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China end times bible prophecy Videos

End Times Bible Prophecy News Analysis, Sept. 27, 2015

discuss Iran, Syria & China. China aircraft carrier arrives in Syria. What do I think will happen we expect not much of anything remarkable on this date.

Tuesday Night Live On-Air End-Time Bible Prophecy Broadcasts!

Tune in as we cover the following: Obama 3rd Term? Chinese stocks crash AGAIN! Boy Scouts of America officially allows Gay Leaders Volcanoes erupting ...

User Comments

You sinners are going to let a women teach you? You praise an abomination. Anita's ministry is an abomination WORSE than homosexuality. Disgusting. God doesn't let judgement slide guys.
earth enterfacing truth:your talking nonsense
Obama is not going to have a 3rd term - that's sheer paranoia. Gay Boy Scout leaders have always been there....now they can simply come out of the closet and live honest lives. Stock markets tend to go up and down...always have, always will. Volcanoes have ALWAYS erupted. Yes, the climate is changing....get on board with (mostly) Democratic leaders who are trying to do something about it. Why do Evangelical Christianity and paranoid craziness go hand-in-hand so often?
+David Austin Yes, a bold prediction.....Someone else will be President. Wow.
I don't think Obama will get a third term, but I think someone else might be president. Volcanoes are shooting more violent, and earmarked are happening in Texas notes now. And the gay boy scout thing is bad because now the world thinks evil is good and good is evil.
i weep because i have been made a watchman. i weep because my own husband and son call me crazy and make fun of me instead of listening! i weep because the burden for the lost suffocates me. God has revealed signs to me that have been prophetic. i have shared them with few that will listen but i feel as if a bomb is welling up in me and i can barely contain the pressure. i asked for the gift-and continue to do so simply because the Holy Spirit is ADDICTING!
+no name wow same here i suffer persection in my owm home for 26years from husband and daughter whos 21years now and she left god..im still praying for them both
I've heard it !! And I mean I am a Christian I was a Satanist and I was Rasied as a Jehovah witness and I also have been Born with a Spiritual Gift
+cheynne schouten It doesn't take souls, if sets them free.
Prayer?? Really? I'm done with PRAYER. God does what He damn well pleases; prayers not going to affect Him. I have prayed all my life and God never answers.
: )+Annie Fountains
+Annie FountainsI'll be done at 4pm and will be free to discuss anything you want after that time.
+Annie FountainsAnnie, quit with the stalling! I'm at work and have bids to get out all day. If you need some time, then say so, it's OK. You are the one making the accusation. Do you know, or is it hearsay? I am certain others on this site would like to know. YOU need to know exactly where it is also, for the future. I don't need to google. I can read. I read context, also. I read other references to the same incident. Please, do your work and bring the results.  I spend time in the scriptures regularly and you don't. That gives me an advantage. Take your time, if you need to.
Stalling for time?+Annie Fountains
+Annie FountainsChapter and verse please.
+Annie FountainsAnnie, when YOU look in the mirror, what you see is the reflection of how you appear on the outside.  When you speak, what the HEARER hears is the reflection of your character, who you are inside. Writing has the same effect for the reader as hearing for the hearer. When you address God, all of these factors are expressed. That's why he tells us to be holy, for he is holy. Set a guard over your mouth. I can't completely hide my physical defects, but I can adjust my character with his help.
+Michael Radner The atheists will accept you if you ever decide to give up your faith, we are here to offer you a hand- even if God wont.
God is not a jinn, beholden to your every wish. He is the creator of this universe and everything in it. He made it possible for your sins to be forgiven and for you to enter into a close personal relationship with him. His desire is that all should come to repentance and receive eternal life. Our lives now would seem but the blink of an eye in retrospect. The image given is of a mother delivering a child. The pain is forgotten and the joy remains that a new life is brought into the world.
+Michael Radner Learn from Christ, He never ceased from praying. If you walk in Holiness, you ll have no problem getting instant replies.
We just have to endure til the end.
That prayer has been answered friend...as long as we're believers in Jesus Christ. He says in heaven there is no more death sickness or pain.
+Annie Fountains You end it, Annie.
God answers all prayer....but sometimes the answer is no...we pray but may not necessarily know what is best for ourselves and that can be a hard pill to swallow but if we keep faith in God, he will always deliver us through his will.
+Michael Radner I'm going to pray for you that u don't give up on r Heavenly Father.. I always want to apologize if you feel frustrated or upset or abandon. It hard but don't give up that means u must be close to getting what u need hold on don't let give up
+Michael Radner He promises to hear us and have fellowship with us.https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+John+1%3A5-10&version=NKJV
God does NOTHING but sit on His hands.
+Michael Radner John 9.31; the man who had been blind, but healed by Jesus, says to the Pharisees "we know that God doesn't listen to sinners."

End Times Bible Prophecy News Analysis, Sept. 26, 2015

Analysis of China, Russia in Syria with Iran. Will this spread to Yemen? Is this to counter NATO in EU pressing on Russia. If you would like to support this work ...

End Times Bible Prophecy - ISIS & an Impending Financial Crisis

Its 2015. ISIS has left the west dumbfounded & financial analysts are worried about September. The ongoing Greece Crisis is at risk of turning into a catastrophe ...

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Followup live updates on Biblical Prophecy here: https://www.facebook.com/WatchYeTherefore
Correction - invasion of Gog would be seen during or AFTER the return of Christ.
freaky thank god I'm a Catholic I no god will protect my kids and wife
They need Jesus

End-time biblical signs and beginning of sorrows: Christian persecution (7)

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of ...

