness, although I've most certainly shed those, but tears of love and faith. We've lost role models and peers. Some of us have lost family members, friends, and significant others. Thank you for taking the time to make this video. Thank you for saying what needs to be said. Most of all, thank you for your kind words of love and support for our community. Sincerely, Rae
The SGF school disrict has been made aware of the pollution issues in the area the mills releasing toxic waste, some even intentually @ night, while we sleep and the PCB levels increasing in the water supply. 85% of illnesses are related to the environment and suicide has been directly related worldwide. The SGF school system has not only ignored these facts but have decided to treat the schools inside and out with pesticides adding to the toxic soup we expect are kids to live in.
About the video...you are saying not to point fingers, this is not the time. This has become a society of not being held accountable for our actions. As stated in my other posts, I went to South High. I was bullied from the time I entered kindergarten until the day I left the area. That is when the bullying stopped. When I left. So, I guess you're right. It does get better. When you LEAVE! Not pointing fingers is called turning your head. The time for that to stop is NOW!
I am so happy to see how many of you responded to this video and how many watched it. It makes me feel like starting this whole thing was a big accomplishment. Southy kids....you guys are amazing. We'll do whatever it takes to make the community and school whole again. RIP to all we have lost. Forever missed but never forgotten. I want to thank Mr. Yalden again for everything he has done thus far. We're working on it guys. Keep your heads up.
Thank you so much for this video. I sat here and watched this and cried. I graduated from South Glens Falls in the summer. It was such a tough time for us. I just got home from the wake of the student who died this weekend, and watching this video now... it's just so sad. Thank you for your kind words, our community needs them now to get us through the tough time, again, thank you.
It is hard to understand but at this time it doesn't matter. We can't bring back lives that have been lost. Create a tree memorial for all the losses or do something special that brings significance to the memories but we have to be careful not to glorify (I hate that word here) as to what could happen next. Love, Peace and Togetherness. Jeff
Thank you Jeff for reading my email and making this video. It really is a wonderful thing what you do. What you said in this video touched me. Sitting here at college and not being back home in South Glens Falls at this time is very hard for me but to have been in touch with someone like you means a lot. Thank you so much. Sabrina
I am born son of South Glens Falls. My Aunt was Town Clerk back in the eighties, another aunt was secretary of the Oliver. W. Winch Junior high school,my uncle ran the local bowling alley for years and I know the people whom live in the area. I plan to move from Florida back up there next year. I hope that I can help my hometown.
I don't go to SGF, and have never gone to SGF, but I live and was raised in the area. Some of my cousins attend there, and one of my best friends went there too. I think it would be good for them to have you visit. Thank you for being positive- they need that. Brightest blessings to you and yours. xx
Thanks for the video and taking the time to say something about our school and what we're dealing with, the last suicide has gotten to me more than the others because i grew up with him. We're a strong bunch of kids and we'll pull through again. Your words mean alot to so many people, so thank you
I go to South High, but never personally knew any of the people who died. But it sucks...... Yes people shouldnt commit suicide but why the hell do we need all the negativity to each other? I get it all the time from people. I really love South Glens Falls High School but things need to change.

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Glen Falls, NY Police Officers Illegally Search Car Without Owner's Consent

Post at CopBlock: //copblock.org/glen-falls-ny-police-officers Donate to the CopBlock Network: //goo.gl/GW4S09 Usable CopBlock.org Resources: ...

User Comments

another cop deserving of being shot in the face.....in my opinion
+Todd Sain ha ha ha ha .... sigh....now there's and idea
With a bazooka! Just saying
Whether or not the police conducted an illegal search, does a reasonably sane, mature citizen repeatedly demand the police not search her vehicle while she is angrily cursing at them? The cop said he already explained why they were taking the her car. Just curious why Ms. Larry didn't record the police side of the story and post it? *Peace*
+Ano Nony Your about as dumb as they come!! Really!!? We're do you think we live what country are we in!? Help me out plz..I gotta see where you went dumb at!! get the fuck outta here with that shit!!
+Ano Nony Hello, Ano Nony.Aside from Ms. Larry angrily cussing and making demands, I did not see any actual evidence the police were acting outside the scope of their employment.Based on the info available in this recording, did you see any evidence of police misconduct?Peace.
what the fuck? so you're one of those assholes who cares about the law until it suits you right? since they are cops they get to do whatever the fuck they want despite the law and if a civilian is upset about it its their fault? fuck you. I hope you end up on the inside of a cell one day for something you didn't do so you can see how helpless you feel when the very people hired to protect society shit all over it
A severe off duty beating is what these cops need most.
+TheProfessor Fate AMEN.

Bus driver: Brakes failed before fatal crash

LAKE LUZERNE, N.Y. (AP) -- Authorities say the driver of an Adirondack river excursion bus that crashed has told police the vehicle's breaks failed just before ...

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