This kind of teaching should replace all of our currently adopted methods
being practiced in schools. This style of teach is far, far more effective
than our current 17th century methods.
omg like these questions are super 8yr old bro could do it too.
Need to elaborate more that the reason you add 188 and 72 is because you
want to imagine that you have 2 full bars of the same length to find out
how long one bar is. With the smaller bar at theNeed to elaborate more that
the reason you add 188 and 72 is because you want to iNeed to elaborate
more that the reason you add 188 and 72 is because you want to imagine that
you have 2 full bars of the same length to find out how long one bar is.
With the smaller bar at the current length, you only get 188. But if you
add that 72 and make the bars equal to each other, you get 2 FULL bars of
similar length and they add uNeed to elaborate more that the reason you add
188 and 72 is because you want to imagine that you have 2 full bars of the
same length to find out how long one bar is. With the smaller bar at the
current length, you only get 188. But if you add that 72 and make the bars
equal to each other, you get 2 FULL bars of similar length and they add up
to 260. Since you made the bars equal to each other and add up to 260, you
could divide the bars in half, and you'd find the length of one bar...etc.p
to 260. Since you made the bars equal to each other and add up to 260, you
could divide the bars in half, and you'd find the length of one
bar...etc.magine that you have 2 full bars of the same length to find out
how long one bar is. With the smaller bar at the current length, you only
get 188. But if you add that 72 and make the bars equal to each other, you
get 2 FULL bars of similar length and they add up to 260. Since you made
the bars equal to each other and add up to 260, you could divide the bars
in half, and you'd find the length of one bar...etc. current length, you
only get 188. But if you add that 72 and make the bars equal to each other,
you get 2 FULL bars of similar length and they add up to 260. Since you
made the bars equal to each other and add up to 260, you could divide the
bars in half, and you'd find the length of one bar...etc.
Need to elaborate more that the reason you add 188 and 72 is because you
want to imagine that you have 2 full bars of the same length to find out
how long one bar is. With the smaller bar at the current length, you only
get 188. But if you add that 72 and make the bars equal to each other, you
get 2 FULL bars of similar length and they add up to 260. Since you made
the bars equal to each other and add up to 260, you could divide the bars
in half, and you'd find the length of one bar...etc.