Old Polish Tango: Zapomnę (I'll Forget It) - Chór Dana, 1933
Zapomnę (Rany zagoi czas) [I'll Forget It (Time Heals the Wounds)] Tango z rewii “Zjazd gwiazd” teatru REX (from the revue “Congress of Stars” in theatre REX) ...
Hello Grzegorz and all the "clickers" - this Tango sounds super beautiful
- however - the lyrics by the extremely talented Tango master - Andrzej
Wlast are truly great - as if foreshadowing Zula Pogorzelska's tragic end.
Even though the words are sad - this Tango sounds good for dancing. Happy
"hump day" - middle of the week to you - Grzegorz and all of us! Your
visuals look evocative and beautiful. It's sunny - still not overly hot -
at least - for this week - here - in the hilly neighborhood of New York
- from where a big hug and spring greetings go out to all!
+tango3721 I think, as composition this tango has an outstanding, very rich, meandring line and perfect tango-dancing beat. It proves, Władysław Dan was one more tango-master among the whole "herd" of prewar tango composers in Poland. Better known as leader of his vocal band, and not so enormously popular as a composer - compared with popularity of Henryk Wars, Jerzy Petersburski or Henryk Gold - he will be however remembered as author of such smash hits like immortal tangoes "Co nam zostało z tych lat", "Pokoik na Hożej"", "Kochana", or foxtrot "Może kiedys innym razem". Suddenly, the spring has became chilly cold in Poland. These several days of low temperatures which usually occur in Eastern Europe between 10-17th May are called the "Cold Gardeners" and include the days: of St. Pankracy (St. Pancras on the 12 may), st. Serwacy (St. Servatius on 13th May) and st. Bonifacy (St.Bonifatius on 14 may). Sometimes, cold days are prolonged until the so-called "zimna Zośka" ("cold Sophie"'s day on the 17 May). Greetings to you, Lana! :-)
Ale czasy sie zmieniaja!! Taki chorek nie ma prawa zaistniec teraz,a słucha
sie go z rozrzewnieniem.Bardziej tekstu jak podkładu muzycznego.Dziekuje!!!
+franka kitka Pomyśleć, że wtedy ich występy budziły takie same emocje, jak dziś np. boysbandy czy inne grupy. W sumie, choć rytm i styl śpiewania na pewno się zmieniły, to zasada chóralnego męskiego śpiewu z solówkami jest ta sama. Na pewno ogromna zmiana dotyczy zachowania się na scenie - oni stali w zasadzie nieruchomo, trochę jedynie gestykulując. Obecnie jest "szał ciał", choreografia ważniejsza od vocalu. Wiadomo, czasy kultury obrazkowej. Musi być show, bo inaczej widzowie przełączą kanał.
Jamming with Richard from Hypothermia Sidenote: To avoid getting 100 spam comments from Antifa-kids. I want to clear out that the flag in the background has ...
dedicated to the aryan beauty *Maria* ...mmmmmms. =p ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ohh and all lameass haters of fallen ...
Patrick -- in regards to the phone call you mentioned: yes, it's possible.
The Domain keeps tabs on all of us, even if we think we're "not important
enough to bother with." There is at least one possible Domain agent on this
page, now.
+Seth Tyrssen There was something very evil in the voice of the woman, I would say even a non-human female.Well that's it, I BACK :) I have to join all my forces and energy to the most beautiful woman in the Universe: Maria Orsic (my only love) to destroy them (The Domain) for good. The war has just begun. The nasty alien from outer space will be no more very soon! I can guarantee that. X-Files ... Mulder! Where are you ? :(Maria! I love you so much.
Very interesting. I suspect that "Aldebaran" was in fact Asgard. These
beautiful women were true Volvas and Valkyries, wise mediums of the Gods,
every one of them!
