This is a traditional method that's been lost to drinkers over time. Originally you separate the egg white and yolk. You mix the yolk up with steak sauce, and a ...
Partying Sober vs Partying Drunk. Starring: Jimmy Tatro : // Directed by: Christian A.
So you see, kids, the moral of the story is that you can only enjoy parties
when you're drunk. Doesn't matter how fun of a guy you are while sober, you
can't enjoy a party without getting shitfaced enough to punch anyone in the
face for no reason and puke all over the floor.
+mrroo96 I hate alcohol because I've seen what it does to people. I've read what it does to people. My mother has told me how she 100% regrets ever started drinking, getting drunk and doing shit the has regretted since. I know I could "drink with responsibility" but I prefer to just stay away. I have no need for alcohol. I'm just fine with my soda. =)
When I am at a party people allways say dude you are drunk but i am NOT.
I just enjoy myself and don't care what people thinx about me.. It seems a
lot of people can't do their own thing because of the fear other people
thinx about when you''re drunk you don't care..
Welcome to my coffee and coffee culture focused segment! In this cup we have Coffee with David Lynch, Coffee of the gods, superheros, and a non-coffee ...