You can't rely entirely on your lucky game piece if you want to demolish your friends and family members in a game of Monopoly. Here are a few math-based ...
It's a good video but it doesn't take into account how much houses cost,
whilst you are unlikely to land on the light blue spaces compared to the
red ones it costs only £450 to get 3 houses on them, compared to £1350 on
the red spaces, this makes it easy to build on early in the game, giving
you a distinct advantage over the other players, whoever has the most value
early on can outbid everyone else for the valuable properties later on.
+Phijkchu_Cute_PhijkchuYes but you need money to buy 3 houses, you aren't allowed to go into an overdraft. Whilst the rate of return is better on the red properties you need £2030 to actually buy all 3 properties and put 3 houses on them (assuming you buy the properties yourself, odds are you'll need to negotiate to get one or two of them, which could require more cash). You only start with £1500 so if you put 3 houses on red right away you'll have to have earned £500 from somewhere, which isn't easy to do without houses, so you'd have to start slow. In contrast 3 houses on light blue early on is very affordable and the ROR is only 0.24 rolls more than red.
+duckwantbreads uhm it does take into account how much the houses costs. The table seen at 2:18 shows how many times your opponents need to roll for the properties to recoup the cost of house. More expensive house building means a higher number, while higher payback per person landing there means a smaller number (though a link to the study woulda been great)
Take action guys: use this link ...before they runs out !! Links Here!! --- === !! Guides placed right here commonly working. How to use math to win at Monopoly
How to Win at Monopoly: Michael goes into 5 ways he's found to be the most important ways of getting better and having a better chance of winning in Monopoly.
Properties rank from best to worst as follows: orange, red, yellow, pink,
light blue, dark blue, green, and finally brown. This accounts for
renovation costs and chance of landing on given squares. He's right about
stations that you need 3/4 or they're useless and about utilities. He's
also right about 3 houses, it's always better to have 3 houses on 1
property than those 3 spread out over more than 1, I prioritize getting 3
houses on each of my streets one at a time, eg I get 3 on Piccadilly, then
3 on Leicester, then 3 on Coventry. This assumes you dont use that bullshit
free parking rule where you dont pay rent on the next property you hit
after landing on free parking, in which case the reds and yellows are both
+Reason Please free parking is free parking, when I park my car for free in real life nothing happens, same in the game. Make the game a good game, avoid house rules.
Here is a good tip: When you are somewhat short on funds, DO NOT BUY the
property you land on. IT will go up for auction! Auction start at only 10
dollars, so you can either A: Buy the property for much cheaper. or B:
Force other players to pay ALOT more than they would have, and in turn send
them slowly into bankruptcy!
Im not an expert but i was UNBEATABLE for 12 years.Non could win from me.No
friends,not even my father.I know own monopoly plus for ps4 so if like a
// Mr Davies is a Maths Tutor in London with Owl Tutors. Mike Davies uses monopoly to teach probability and the ...
ORANGES SUCK! In a real game no smart player is going to give you all 3
Oranges with a lot of money to put 3 houses on right away. Most people go
bankrupt before they can build the Oranges to be powerful. Just like with
Boardwalk & Park place. You'll sacrifice everything to get the 2nd Orange
just to find out someone refuses to trade you the 3rd for the Monopoly.
Also a lot of times someone will ALMOST go bankrupt landing on the Oranges
then the next roll they land on Reds or Yellows and do. You forgot to
factor in what happens in real games. Stats wise Purples (located same
street as Oranges) win the most Monopoly Tourneys.
+LunaticPaul1976 Statistically, the best properties to aim for are in order: Orange, Red, Pink, Yellow, Navy. Street 1 isn't worth investing in, while the Greens are too costly to work in your favor. Second, you want to improve property value on card spaces, i.e. Chance/ Chest cards that move you to a specific spot.These allow for unexpected cash when someone is well clear of your properties.Third, collecting all transport is a viable backup strategy, as a constant $200 can quickly add up.
+Spoder Man I like Yellows/Reds/Dark Blues and the Browns. I land on one of them and easily trade for the other cause people don't like Browns. $500 for hotels and you get it back after just 2 people hit them. It's like free money every time someone over shoots GO space.
+Spoder Man Yes I know that. Didn't you read and understand the comment? It was not about best, it was about getting the Oranges. If I could I'd love to have the Oranges and RR monopoly but other players also want the same. With 4 players you'll get around 7 properties per game. Go for any main color group asap and build. Also get a money generator to build faster and pay rents. Like 4or3 RR's. or the Light Blues & put 4 houses to cause a housing shortage in the bank. The Browns with hotels towards the beginning of the game. All good money gens.
My grandmother is a wonderful person,she taught me how to play the game
monopoly. She understood the name of the game was to acquire. She would
accumulate everything she could and eventually she became master of the
board, and in every game she would take my last dollar and i would quit in
utter defeat. And then she would always say the same thing to me,she would
look at me and she would say "one day you will learn to play the game." One
summer i played monopoly with a neighbor. We played almost everyday, all
day long, we would play monopoly for hours. And that summer i learnt to
play the game. I understood the only way to win was to make a complete
commitment to acquisition , I came to understand that money and
possessions was the way that you keep score. And by the end of that summer
I was more ruthless than my grandmother. I was ready to bend the rules if I
had to to win that game. I sat down with her to play that winter. I
took everything she had , I destroyed her financially, psychologically, and
watched her give her last dollar and quit in utter defeat. And then she had
one more thing to teach me. then she said now it all goes back in the
box all those houses and hotels, all the railroads and utility companies,
all that property and all that wonderful money and now it all goes back in
the box. I didn't want it to go back in the box. She said none of it
was really yours, you got yourself all heated up for a while but it was
around along time before you sat down at the board and it will be here
after you have gone, players come and players go, but it all goes back in
the box. Houses and cars, titles and clothes,even your body because the
fact is everything I clutch and consume and hold is going to go back in the
box and I'm going to lose it all. You have to ask yourself when you get
that ultimate promotion, make the ultimate purchase, when you buy
the ultimate home, when you have stored up financial security , when you
have climbed the ladder to the highest point of success and the thrill
wears off , and it will wear off THEN WHAT?? How long do you have to walk
down that road before you see where it leads, surely you understand it will
never be enough , so ask yourself the question WHAT MATTERS?
In this video Carter is going to teach you his tips and tricks on how he wins every game of monopoly that he plays. It is the best working strategy on the internet ...
Like 98% of the comments were hate comments because the 98% suck bad on
monopoly and wanted to win desperately and the rest of the percentage was
like "you made my day" and I support that 2%