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34 weeks pregnant scared of labor Videos

34 week update!!

User Comments

Sooo happy to hear you're doing well. Can't wait to see that sweet little boy an hey we need a baby bump shot from you!!!
+lisa ross Oh my goodness I just saw your reply back
I will have to remember that next time!!! Do you have Instagram?? I post them there but always forget to on video :(

Pregnancy Vlog: Week 34 + Belly Shot

35 Weeks Pregnant Update + Belly Shot

Preterm Labor- My Experience Part 1

Patricia Rose Conley Has Arrived!

User Comments

If the color was like rust that is okay, it's good that is green but you would want it to be more yellow than green, if it's green it's means she is getting more fore milk than the hind milk, so let her nurse on one breast till she is done or the breast is empty. If you can pump after she eats and you can bottle the hind milk to feed her. Her temp is perfect! She is not sick. Yup the gurling is gas. You can trim the nails now, I do it when Odin is asleep so he doesn't get nipped.
Thanks, but she stopped pooping green it went back to gold yellow looking. Thanks for all your help and the last message I sent you don't have to watch the video I just wanted to see if you got to see her.And thanks for telling me that I'm gonnma clip her nails now.You have helped me more then you know.I hope you and Odin have a good day and God bless you.
@TheMommaJones Thank you and I love her so much, I kiss her a lot in the video cause I just can't resisit. I love her cute little face and her sweet little hands and feet. Have a good day and God bless you.
Congrats! She is a pretty baby girl! It's okay that you got a c-section you are still a momma! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask! I'm so happy for you and your man!
@trisal19 Also can you file baby's nails? I forgott to ask that. If you can let me know so that way I can do it right. I appricate all your help and God bless.
@ReillyAJ Thank you for your comment and I hope you have a good day and God bless you.
Awh she's gorgeous and you look great momma, congrats!!
Congrats ! She is adorable !
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