KTF News - Germany Under Pressure to Increase Military Spending
KTF News - Germany Under Pressure to Increase Military Spending.
It's Hormeggedon! What Happens When Public Policy Passes the Point of No Return
Public policy disasters happen everywhere – but for the biggest, most disastrous examples, Bill Bonner says to look to the military world. Read more here: ...
Thank you for the good insight. Never learnt that in history class though I
went to school in Germany. Maybe you can answer this question for me. Is
the American debt policy already at the point of no return, since the debt
limit gets raised again and again?
+RayDee93 Yes, it has passed that point. Everyone now awaits the collapse.
Cruising through the Third Reich 3D
How Does America Make Money Off War? Financial Interests, Military-Industrial Complex (2000)
The military–industrial complex, or military–industrial–congressional complex, comprises the policy and monetary relationships which exist between legislators, ...
Please look into what your in fact pushing ideologically.Challenge it, don't just believe the chatter and regurgitated "group think" of the likes of Alex Jones and other Koch Brothers propaganda outlets.Austrian economics (or the Austrian school of economics) is a school of economic thought that eschews mathematical modeling and empirical testing in favor of a narrative approach termed "praxeology."[2][3]As the claims of Austrian economists are difficult to verify through empirical testing (and the same economists openly admit to it), it is generally considered to be a heterodox approach[4] or outright pseudoscience. Austrian arguments as to why statistical methods cannot adequately describe human behavior can seem intuitively compelling, but they fail to provide the mathematical proof demonstrating why normally unbiased estimates suddenly become biased simply because they are dealing with people who make decisions. In this sense, the Austrian school is to economics as a certain other Austrian school was to psychology. Perhaps one reason they are so uncomfortable with empiricism is that Austrian economists are more interested in defending the political ideology of libertarianism than they are in advancing economic understanding,[5] and rigorous testing can sometimes undermine deeply held political beliefs.Can we take anything positive from it? Well, to start, its use can be found in no economy in the world... except Somalia.[6]Please read on. :-D//rationalwiki.org/wiki/Austrian_school
+RebelRadiusWell that's called a non-sequitur argument RR.Posting a quote by Lysander Spooner on his anti-social philosophy and hatred of democracy only proves my suspicion that you've been conned by the Koch Brothers "libertarian/Tea Party" rhetoric. When taken in the face of this discussion.Sorry RR, but you're really trying too hard to push that lawless ultra-capitalist rhetoric that has been sold to the kids under the name "libertarian-ism".I know it all to well and it is as Utopian and naive as Communism and Anarchism.Sorry to burst your bubble.Oh and if you feel like break laws and driving through red lights try to to kill anyone.Thanks :-DP.S.I've only had my morning coffee so I'm still half asleep. Sorry if I'm a bit direct. It's my old military training coming through.P.P.SIf you don't want your monopoly money and it has no value send it too me and I'll send you a handful of magic beans. XD
+Smiling Aussie"The principle that the majority have a right to rule the minority, practically resolves all government into a mere contest between two bodies of men, as to which of them shall be masters, and which of them slaves; a contest, that—however bloody—can, in the nature of things, never be finally closed, so long as man refuses to be a slave." - Lysander Spooner
+RebelRadius I've read all that sort of thing before. It doesn't actually mean anything.For example if "Fiat currency is nothing more than monopoly money" as you say then give it all away.give away all that worthless monopoly money to the poor or the homeless or to me. I'll atke if your hands.Now for your false premise that "[...] laws are bits of paper based on opinions backed by guns."Who's "opinion" are they based on RR?Would you accept that many laws are in fact there not to make you a criminal but to also keep you alive?For example do you know why we have road laws?So that the majority of us all use the roads the same way and in that way we all understand how to avoid accidents.Sure there are still accidents, that is for the majority of the time drive fault or due to conditions such as weather.To be frank I read that stuff you've regurgitated before. It's the same old tired anarco-crapitalist rhetoric that the Koch Brothers have been selling the kids as "Libertarian-ism".Thanks for the reply but I might not be the person you'd want to try and spin that one too.Cheers.
+RebelRadius What does that mean? Are you claiming that money is a Socialist ideal?Read the title mate, it's "How Does America Make Money Off War? Financial Interests, Military-Industrial Complex"
War is a big time business...the war on terror is a never ending
business...we (ordinary people) have been bamboozled false flag style into
this non stop war paradigm by the global power elite.
