He's correct on filling the motor from the larger (FILL) screw the vent
screw is too small to use as a fill port on this little guy. This is NOT
the common procedure for most newer outboards however, with those you
remove both plugs to flush out the old oil (you don't want the dark smelly
stuff in there) then use an adapter and connect it to the lower port. You
then pump oil into them and when they are full put the TOP plug in first.
This helps till you get the bottom plug in.
Thank you so much for this video! I've searched all over the place for one
like this. I had no idea what to put in it and now i do. Thank you!!Thank
you!!Thank you!! How do you keep it from leaking water into the gear case?
I have a mariner 9.9 two cycle.. I pulled the gear box screws. no oil came
out. it seems someone put grease in it.. is that possible? I cleaned all
the grease out. now should I put the oil in it? thanks for the help..