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Nazi germany inflation Videos

Mises on Nazi Economics Debunked

Guess what their argument is? "That's not real capitalism!" Essentially Nazi German economics wasn't 100% like their fictitious conception of capitalism, ...

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You're spewing nothing but shit from your mouth. Nazi Germany was a socialist/collectivist nation and nothing can override that. Left-wing academia over the last six decades created this lie that its capitalist or right-wing when neither is true. They did this so as to create a scapegoat that distracts people from the horrible atrocities of marxism in the Soviet Union, China and North Korea. I mean when someone wears the swastika on their sleeve or a shirt of Hitler, they're slammed, condemned and shamed for it. Now if someone was say wearing a Che Guevera T-Shirt, nobody bats an eye even though he was a fucking bloodthirsty psychopath who murdered thousands under Fidel Castro. Essentially anyone wearing a Che Guevera T-Shirt might as well be wearing a Heinrich Himmler or Joseph Goebbels one.
+ZEROX Price and wage controls are socialist. Keynesianism is quasi-socialist. #hugefail  
+Freemind LOL. Your best source is a austrian-libertardian market fundamentalist.Yes, There were price controls in the German economy because They should stop hyperinflation... anyone with common sense could have taken that kind of economic policy except of course libertarians and other market fundamentalists.In fact, the economic policy of price control is not socialist at all.Many Keynesian and interventionist are in favor of such economic measures in times of crisis.Oh! wait, I have forgotten that everything the government does is socialism!!, right? #AncapLibertardianLogic
+ZEROX Germany technically had private property, but it was de facto socialist because they had price and wage controls and high taxation. Look George Reisman. #hugefail  
+Freemind You're a moron.if Nazi Germany was a socialist, how do you explain the mass privatization in the 30s?//www.ub.edu/graap/nazi.pdfAncaps and Libertardians are so stupid. Typical of market fundamentalists...
Government teaming up with corporatists is not real capitalism.
+ab0032 They will never learn, long live capitalism and imperialism!
+Tony Montana They think that socialism hasn't been tried right yet, they are extremely slow learners. How many 100s of millions still need to die before they will realize how sick and evil their ideology is?
+Kris0203 I know socialists are so stupid.
+Tony Montana They don't even understand what it is. What's the point arguing with idiots like this?
+RedAgent2020 Ok, well can you honestly tell me what is wrong with free market capitalism?
+Tony Montana oh again with the infamous "THATS NOT REAL CAPITALISM" we have heard it before.
Of course socialists have to get rid of their competitors, the others on the left. You have little historical knowledge. Hitlers SS learned how to torture from Stalinists Russia. Hitler could not have taken over France so easily if not for the help from french communists. Even the left in the USA hailed Hitler. And sadly you also have little to no understanding of economics. If Germany had private money or a gold based currency, there would not have been any inflation. Inflation is the result of a government monopoly on fiat money. But government monopoly money are not a free market artifact, it has nothing to do with capitalism, it is an indicator of socialism.
+Johny Diala State Capitalism is not Capitalism. Period.
+Johny Diala Hitler seemed to be much more of an engels follower as well. Quote from engels   In 1891 Engels wrote to August Bebel that he was glad to learn that new Jewish recruits were joining the German Social Democrat Party. But he warned Bebel that socialists would have to keep a watchful eye on these Jewish colleagues because they were cleverer than the average bourgeois socialist and were - owing to centuries of oppression -- in the habit of pushing themselves forward!
+Johny Diala These few examples, and there are more out there, show how American culture even before the Civil War (or the War of Northern Aggression, depending on your location) tried communal living and centrally planned economic models. Despite the good intentions of the people involved, they always fail because of the inherent flaws in Socialism. This is why MARX and ENGELS never showed a blue print. They knew democracy were everyone has a voice fails. Including Hitler and socialists like him. Quote from MARX- "Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that."- Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848 .
+Johny Diala Another example -  Charles Fourier, a French social theorist, came up with the solution to the problems associated with collectivized living: It should be done on a smaller scale. He calculated that 1,620 was the ideal population and that they should live on 6,000 acres. These were called phalanxes. In the 1840's, a man named Charles Brisbane decided to implement this idea, ultimately establishing 28 of them. All failed within 12 years.[x]
+Johny Diala People keep trying to describe socialism that if REAL socialism was tried it would work. Example-  The date is January 1, 1816, and a man named Robert Owen proposed a new type of model society. In his plans, each of these communities of 2,500 individuals would "be self-governing and hold its property in the common."[vii] So popular was Owen that when he reached America from Britain, President John Quincy Adams displayed one of Owen's architectural models for this ideal community. He established his community in Indiana, christening it New Haven in 1825. In New Haven, "not only work, but also recreation and meditation were communal and regimented."[viii] Everything was collectivized, including "cooking, child care, and other domestic work."[ix] Ironically, at least by today's "Liberal" standards, it was women that were relegated to these chores. The community lasted two years. The term "socialism" was actually coined by Owen's followers around the time New Haven failed. Eighteen other communities were established on the Owen collectivized model across the United States. Modern Times, the name of the community established on Long Island, was the last to fail. This was in 1863. eighteen failers tsk tsk.