Media =s Medium =s Hypnotizing Minds
+IceManLikeGervin I started paying attention to the money game that happens between corporations and politics during a brief "encounter" with Bechtel Corp. Bechtel has a cozy relationship with Washington D.C. receiving many government contracts over many years. They made lots of money from one such contract to cap the machinery (for lack of the correct word that escapes me) where oil was spewing out in Kuwait, after the Bush Sr. Middle Eastern invasion....also they were to be involved in the Yucca Flats project which I don't think ever happened...I hope. This is, of course, only one of so many corporations involved in this money making machinery. Does anyone out there know of any other corporations like Bechtel.
NATO Defence Spending Low: Only five members set to reach spending target of 2% of GDP
NATO defence spending concerns amid Russia's actions in Ukraine. A new report published Monday reveals that out of 28-member nations, only five are ...
Maintaining an empire is very expensive in many bureaucratic categories.
This is why The European Union empire will have some countries which
struggle in their budgets.
+1Fireskull NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg lied in claiming that "We are not in a Cold War situation". Every indication contradicts that. We are in The Second Cold War after the invasion by Russia into Ukraine in 2014 and its current occupation of 3 Ukraine territories. We see huge sanctions against Russia. We hear often about NATO and Russia high levels of military alertness and maneuvers. We hear the rhetoric of hostility, such as reminders of the nuclear capabilities. There are other evidences of a Second Cold War.
The simple way to resolve conflicts with Russia, Ukraine, and the west, and
save $Billions of taxpayers money all round, including in Russia, is to put
a bullet through Putin's head. Simplez.
Edward Snowden reveals the US 'black budget' of secret intelligence spending - Truthloader
Edward Snowden has leaked documents via The Washington Post revealing details about the secret intelligence spending in the US. The "black budget" shows ...
Edward Snowden has leaked documents via The Washington Post revealing
details about the secret intelligence spending in the US. The "black
budget" shows how the NSA, the CIA and other intelligence agencies spend
their money and whether or not they are meeting their targets. They also
reveal a huge increase in intelligence spending since 2004.
+Anderson Dias-Moreira Answer: They haven't. We are no safer - actually far less safe than we were before sept. 11th, 2001 - because now we are being victimized by our OWN government; terrorized b y the police searching homes in Boston after the bombing there - which was clearly known to be going to happen by multiple agencies (the Russians themselves named them to us specifically), groped and fondled in our airports - our children, our wives - daughters - and ourselves - forced to follow curfews (as in Boston) subject to detainment, search without warrant or cause, even assassination, if ordered by our President if we happen to be overseas. It goes on and on. These agencies have NOT "kept us safe:" name one domestic operation other than the duping of some idiots encouraged by these agencies into planning some ridiculous operation. The people who were maimed and killed in Boston would beg to disagree with how "safe" we are now, when there were agents of all of these agencies present. It is a HUGE, trillion-dollar boondoggle - a bag of money for black ops that no one knows about, and that have no oversight, and for private contractors who cannot be overseen by Congress. Our money is being spent to condition us to be afraid of everything, and to enslave us. People had better stop listening to propaganda and start thinking for themselves. That, in essence, is Snowden's message. So far, everything he has said is true, and has hurt no one, and we are no more safe or unsafe for knowing the truth. We are being abused, conditioned, lied to, robbed and made more willing each day to give up the rights secured for us by our Founders. We are fools, and will deserve whatever fate befalls us and our families if we let fear of harm lead us to give up these liberties and allow tyranny to replace them.
+Anderson Dias-MoreiraIt doesnt take billions of dollars to keep me from getting terrorist bombed. all it takes is the US not giving Israel billions of dollars a year or attacking countries on Israel's hit-list. If anything my government could protect me by spending LESS money.
@GuhYeahRight "I vote libertarian" --Well, since you're not a Conservative,
then you're a Democrap-in-disguise, or a Democrap-in-denial. Or as I like,
a "closet Democrap." "are both propaganda as well" --I didn't say they
weren't, dumb-shit, I offered them as examples of huge media corps not
owned by Murdoch. My case for you being a Democrap keeps getting stronger.
