Students: Please listen and practice singing "Fifty Nifty" with this video. The words are there for you, but DON'T rely on them for too long. You will need to ...
+Nekaija Cooper ttttttttttttttoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BAD CALIFORNIA IS WAY BETTER THAN georgia and illinois togther BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM#in your face
Why does everybody keep saying 'there good!' ? I mean, I'm in fourth grade
and I know that 'there' is to be used for a place and THEIR is used to name
more than one person. There : My bag is standing over there. Their: Their
going on a field trip in three days. I mean COME ON people it's not that
hard! I'm sorry. I got a bit carried away. Have a happy Thanksgiving! ( in
two days )
Well.... to be honest my school did better. We dressed up and had the floor
as a globe with a map behind us. And there were 3 people for each state to
sing and I was lucky to get Utah. We were also able to move around. It was
the entire 5th grade to which by itself is over 100 people. These kids
still do good, but they didn't do much and it was kinda boring
How weird I am at a place called gleanings for the hungry and all we work
with is peaches I was thinking about peaches and typed it in and saw this
peaches song