Two thieves steal a Honda motor in Bellingham WA at 9AM on May 21st, 2015 . If you know these guys or the car in the background, please contact Bellingham ...
Why didn't cops lift finger prints from these crooks?
Towing on a Honda C90 motorcycle
I sold my motorboat (approx 1 tonne with trailer) and I had to move it around a bit to make sure the axles and bearings were okay......this seemed like the obvious ...
UFO Millenium Falcon object FOUND in Baltic Sea NEW[2012].mp4
'It's either the Millennium Falcon or a gateway to hell': Shipwreck hunters find mysterious object at bottom of Baltic Sea! Shipwreck surveyors found a remarkable ...
When are they going to pull it up? And hopefully the US military doesnt
find out where it is and go there and steal it and then say "What anomaly
on the bottom of the sea?"
Ouch, hopefully I won't get that many skewers on my paint tree...... But if
I keep up with the autos, I will need them. But, I won't be able to use
them if and when I get back to the RX-78....It is too large.
But John we can't hear you all that well, when we are in there. Doing a
car. I didn't think I'd live to see the day. The girls look great, the
house fantastic. You are the Man in Full. Very good.
That camera is underwater which does dampen the sound out. It is the main
draw back from the camera. I will do a full review of it soon. Thank you
for the nice comment!
eh... you bought a lemon. Ha Ha! I tease. Cool paint tree. Cool Jacques
Cousteau action there at end of video. Take it easy and Keep Building!
It depends upon what I have sprayed through it. Usually the thinner for the
type of paint I just sprayed and then a follow up of air brush cleaner from
A quick walk around showing my trusty 2005 Honda XR250 Tornado and a few of its mods. Mod list: * LRD Pro 4 Exhaust * Custom Wind Deflector * B&B Bash ...