"Media in this country is all corporate" --Yes, they "drove out" all the
"mom & pop" neighborhood media conglemerates, right?
@GuhYeahRight "processes of the earth" --And who are you, Mr. Science?
"tenants of science" --That's "tenets," friend, which also means "dogma." I
though you were smart. Yet you're calling me & Palin stupid? Please. What
have you accomplished in your life? More than she has? Let's hear it. I'll
give you props if so. "you can't handle the truth" --Not your truth. "Palin
is by far the scummiest of the scum" --Not many things in life work as well
as the programming you've obviously received
@GuhYeahRight "scientific theory transcends dogma" --Sorry, I was trying to
point out the irony. "I've shed my programming" --You've embraced your
programming. "the failure of the status quo" --Oh, so this "hope & change"
has worked out SO well. "conservative who has the nerve to bring up
indoctrination, IRONIC?" --Not one bit. Tell me, how much Conservative
programming hits the American People every day through its news media?
Mmmm..... not a lot. So please, try that on someone else.
This is the DRAFT in sheeps clothing Any civilian can be involuntarily sent
anywhere in the world to support military missions for up to two years.How
is that any different from a DRAFT?the elite are underestimating the
rebellious nature of people here, so to get it straight were all going to
be drafted into the civilian military and basic training and weapons and
then were going to turn around and police our friends and families?Make $
be a Snitch Narc TAX Collector, or a Hired Killer
@Longsday work that benefits leeches and parasites at the expense of people
who actually contribute to society is what you are really saying.rob those
who have worked for what they have and give it to those who suck off the
blood of those who break their back to put food on the table for their
families.yeah your right,that's not radical or socialist at all.socialism
rewards failure and punishes success which is what obama is doing and what
you support.no you're not brainwashed at all.
do you even see why obama wants a civ. force just as strong as the army?
they (obama's handlers want to ruin America) want to transition from an
offensive fighting force to a defensive force that only obeys the president
(OWG), once this happens a case can be made that the armed forces is no
longer needed and its costing too much to operate. follow the logic and
past history on how fools of government operate. Brother i only hope we
have the guts to do as the Indian hero Gandhi did.
re: LadyGreenEyes964 Will a US military site do? _ Defense Secretary,
Robert Gates: "We must focus our energies beyond the guns and steel of the
military, beyond just our brave soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen. We
must also focus our energies on the other elements of national power that
will be so crucial in the coming years. "What is clear to me is that there
is a need for a dramatic increase in spending on the civilian instruments
of national security" tinyurl(dot)com/3bzm4b
@GuhYeahRight "monopoly on Media" --Sure. Ever hear of ABC-Disney or
Viacom? "complete propaganda" --From a Leftist point of view, I'm sure you
believe it. "separated, rather than united" --If you can back up that claim
with something concrete, please do. "Limbaugh" --SHAA! Yeah, talk radio is
a HUGE portion of American media!!! You're great! "Beck" --The No2 show on
1 cable channel. "evangelical christians" --Now a buzzword from Leftists.
To you, all Christians are "evangelicals."
This sounds like FEMA or the Red Cross or volunteer firefighters -- and I
However, I want NO PART of groups like the BLACK PANTHERS or the SDS or
Public Allies. Further, I'll have NOTHING to do with Rahm Emanuel's BROWN
SHIRTS. Go ahead and put my name on your hit list. I am not part of your
revolution. I am part of the counter-revolution. As of today, I have become
a TRUE civil rights activist. Have a nice day.
re: usascommando666 Try this article out: Defense Secretary, Robert Gates:
"We must focus our energies beyond the guns and steel of the military,
beyond just our brave soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen. We must also
focus our energies on the other elements of national power that will be so
crucial in the coming years. "What is clear to me is that there is a need
for a dramatic increase in spending on the civilian instruments of national
security" tinyurl(dot)com/3bzm4b
"she is a complete idiot not capable of running a country." --Prime example
of your programming. "She said she would have went to war with Russia in
defense of Georgia" --Got a link for that? "She's out of touch with
reality" --Because her opinions differ from yours. There's your programming
kicking in again. I believe Obama's out of touch with reality. Would you
accept that as solid, concrete analysis? "She probably thought it was
Georgia, USA" --Right. I'm sure she did.