Actually yes America is getting more fascistic....but we don't have 25,000 concentration camps with thousands of our citizens occupying them. From Levin- there is a big debate among lawyers about takings and outright seizures. But there is also the problem of regulatory takings. There are so many rules, and the Supreme Court has given enormous leeway to the federal bureaucracy, that very rarely do people succeed in court when challenging regulations as unconstitutional takings of property. In essence, the taking must be nearly a 100% seizure for them to win in most cases.
"Private citizens, therefore, may continue to hold titles to property -- so long as the state reserves to itself the unqualified right to regulate the use of their property."This also exists in the United States: eminent domain. 
"There are, however, no longer entrepreneurs, but only shop managers … bound to obey unconditionally the orders issued by government"That is how it is in every state. It's known as state capitalism. It works like that in the US also. 
+raiderbass Gregor Strasser was a member of the NSDAP with, along with his brother, idiosyncratic beliefs (ie. Strasserism).He was actually killed during the night of long knives because of his leftist views. 
We National Socialists are enemies, deadly enemies, of the present capitalist system with its exploitation of the economically weak … and we are resolved under all circumstances to destroy this system. Gregor Strasser, National Socialist theologian.
3rd- There are two patterns for the realization of socialism. The first pattern (we may call it the Lenin or Russian pattern) . . . . the second pattern (we may call it the Hindenburg or German Pattern) nominally and seemingly preserves private ownership of the means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary markets, prices, wages, and interest rates. There are, however, no longer entrepreneurs, but only shop managers … bound to obey unconditionally the orders issued by government. Von Mises in his Human Action (p. 171).
2nd author on national socialism- The connection between socialism and nationalism in Germany was close from the beginning. It is significant that the most important ancestors of National Socialism—Fichte, Rodbertus, and Lassalle—are at the same time acknowledged fathers of socialism. …. From 1914 onward there arose from the ranks of Marxist socialism one teacher after another who led, not the conservatives and reactionaries, but the hard-working laborer and idealist youth into the National Socialist fold. It was only thereafter that the tide of nationalist socialism attained major importance and rapidly grew into the Hitlerian doctrine. F.A. Hayek in his Road to Serfdom (p. 168)
 This "private property" represented the right of the individual to manage and to speculate with inherited or acquired property as he pleased, without regard for the general interests... German socialism had to overcome this "private", that is, unrestrained and irresponsible view of property. All property is common property. The owner is bound by the people and the Reich to the responsible management of his goods. His legal position is only justified when he satisfies this responsibility to the community.Contrary to the Marxists, the Nazis did not advocate public ownership of the means of production. They did demand that the government oversee and run the nation's economy. The issue of legal ownership, they explained, is secondary; what counts is the issue of CONTROL. Private citizens, therefore, may continue to hold titles to property -- so long as the state reserves to itself the unqualified right to regulate the use of their property.If "ownership" means the right to determine the use and disposal of material goods, then Nazism endowed the state with every real prerogative of ownership. What the individual retained was merely a formal deed, a content-less deed, which conferred no rights on its holder. Under communism, there is collective ownership of property DEJURE. Under Nazism, there is the same collective ownership DE FACTO.  -- THE OMINOUS PARALLELS, by Leonard Peikoff
+Johny Diala  "A system in which private enterprise controls the means of production is a capitalist system. Period." That's what I am saying all the time. So if the state controls the means of production, to use your marxist terminology, then it is not private control. Period. Wink."Socialism is a defined as a system in which the people control the means of production" Yes, and how do they do it? By letting some become rich? 
+Alexander Biersack You have no idea what capitalism is. Laissez faire capitalism is not the only form of capitalism. A system in which private enterprise controls the means of production is a capitalist system. Period. Therefore, state capitalism is capitalism. And no, I don't think you understand what socialism is either. Socialism is a defined as a system in which the people control the means of production; not Hitler. You people arbitrarily define it as when the state controls the means of production, which is highly inaccurate. It has been historically, ever since the days of Marx, described by virtually all people on the left, as a system in which the workers control their own work and are able to enjoy the fruits of that work without the capitalist exploiting it for profit. Even if I grant you that, the state never controlled the means of production. The means of production were in private hands. The private owners employed workers. The private owners profited. There was government regulation, yes, but private property was left untouched and private owners still profited, two things which are absolutely antithetical to socialist theory. 