User Comments

The west created ISIS
no the Catholic Church did, they took in Mohammed, who couldn't read or write. wrote the Quran. I used to think the same as you. but the truth is out there, just research it.
Refresh my memory when were Christians ever persecuted? As I recall they were the ones going around and killing everyone. I mean aside from the Islam, their long standing enemies, and the Catholic Jesuits play both sides to reduce population. Babylon takes many forms as it treads down the whole earth. The religions are the babylon that must fall, not any man made installation.
+Lightbearer Stephen Caine During the dark and middle ages, over 100 million Christians were tortured and killed by the Vatican and their supporters. True Christians do not kill but their enemies and supporters of satan do kill true Christians:"For teaching faith contrary to the teaching of the Church of Rome, history records the martyrdom of more than 100 million people." Brief Bible Readings p. 16Under the influence of Germanic customs and concepts, torture was little used from the 9th to the 12th centuries, but with the revival of Roman law the practice was reestablished in the 12th century... In 1252 (Pope) Innocent IV sanctioned the infliction of torture by the civil authorities upon heretics, and torture came to have a recognized place in the procedure of the inquisitional courts. -New Catholic Encyclopedia, arts. "Inquisition", "Auto-da-Fe'," and "Massacre of St Bartholomew's Day."The Vatican has used Hitler to kills scores of Christians. Today, the Vatican is using Islam, their creation, to kill Christians in various parts of the world. Revelation 20:4 says that it will get much, much worse.
to most of the middle east the west or america anyway is still seen largely as christian. and to them they are seeing Christians come to their country in droves and their flying in jets and troops are killing their families as a casulty of war. think of it this way,if america was toppled by russia or even china and they were trying to take over and change everything that we have known for a couple hundred years we would be setting off car bombs as well trying to win against the invader and destruction of our only known way of life. so they see christianity as evil and to blame not to mention all the horrible things the godless soldiers of america has done to their fellow brothers and sisters. not all soldiers but the ones who do not believe in God has done horrific things to them like shocking people who looked like terrorists by their balls or I saw footage an armed drone with 50cali shells take out a group of men for no reason and joked about it with each other on their walkies. they even waited until one of the people who was wounded crawled out from under a vehicle and killed him laughing about it. thats why they kill our soldiers and hate christians.
+asloudassound The US, the second beast or kingdom of Revelation 13, is being led by satanists. The previous President and the current Secretary of State once belonged to the demonic Skulls and Bones secret society at Yale. And then, the likes of George Bush was selected (not really elected) by the powers that be including the Vatican to follow through with the Vatican papacy's plans. Soldiers are trained to kill. True followers of Christ do not kill. Christians are being killed because it was prophesied by Jesus Christ as one of several signs that would happen just before His return (Matthew 5:11; Matthew 10:22 and Matthew 24:9). Satan knows his time is getting shorter by the day; accordingly, he is using the Vatican's creation, islam, to kill Christians.
+Leonard NII BOYE Mettle Yes. To be more accurate, our respective bodies represent the temple of the Holy Spirit or God (1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19).
Harken to these words! Every knee shall bow and every mouth shall confess (on the Day of the Lord - the day Jesus returns) that Jesus Christ is Lord. Yes, everyone will know on that day friend, question you should be asking is how can I be sure Jesus knows ME (you) on that day? The answer is simple friend: Confess with your mouth to God, that you are a sinner. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ was the only begotten Son of God. Believe that He lived a sinless life, and died on the Cross as payment for all the sins of the world. He then rose from the Dead 3 days later, and He lives today! Then Ask God to forgive you for your sins and tell God you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior! Repent (turn away) from your sinful life/ways, and begin to worship God. Find a Bible and start to read in the Book of John, from there go to Romans and read it. After that allow God to guide your search of the Holy Word, so that you can begin to learn more of about Jesus and what God wants from you and for you. Find a Church that preaches the Gospel, Ask God to guide you in this as well. God does not anyone to suffer His wrath on Judgement Day. He sent Jesus Christ into the World so that all who believe on Him and Call upon the Name of the Lord will be Saved. Do this before its too late friend, do this now! Amen.
+PeopleWiseUp Ask for a church that preaches God's ten commandments too! I'm part of a church that does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdTna8GFBp0This about faith in Christ which is the true foundation of our believe in Who He is. True faith is expressed through our obedience to Him and His law. If we don't obey Christ's ten commandments, then we sin, for sin is the transgression of God's law (1 John 3:4). Revelation 14:12 speaks of the faith of Jesus AND obedience to His law. The Holy Spirit of God Who is truth will guide in observing God's law. Today's fallen churches do not preach the law of God (Isaiah 8:20; 1 John 2:3-4). That's where the problem is.
Muslims who have been radicalized by their false teachings think killing is what God wants them to do... doesn't sound like a peace loving religion to me. Their religion and government (Sharia Law) go hand in hand and no we do not want anything to do with that here in America. God save Americans from this false religion.
+Carolyn A. God will not save the US if the US is going out of its way to reject His Son and His law. The US is the prophesied second beast of Revelation 13, which is increasingly giving its allegiance to the Vatican papacy, the first beast of Revelation 13.
Anyone of us would choose death before denying Christ, and the ignorant politicians need to understand this. We are not here to play church, we are here to do it right, to do it the biblical way or not at all. There are no alternatives to our Christian faith, the only true faith in the one and only true God, unlike the Muslim's Allah character, that we all know is a huge deception. Be strong in your faith my brothers and sisters, because we know the real truth behind the deceptions of the world, and we know to whom we belong. Our God is the Almighty God creator of heaven and earth, the one true living God.Good to know. God bless you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Especially those persecuted, we all pray for you.
+jan monsen Excellent comment. God bless.

Israel, USA and EU End Times Bible Prophecy News Sept. 24, 2015

Discuss Russia and China in Syria and why. What is likely outcomes. USA reaction. ISrael tightens security measures, New Intifada threatened.If you would like ...
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