greyflcn: while I appreciate the humor in your response, It's actually
pretty scary how liberal the Universities have become. When I was a
student, some of our professors were openly hostile to the service
men/women who were taking the classes through the GI bill. Shortly after I
graduated Dr. Fred Rogers (aka Mr. Rogers, may he RIP)visited us to talk
about early childhood education and was BOOED off the stage by gay
activist...and this guy was on PBS for God's sake!
listen, obama doesnt know what hes doing, hes just good at talking and hes
just a face, u can clearly see there is someone behind all this and they
will tell obama what he needs to do, and obama will just keep talking
people into this and that, cause thats what obama does best, also did u
know if your dad is a muslim they have to give there son a muslim name,
hmmm, barack hussein obama, what kind of name is this, keep your eyes and
ears open, and u cannot be tricked
"Obama's idea endorsed by Bush The Obama transition team declined to
comment on Broun's remarks. But spokesman Tommy Vietor said Obama was
referring in the speech to a proposal for a civilian reserve corps that
could handle postwar reconstruction efforts such as rebuilding
infrastructure — an idea endorsed by the Bush administration." msnbc. msn.
com/ id/27655039 Should also be noted the US Army Corp of Engineers,
already has 34600 contracted civilians
re: usascommando666 Easy answer. The comment was unscripted, and he botched
the delivery. greyfalcon. net/ peacecorp2 greyfalcon. net/ reservecorp
However, the argument, the same as Gates gives, is that our foreign service
that doesn't involve sanctions or military involvement is too small. And
that it needs to be much larger. Because "soft power" around the world,
should be nearly as crucial to our national security as "hard power".
It became clear by 1942 to many in the Wehrmacht that Hitler needed to be
taken out - But what prevented Model, Manstein & Rommel from rolling into
Berlin to remove Hitler? Answer: The SS If you see my other video, "Israel
nuked Iraq", you would learn that 70% of the US military is against the US
Government, (in fact, they fired on Paul Wolfowitz) Obama & his masters now
look for a personal SS to protect them from their own generals
Jon Stewart on spending for education
Jon Stewart tackles this subject like a boss! 1/2 of the pie is on government spending, mostly military. The sliver of the pie belongs to education. REALLY!!
The ads that I see on billboards advocating for public pre-school are a
shameless promotion for more union jobs with union benefits and pensions.
Calif. already has $1 trillion in unfunded pension debt. We don't need to
add to that debt.
That's because a lot of rational ideas have been politicized. For the right its things such as early childhood education, climate disruption, and healthcare while for the left its things like nuclear power and GMOs.
Jon Stewart continuing to spread the Democrat talking point propaganda.
For those who have done actual research know that putting money into the
school system does NOT correlate with better results. America already
spends more money on education than nearly all countries, and they are not
getting better results. Not to mention in America you will also find that
certain schools who spend more money do not show higher success rates and
test scores. While in some instances it can happen, but there is no
correlation between spending and success. However, liberals don't want you
to know that because they pretty much run the public school system.
Educate yourself.
+DaPhoneyRapperz "Putting extra money into the school system does not equal better results"Maybe not, but if we had more funding and more money to spend on teachers, more competent teachers would be likely to give a damn to apply for the job. It doesn't matter how much honorable intentions you have inside. If you don't have enough money to pay the bills, you're going to have to get a better job somewhere else. Also if you don't believe that our funding is all primarily on military spending, then you're fed straight up lies.
+DaPhoneyRapperz Hey imbecile we spend around 4 to 5 times on military compared to education so stop making this about your mindless party affiliation and look at the facts. You are too stupid to appreciate truth right in from of you because you have been fed an assembly line rhetoric.
Could it be that liberals "run" the public education system because conservatives would throw it down the toilet if they could and only have the elite upper class rich who can afford private schools for their brats be educated at all, all in favor of expanding an overly interfering military that the government spends more on than the next 12 countries with the largest militaries COMBINED???
Are you looking at total money spent, or total spent per capita? There's a reason why we spend more total...we're FREAKIN' BIG! Per capita on the other hand...