+Johny Diala Yes, state capitalism, a collectivist system. Like crony capitalism it is not capitalism even though it has the name part "capitalism". It is a form of socialism. What is special about capitalism is that we have voluntary exchanges of private entities and government has nothing to do with the economy, no interventionism, no dirigisme, no subsidies, no bank rescues with the peoples money.When there is central planning you have a form of socialism, even if it is called state capitalism.
+raiderbass Private property was never seized in Nazi Germany(unless you were Jewish). Hitler, during February 1934, immediately after taking power, poured millions of marks into a work creation scheme intended to re-arm the Reichswehr. These jobs were almost completely private. He also promised tax relief for the car industry.It was state capitalism.They were vehemently opposed to Marxism and Social Democracy. In fact, before he came into power, 20 Industrialists signed a petition asking Reich president Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor. Why would these rich, bourgeoisie want a socialist in power?The "socialism" Goebbels was referring wasn't a traditional, leftist form of socialism aimed at creating a system in which the people own the means of production. No, he was talking about socialism strictly in nationalistic terms. The state never controlled private industry. It was syncretic; rather unique. They viewed the economy as a means to get Germany back on its feet. It was highly nationalistic and racial; politics and economics were inter-blended in Nazi Germany. They were for capitalism unless it impeded their ideological goals. They were not pro-free market. Nor were they socialist. They were willing to help and support private industry, and they were opposed to labor unions, but considering it was a totalitarian state, they still possessed control over the economy. Regardless, what ended up happening was essentially state capitalism. Industry flourished. Volkswagen is one particular company which comes to mind. 
+Johny Diala Second point lets look at a champion of the left in the USA Nohm Chomsky he calls himself a socialist anarchist pentagon is the worst thing created by the united states hates the capitalist system and trust funds etc etc you get the picture??  Chomsky’s business works something like this. He gives speeches on college campuses around the country at $12,000 a pop, often dozens of times a year.Can’t go and hear him in person? No problem: you can go online and download clips from earlier speeches—for a fee. You can hear Chomsky talk for one minute about “Property Rights”; it will cost you 79 cents. You can also buy a CD with clips from previous speeches for $12.99.     In October 2002, radicals gathered in Philadelphia for a benefit entitled “Noam Chomsky: Media and Democracy.” Sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Democratic Left, for a fee of $15 you could attend the speech and hear the great man ruminate on the evils of capitalism. For another $35, you could attend a post-talk reception and he would speak directly with you.Chomsky, for all of his moral dudgeon against American corporations, finds that they make a pretty good investment. When he made investment decisions for his retirement plan at MIT, he chose not to go with a money market fund or even a government bond fund. Instead, he threw the money into blue chips and invested in the TIAA-CREF stock fund. A look at the stock fund portfolio quickly reveals that it invests in all sorts of businesses that Chomsky says he finds abhorrent: oil companies, military contractors, pharmaceuticals, you name it. Noam Chomsky has embarrassingly capitalist tastes; among other expensive property he owns a 36,155 square foot home near Cambridge, a 13,503 square foot vacation home, and four boats. And we won’t even mention his extensive car collection! He has a 2 million dollar trust fund I can go on and on BUT by definition he is a true capitalist!! So yes I can make an argument the nohm is a right winger yes? IF you look at all the Marxist leadership of today they are all filthy rich.  Marxism itself is a fraud. But no Chomsky is a left winger just like hitler was a left winger.
+Johny Diala Many social democrats and communists joined the national socialists. Here -  Why Are We Socialist? by Dr. Joseph Goebbels its several paragraphs Marxists like to rant you know but the last few lines I think youll enjoy! We are against the political bourgeoisie, and for genuine nationalism! We are against Marxism, but for true socialism! We are for the first German national state of a socialist nature! We are for the National Socialist German Workers Party! By the way these Nazis were huge fans of Nietzsche! Nietzsche often talked about a new type of man ....supermen! you can see Nazi party make a museum and memorial for him even photos of hitler with Nietzsche statue. Nietzsche was of the left and gay.
You have no historical knowledge whatsoever. Hitler was vehemently opposed to, what he considered, Jewish Bolshevism.  The Social Democratic Party of Germany was Hitler's main opposition in the Reichstag. When he got into power, he banned the social democrats. Unions were forced to disband in 1934. His platform was largely based on anti-Marxist anti-semetic far-right nationalism. The Nazi economy was more or less a form of state capitalism. Gregor Strasser, one of the leftists in the NSDAP, was actually killed during  the "Night of the Long Knives".I don't believe you understand what capitalism is either. Capitalism is just a political system in which the means of production are privately operated. That's it. Fiat currency makes no difference. 
well said.


