El 19 de noviembre del 2014 mi hija Amanda Giselle fue sometida a una fusión espinal para corregir su condición de escoliosis en el Shriners Hospital for ...
Saludos! A mi hija le recomendaron cirugía y estoy en busca de información
y testimonios. Como te sientes, como va la recuperación? Bendiciones desde
Puerto Rico!
+Linnette Colon Saludos Linnette!!!Disculpa la tardanza, pero no había visto tu escrito!!!Amanda está muy bien, y ya fue dada de alta por sus medicos que vienen dos veces al año a Puerto Rico. Está completamente derechita, y no tiene molestias por el "hardware" que tiene en su espina dorsal. Si gustas búscanos en Facebook para ponernos en contacto:https://www.facebook.com/javier.hernandezrodriguez.948, https://www.facebook.com/amanda.hernandez.549668?fref=ts
This is my last hospital vlog i hope you enjoyed them Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE :) follow me on my journey with scoliosis. We're Bent not Broken xo ...
Hey Bethany My surgery went well and I'm getting better everyday it's been
6 months since I got out of the hospital and I got the clear to get back to
my archery and swimming, but I still can't do gym class or do anything
ruff. But so far I don't have as much pain as I had when I first got out.i
don't have that annoying bandage:/ I got a cool scar though it looks like I
got stabbed by the wolverine
Thats awesome so glad to hear, i've been keeping you in mind im still not doing anything rough.the scars is pretty awesome though,right.hope everything goes well in the next wile and your back to normal soon. Xx
When I had my surgery on the 20th of October this year I had it done on the
Monday and I was out of hospital in the following Saturday when I was meant
to be kept in for a further 3 days but they were moving hospitals which was
really annoying :/