Pls let me use your vid. I will give you a nice credit.
How shell eggs are pasteurized to eliminate foodborne illness risk
Eggs can contain bacteria called Salmonella enteritidis that cause foodborne illness or food poisoning. Every year, roughly 1 in 6 Americans gets foodborne ...
Maybe you are misunderstanding the need for pasteurization. We do it to
ensure that there aren't any nasties in the eggs like salmonella. Even if
the chicken is free-range, organic, and healthy; the eggs still have a
possibility of being contaminated by salmonella during the forming process
& after being laid. The initial contamination can come from ANYTHING the
chicken has had contact with and ANYTHING the egg has had contact with. The
need for pasteurization has little to do with animal rights
People have got to quit large scale food production. I buy farm fresh eggs
and haven't had a problem digesting eggs since! The pasteurization process
removes the enzymes that your body needs to digest the proteins and fats in
the egg! Not only that, but did you know that salmonella is hardly present
at all when chickens are raised the way they're supposed to be, not in
cages on grain all their lives? True! How sad that the greatest country in
the world has done such crap to our food sources.