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why so many dislikes?
+FlipnoteMrMan read the desc
man do i hate niggers
+Dean Domino sam?
sweet fucking Jesus micah
Sorry i etched your face into youtube history

Germany's Fear of Inflation

Zoe Chace, Caitlin Kenney and Joseph Amann examine why Germany is afraid of inflation. April 24, 2012. For video, audio, and transcript, go to: ...

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Zoey sounds ridiculous. I can't stand her voice.

Gordon Bennett Balloon Race - Germany (1936)

Unused / unissued material - no paperwork - dates unclear or unknown Germany. Hot air balloons are inflated in a field. Men, some in Nazi uniforms, help to pull ...

Too Much Money - Hyperinflation in Germany

After World War I, the German government inflated the currency to pay for war reparations, thereby devastating the German economy. To learn more about Too ...

A German Inflation 1080p 1

Calling White House about NDAA ∞ Nazi's never passed a Holocaust Law Ron Paul Martial Law

Petition Arrest Rogue US Senators that support National Defense Authorization Act S1867 //petitionbureau.org/ArrestRogueSenators Rohbss New Channel.

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Support Dr. 'Sir' RON PAUL 2012 Check vids on Diebold vote hack Welfarism: Give Jack a fish and he wont go hungry today Freedom: Teach Jack to fish, he will never go hungry! *RON PAUL vs WRONG POLL* AMERICA vs MEDIA FIGHT MEDIA BLACKOUT SPREAD RON'S 'WHAT IF' AND 'IMAGINE' SPEECH ON IPAD,IPOD Write on bills : IN RON WE TRUST ! END THE FED OR FEED THE END Please vote on vids and comments, Your opinion matters! /watch?v=EqG-apYD_lA&feature=channel_video_title Click like for ♥ RON PAUL ♥
Hey since they are a corporation and not an actual government, what about the websites all ending with g o v. I was wondering if thats good enough for the fraud they are already perpetrating? Could it be changed to dot c o r p - LOL. Can we sue for misrepresentation?
why would they bother to answer? what did you really expect, sure sir, barack has been waiting next to the phone for your call mr dice, ill put you right through to the oval orifice.
Number 1...... The congress men and women that voted for this law should be tried for treason first.....for even passing the bill.
obama ignores golden chance to arrest senators cos hes also a traitor and knows hell also be exposed hence he ignores it
@job3831 Fema is a smoke free Zone and you will wake up at 5 am sharp and work till 7pm then bunk time is 8:30 pm
Hay bud, let us know if they allow smoking in the FEMA camp.
The Comgress has hung up on the American People..........
Stick close to God my freinds. fuck the illuminati!!!!
@job3831 LOL. Aint that the truth. Good on that guy

