Merci beaucoup pour tes recettes qui nous régalent et que tu présentes avec
des ingrédients simples et une recette très bien détaillée. Mille merci et
ramadan Moubarak!
Recette de pains pour hamburger (sans lait) / burger bread recipe /خبز البرجر بدون حليب
Ces pains sont idéals pour les sandwichs ou hamburger, moelleux à souhait et très bon. préparés avec des ingrédients simples, sans lait à la différence de la ...
سلام وعليكوم اختي...انا من جزائر... الحبيبة...موقيما بي فرنسة... اشكروكي
علا نصائح...وكول ما تقديمي ..فعلن عمالوكي نجيح نجيح..وسهل وبسيطة هدا هو
الهدف ...*_*...tankyou...
Bonjour Bouchra, première fois que je commente. Je te remercie vraiment
pour la qualité de tes vidéos et les détails. Je suis nulle en cuisine et
j'ai pourtant réussi à réaliser ces pains je suis hyper contente. Petite
question peut être évidente pour certaines mais avec quelles ustensiles
fais tu les croix et les traits sur la pâte avant de la mettre au four ?
سلام ختي الله يخليك انا عندي فران مكيشعلع الفوق و التحت ب جوج كيشعل إما
التحت إما الفوق و كنطيب فيه الخبز كيجيني قاصح معرفش طريقة الطياب فيه بغيت
نجرب هاد الوصفم لكن خفت يجيوني قاصحين واخا تقوليلي الطريقة كيف نطيب فيه
الله يخليك
القاعدة هي ان الفران خاصو يكون سخون مزيان عاد ديري فيه الخبز , إذا ميشال غير من جهة وحدة غادي يأخذ وقت أكثر باش يسخن خليه , شعليه من التحت وخليه الوقت الكافي حتي تشوفي انه سخن مزيان عاد ديري الخبر يطيب من التحت و من بعد شعبي الفوق باش يتحمر شوية من الفوق .
G tester c petit hamburger , et sérieusement ct une tuerie!! Super
bon,léger ,moelleux , tt le monde à apprécié, merci pr tte tes recettes,un
@kaitracid75 Tout simplement pour toucher plus de personnes ! Un hamburger
au foie gras interesse plus les américains ! Je devais faire l plus de vue
possible pour un exercice concernant mes etudes et ya bien 7 fois plus
d'1americain qui on vue ma vidéo (sur dautre site de partage américain) !
Voilà tout :p
@arisk33 > A part ça, révise ton histoire connard car 60% du vocabulaire
anglais est issu du français, lorsque le duc normand Guillaume le
Conquérant devint roi d'Angleterre. Pour le reste, les 40%, c'est un
mélange d'allemand et d'ancien celte."
Welcome to the SimpleCookingChannel. Things might get pretty simple sometimes but sometimes that's just what a person needs. I hope you like my recipe for a ...
I like making my own bread for things like that... I usually coat the dough
with mustard and hot chilli sauce before I leave it to rise the second time
so that the crust is spicy.
You are absolutely my favorite cook. I have been married for almost 30
years and never really liked cooking until now. I am addicted to youtube
now bcuz of u, I am always lookin for more stuff. Everything that I have
tried so far has turned out gr8t. Today, I made my hubby the chicken pot
pie and as picky as he is, he loved it (yum, & so did i). Tomorrow I have
to try these turkey burgers. Lately , I been lookin for healthy, easy-to do
recipes from U. So can u send me suggestions.TY, God bless!
Hello! my friend send me your video about the jello shots the other day and
since then I can't stop watching your videos! I was wondering whether you
could do a video or maybe send me a recipe of how to make vegeterian buns,
because I love this recipe, but I don't eat meat! I really liked the idea
of adding the cheese while the bun is still hot! Please let me know if you
do have such a recipe :) thank you!
This reminds me a little of a Curry Turkey Burger recipe I make
occasionally. Basically ground turkey, chopped green onions, minced garlic,
curry, ginger, salt and pepper. Serve with smoked cheddar. My husband puts
barbecue sauce on his, but I just put extra cheese on mine and leave it at
that. They're wonderful.
Hi David. Just wanted to let you know that I made these for the first time
tonight and they were really delicious. I used ground chicken and had to
use spring onions (that's all we have) instead of the brown onion, but
these were definitely a hit in our house. Thanks for sharing the recipe. :)
David I just Made this for dinner, it was really tasty and so moist!! But
it defeated me and my teenage boys none of us could eat it all it was
filling. When I asked both boys if they'd eat it again both said hell yes.
That's a winning recipe THANK YOU xx
I personally think the cheese are overcooked/melted, but other than that I
like the ingredients you're using. I'm sure it tastes soooo delicious...
TAT I must be satisfied with only noodles right now.. *stares at bowl*
because i love curry, i would love this countless times more with curry
powder, but there is tiny little problem finding ready minced turkey meat
in my country, but still, it doesn't bother me at all
i love the look and sound of all yr recipes but the hospital say i have to
have a fat free diet due to hundreds of gallstones forming a huge blockage
so i cant have them sniff sniff x
Looks AWESOME!!!! Wish my sister like turkey more, maybe more sauce to
disguise the flavor. What do you think??? Did it taste like turkey?? Or
just what you added to it??
this is really bad to watch in the middle of the night. ive been laying
here for about an hour watching these to get idea's and im pretty much
drooling all over.
These look really good. If I use an indoor grill instead of pan and oven,
do you think 1/2-cup of shredded cheese in the patty mixture would work out
These look amazing! I totally have a home-made burger craving now, at
10.30pm :P Might pick up some turkey mince at Aldi tomorrow and give these
a try :)
Béchamel sauce is simple.
In a sauce pan melt half a stick of butter.
When butter is melted add 4 table spoons of all purpose flower and stir
with a wooden spoon until incorporated with no lumps.
Add two cups plain mild and stir till it thickens.
Add a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste.
There you are, it couldn't be simpler.
Get creative with some of our burger ideas! // This recipes is easily adapted to your favourite toppings ...