Its known that the ladies wanted flighters to be weaponless, not to mention beauty they all have. Asgards are way more violent and evil that stories straight tell us. And asgard are more warriors as Vanir are spellcasters and own such a talents.
there is something so hauntingly beautiful to maria orsitch. Her eyes are
like mona lisa but not to compare because she has her own achingly
beautiful expression
kingchamp your comments are no longer shown on my channel/vid. ya i can delete/hide them. because its my channel and i can do shit like that!! =) lulz u retarded dipshit. and i could go one step further and make all comments on this vid i made...be approved by me before being posted. =o i may do that again so your dumbass can understand this is my channel. but i see ur messages in my google plus inbox tho. that does annoy me. spew your christian bullshit elsewhere to other sad idiots as yourself. this is my last comment to you. i am done wasting time on your worthless life. at ease. age of kali yuga loser!! -.-
Yeah, lose this guy. I have no problem with what anyone chooses to believe. But those who insist on ramming it down everyone else's throat, laced with threats and insults, are the real "ignorant jackasses." I choose to politely "agree to disagree."
+SUSAN BROWN ...sighs. i have warned you my dear. yet you still continue to spew this jesus bullshit in here!! -.- but ill give u one more chance and wont block you from my channel. ...but if see one more word about jebus anywhere in your comments...you're gone. keep that shit in your channel please and take the jebus tards like kingchamp with ya. that scrub is already banned...
+Traute Masterson ...please dear post no more comments of jesus/christianity. or i will have to delete the comments. i have a deep hatred for their disgusting kind and that pitiful excuse of spirituality!! anything else u wish to say is fine though. thank you. that aside. i enjoy the interesting things you post. stay safe. <3
You'll forgive me for saying so, I trust -- but you've posted claiming to be all of them. Gudrun died in a Domain attack, Maria is in almost constant touch with me, and all of them spoke better English than to say "I back." All are, by now, experienced telepaths as well, so if I'm wrong, well, you know how to prove it.
+gabriel landry Just search her in "images," there are copies of her 1922 portrait, easily downloaded for free.
I wrote the poem Final Farewell many years ago. It is written in the perspective of a child living and dying in Mauthausen. The most famous method of torture and ...
Research: Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald,
David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, The Jewish conspiracy,
A Devil in disguise Also the book Other Losses by James Baque Pre and post
war encyclopedia and world almanacs show there are not missing 6 million
jews. Typhus killed the prisoners not gas. Thousands died in the camps not
millions. Forensic evidence shows no sign of Zyklon-B in any alleged
gaschambers for people. Seek ye the truth….
Haben Schweine oder Schafe kein zentrales Nervensystem, keine Gefühle und
empfinden sie nichts? Wozu kann man ein Schwein oder Schaf auch sonst
gebrauchen, als über 100000 Kilometer zum Schlachthof zu karren und zu
schlachten? Es als ein Objekt zu betrachten, ein Produkt, Mittel zum Zweck.
Sie haben uns behandelt wie Tiere! Was heisst das genau? Worin
unterscheiden wir Menschen uns vom Tier, ausser dem überaus bequewemen
Recht auf Entwertung?
Draga serbiangirl, tvoj pradeda Petar Loncar je bio zajedno sa mojim dedom
u transportu. Ako se ne varam pronasla sam ga u knjizi i po njegovom broju
koji mu je dodeljen zakljucila sam da se radi o istom transportu koji je
stigao u Mauthauzen 19. juna 1943 a krenuli su iz logora Staro Sajmiste 15.
juna Da li znas da je udruzenje bivsih zatocenika aktivno i da se svake
godine odlazi pocetkom maja na komemoraciju povodom oslobodjenja KLM?
According to Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem in his book 'A History Of The
Holocaust' He states " There were NO gassings at Mauthausen, although many
Jews were worked to death.
Into the Depths of History- Battle of the Atlantic Part 3
Abdul Aziz Khan: Battle of the Atlantic is believed to be the longest single campaign in the second world war. While American Navy was trying to send supplies ...
Interview with Slave who worked for NASA/Nazi scientists
Moon landings.???what what what.....never happened..we all live on a
plane,,space is fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!deal with
it ..we are all being lied to.....
+Scientific Censorship Committee I finally realize why there is a Star Wars character named Jar Jar. Jar Jar should have been sent to Auschwitz!
Into the Depths of History- Battle of the Atlantic Part 2
Abdul Aziz Khan: Battle of the Atlantic is believed to be the longest single campaign in the second world war. While American Navy was trying to send supplies ...
Nazi Medical Experimentation
Into the Depths of History- Battle of the Atlantic Part 1
Abdul Aziz Khan: Battle of the Atlantic is believed to be the longest single campaign in the second world war. While American Navy was trying to send supplies ...