Hitler's Rise to Power in Germany from 1932-1935

//www.youtube.com/user/jean k Hitler's Rise to Power in Germany from 1932-1935 This video follows Hitler's rise to complete control over Germany from ...

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i will mate dont worry, can you subscribe to mine.
Check out & Subscribe to my Channel

People sign petition to "increase inflation to 100%" to cause hyperinflation.

Mark Dice asks people to sign a petition to cause hyper-inflation and destroy the US Dollar. Check out Mark's book The New World Order: Facts & Fiction on ...

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I live in California. There are retards. Retards everywhere.
ya I would imagen California being sh!t I have never been there but I have seen dump people in my area say stuff like they would like to meet a celebrity and typical sh!t you would here from improssinable dump kids I would know I was one of them but even at a younge age I had likes and dislikes kids this days are waaaaay to greedy,gay and stupid then again I would know!
ok this one .....this can't be real.. :/
+somberrose85 too bad it is. surrounded by living zombies
Inflation is better than deflation. Deflation is where the Economy is shrinking. In an economic downturn ( a reduction or slowdown of output in 3 consecutive quarters) typical fiscal policies are to reduce the rate of direct and indirect taxes, and monetary policy is to reduce interest rates (interest rates control the levels of inflation) so they lower the level of interest and tax rates so prices of products on the retail and consumer price index become cheaper, but there is so little money which is normally locked up in company reserves, merchant banks, shares etc when share prices have slumped (so people are unwilling to sell their shares until they increase in price again).. there is not enough capital floating around the economy and most importantly, a lack of business confidence to invest (game theory) so prices shrink, people still don't buy, and greater levels of unemployment result in a depression than hyperinflation which is normally caused such as a typical example of the hyperinflation of oil in the 1970's where oil supplies were pipe-lined from Russia and the Ukraine but there was a war at this time between these two countries so access to these supplies was more difficult so this resulted in reduced supply. From a market which is of inelastic demand, the hyperinflation of oil had a domino effect in all other markets in the UK and US economy which had drastic effects on decreased levels of employment, increased unemployment and increased strain on the welfare system. Deflation is macro-economically more destructive than inflation (such as the 1930's depression, wall street crash). Do people not know that hyperinflation increases prices so domestic businesses will become dissolved which will slump in demand domestic export industries and dramatically increase foreign import industries resulting in unemployment and devalue their currency ? Do people not know that using all monetary reserves or base money to reflate the economy is fucking stupid ? People should know this shit.
This is why deflation is better (YouTube): Peter Schiff on the idiocy of the fear of deflation, June 6th 2014
He is a good talker, one girl who at least asks and questions it but then signs anyway. One guy also questions but signs anyway and the chess players tend to be very intelligent so they refused at least they have head on their shoulders
+polarbear1927 I thought she outsmarted him too for a second, but she questioned her own instincts.
As stupid as this sounds... wouldn't the Fed actually want to do something like this?
They already do it's called QE and 0% interest rates. It hyper inflates assets which when sold will hyper inflate cash. 0% interest means cash is worthless because you'd rather own assets or borrow money to buy assets than hold cash.
+LaserActiveGuy Petition or not inflation is already happening, just not at 100%. Maybe it'll get there in the future with the way the government runs th'economy. :(
If you tell them to sign for super hyper inflation probably more people will sign. :)
+Tudor4398 "Plus" has been a trendy buzz-word lately. How about hyper inflation Plus?
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