Unfortunately your claims are entirely inconsistent with decades of peer-reviewed research.Did you actually just imply that the US spends more money on education than other industrialized nations?Are you serious? We currently rank #55 out of countries that spend the most on education per capita.We're behind Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, New Zealand, etc etc etc.All of whom have better ranking public school systems....What a surprise!
No offense but teachers have lives as well. Sure some teachers might enjoy their job but its very hard to do your job if you have to pay stuff out of your own pocket or you have to deal with many students in once classroom.
+Ryuu Ainaki not exactly... It's not so much that the teachers we currently have would work better if we paid them more, it's that we could afford the brighter minds who would normally turn down the job due to the pay, and we get stuck with either crappy teachers and good ones that just happen to not care for the money (that is hard to find, meaning good teachers are hard to find.)
Ummm... what?! Are you kidding me? Because according to non-Fox News statistics, The United States is 55th in Education Spending (Source:UNDP). A mere 5.5% of GPA. And in terms of raw dollars, several european countries spend more. And yes, while I do agree there is no correlation between general spending and success, there is a correlation between paying a person and job performance. If we pay teachers more then their miserable salaries for long hours of hard work, they will perform better and better mold our young minds. I'm just saying, trim the military budget by 100 billion or so to pay for things that 95% of americans will actually use.
+Neosaigo Thanks for the insightful comment. My 33 yo Son and 31 yo Daughter got excellent public school educations and my Son is now an Engineer and my Daughter an Elementary School Teacher. Parent involvment to make sure the kids take the toughest Preperatory Classes made available and select a good State University is vital. Some kids just cruise through school and barely learn to read because of huge class sizes. Teacher to student ratio seems to be more vital than any other single symptom that plagues our California Public Schools. I can't speak for the Large City Schools because we are in a Rural County. My Daughter got Straight "A"s all through High School and 98% "A"s in University AND she took the hardest classes offered, so the student has a lot to do with it too. That's where the Parent's Role is the strongest advantage.
+Neosaigo Actually because of federal government standards, my state dropped in school performance... Not really an appropriate argument to make. Either the local area cares about schools or they don't. Either way it's going to succeed or fail without the government. But with federal government standards, its bound to drop unless money was the specific problem for the school. My state's schools were great because they set the standard across the nation in schools. Because the federal government got involved and started mandating the curriculum, grades dropped statewide. It's not a black and white issue when republicans look at it, and its certainly not a black and white issue when democrats look at it. Think hard before you make comments about this in the future.
Actually that is because the schools in the U.S are not unified like the education system in other countries.A person educated in California for example is quite different than someone educated in Mississippi.These days doing things efficiently through a central body is considered "socialism", which is why America is a mess because while some state have world class excellent educations, there are a lot more states with shitty schools.You are right, for most red southern state, the problem is not so much money, but the Anti-Intellectualism related Theism. However, for states that already have their acts together, the extra money helps a lot especially if we are to reform education.If you actually pay attention to the way education is run in this country you will see that it is not efficient, not because of wasted money, but because of people who think personal beliefs is more important than facts. For example, the textbooks used by the country is printed in Texas, a backward regressive state that is constantly undermining education. When we have a culture that doesn't want to educate, just to brainwash children with a set of beliefs, all the money in the world won't do any good. However, it doesn't mean the problem is with wasted money, but wasted opportunity. Blame parents.
It's typically because of where we put the money, dick-wad. Adding another grade before school starts, has actually proven... need I repeat "PROVEN" to actually get results. Yes, lots of waste in the education system. Biggest problem is where the money goes, not really that we are spending it.
Pre-School is important and even though my kids and grandkids didn't go to the "Government" schools they benefited greatly from attending private Pre-Schools. Problem is not everybody can afford Private Schooling and not everyone has enough education under their belt to "Home School" their kids. So yes, we as a Nation should fund Head Start for the unfortunate kids whose parents can't afford Private Schooling. It is money well invested even if it only helps 50% of the kids that attend. 20 years from now I want Tax PAYERS not Welfare Recipients. Education is a much better investment than Welfare and Food Stamps if you compare Dollar to Dollar...
And we spend more money on the military when such money would better be spent on education to provide supplies. Many schools are forced to make their teachers buy their own supplies.
"Educate yourself"? What's wrong is the way kids are being taught. If changing it means spending a little bit of the military budget on education, isn't that beneficial for everyone in the end?