I love all the comments saying "What do you mean his name is missing? It's
two squares!"
I hope you people realize a square is what's used if the game can't tell
what the actual letter/symbol is (example: a Chinese letter).
You can win at rock-paper-scissors any time you play by following mathematician Zhijian Wang's formula, which is based on the concept of using "persistent ...
You're all misunderstanding the findings here. It isn't advice to "stick
with a winning throw, change on a losing throw," it's an observation that
that's what people already do. Specifically, a losing player will switch
what he throws following the sequence of rock->paper->scissors->rock-> etc.
So for example in a best two out of three a player who threw rock on the
first throw and lost will likely switch to paper on the next throw. The
conclusion, then, is to game your opponent by knowing what they will likely
throw. So following the above example, if the player who won the first
throw knows about this theory, they will know to switch to scissors on the
next throw.
It doesn't even need to he extrapolated out to be significant to ordinary
people, so many decisions are made using Rock Paper Scissors that having an
advantage could mean getting out of a lot of shit you didn't want to do and
getting that last slice of pizza every time.
The key to winning anything is always being one step ahead of your opponent. Who's more likely to throw rocks? Or scissors? And when? Watch our video to ...
How to win Rock Paper Scissors | NEW KUNG FU PANDA
Try to beat Po at his new game that might resemble rock paper scissors but it's WAY more awesome with an invisible trident of destiny! Wisdom Dumpling #5 ...