Matt Rosen's Testimonial about the Veloxsites product.
Naturopathic Doctor, Michelle Sexton, Shares Insights in Cannabis as Medicine Plant
Michelle Sexton, ND, has been studying playnt medicine for over thirty years, and has recently opened a laboratory in Seattle, called Phytalytics. Medical ...
You might be all wrong. Cannabis is only a "medicine" after the fact. You
see, having these compounds before disease it more often than not keeps you
from even getting them. Not only are all 48 accepted essential nutrients
found in this amazing plant, but also over 400 other compounds looking more
and more to be a special order of them altogether. Case in point, Bama Yao,
China where the population consumes vast amounts of cannabis seed and this
culture not only lives pretty regularly in to their 100s, but into the 110s
and 120s ..with virtually ZERO disease factors throughout their lives. The
oldest recorded woman living to the ripe age of 126, without disease. It
isn't the only one around the world, it's just so far the only one that
consumes it in quantities, directly in their diets. Others get it second
hand through the food chain, through milk, meat and eggs. This entire
debate suddenly turns to pathetic when you finally understand the sham
being played out, right before everyone's eyes. It's sort of like the Omega
fats 3 and 6. which they only ever advertise as such and required. What
they don't tell you is that once ingested, the form into cannabinoids, as
do vitamins A, E, K1 and K2. Either Omega 6 or Omega 3 produces anandamide,
the very compound delta-9 THC mimics! Want to know more, just ask. I have
been poring through the NIH postings of cannabinoid research documents and
abstracts for non-stop 27 months ...over 20,000 of them so far. There are
also the terpenes (Vitamin C is one), which work in concert with
cannabinoids and other fatty acids and never mind the amino acids, all 20
or 21 of them, PLUS edestin, a protein, which from cannabis your body can
actually metabolize and use most of that protein as opposed to animal
protein which is seriously insufficiently processed and used. I am
proposing we are in about the 4th or 5th generation of what can only be
described as a massive essential nutrient deficiency and it is worldwide.
In fact, I will go so far as say even out bodies cannot be considered
"normal" without obvious disease anymore. We are nearly all of us deficient
and it explains the so called "abnormal" brain morphology we keep seeing in
adolescent use of cannabis. We could be seeing a generational nutrient
deficiency and because this is an entire class or more of compounds,
manifesting itself across the board in nearly every disease and disorder,
and at first having done so starting with our elderly, has progressed into
our youngest population with all manner of autoimmune deficiencies 20-50
years ago we rarely if ever even heard of. I would wager my being that I am
right on this. The evidence is very much there and mounting, while everyone
focuses on the legal aspects and the so called "medicinal" aspects this is
already proving out to us as we speak.
That great, pot is great, but it is not 'alternative' medicine... cannabis
is, straight up, regular albeit exceptionally useful, medicine: alternative
medicine is, by definition, placebo medicine. The ethical movement to end
the tyrannical pot prohibition is hurt by the alternative medicine movement
because the alt movement stands against science; science supports the many
benefits of cannabis, so it is harmful to take it away from science... pot
has truth & ethics on its side, unlike alt med.
"If I had MS my drug of choice, Cannabis try it. For every age related
disease the drug that should be tried first in my opinion is Marijuana.
Before you go to these dangerous Pharmaceuticals that often have nasty side
effects this stuff is working not on one individual target it's working on
your whole body. Remember the whole is greater than the sum of the parts,
this stuff is working everywhere." Dr. Melamede, University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs / Pres. & CEO, Cannabis Science
1:00 "Texas" Biochemist Dennis Hill, who graduated from the University of
Houston & did his Graduate Work at Baylor Medical School. For 10 years
worked as a Cancer Researcher at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
Cured his Stage 4 Prostate Cancer using ONLY Rick Simpson's Cancer Cure
Hemp Oil (Cannabis extract full of Cannabinoids including THC)!
The Human Farmicopia is all the poorer absent this wonderful symbiotic
flower. Hemp Prohibition has not saved a life from drugs not one. Hemp
might cure virulent cancers. Hemp linen is more absorbent and softer than
cotton. George and Martha Washington grew and smoked Hemp (pot), we ALL
Recommendations on
The launch of recommendations on
With Justice and Dignity - A Caravan For Peace
On Sunday, August 12, the "Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity" will begin its voyage across the United States as it works to create a bi-national ...