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Global times china circulation Videos

Global Times Chief Editor Refused To Help Colleagues

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sha shu chang chulong zhing shishong dingshua longshin quantao 

Audience Left in Protest at Global Times Editor´s Talk

Volume-Rendered Global Atmospheric Model by NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio

This visualization shows early test renderings of a global computational model of Earth's atmosphere based on data from NASA's Goddard Earth Observing ...

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beautiful ! but why they did not show the passages from day to night ? it goes from the 16th to the 23 of july, so we should have seen that 8 times.
Videos like these will change people.

Shocking Truth:Global Cooling,The Little Ice Age Begins in 2014

User Comments

head down south, this video is way too dramatic.
+SiggSoggySocks :D​ equatorial land is always warm, and correct me if im wrong, sea level will go down and there will be more land.
did you also know that when the southern deserts get colder they will become habitable green fields
First it called "Global Warming" then it suddenly changed in "Climate Chance"... whats next? "Global Cooling" right?
+azerty5335 The term "climate change" has been around since 1983. So what exactly is your point?
burn that oil burn it all more Co2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no thx, i don't want loung cancer
All fucking Bullshit. We are on summer of 2015,nothing happened the temperatures here go out of 85°F,So well,within logic,out there will not be a FREAKIN' Ice age
+Mr. Elektro Italy is near Britain? learn you're geography m80
RIGHT! But i live in Italy (for a vacation) and at the same way,there's over 90°F right there. Wait a second...Italy is near Britain.
You know this won't occur in America right? If you actually knew what global cooling is you would know that. It will affect Britain. The THC will shut down (like it did in the 1960s, freezing the river Thames and people were ice skating on it) and England will stop getting its warm water. The climate will LITERALLY be the same as Alska. But yeah, bullshit right?
I wanna get married with this woman who's speaking
Your toaster is a robot made of ice?? (only able to survive in a mini ice age)
+Ran nvt You want to marry my toaster???
lol It's 2015 and this was the warmest winter that i've ever experienced. It's not cooling down, it's heating up. I'm in Northern California. If anything, we NEED some rain or snow. I can't imagine how HOT this summer is going to be!
+D.J. Thorb 2015 will definitely be the hottest year on record. Looking only at January to September temperatures for each year, the gap between 2015 and the 2nd hottest year was the same as the gap from 2nd hottest to 6th hottest. It is that much hotter.
+Jean Bush my first thought is.....then I feel I shouldn't project ad hominem despite your tossing of one.   It only brings me to that lowest denominator point that is a total waste of time.I'll stick with the original NASA reports and real on the ground measurements of the glaciers.globally.... Look up "Chasing Ice" for some insight into the melting glaciers. and you can google melting glaciers and see that 90% are melting faster than we thought. Nit picking error percentages and arguing 'its not the hottest' just one of the top 10 , does not change the result that ..."no ... we are not moving into a new mini ice age' ... that is moronic in light of all the real science and physical evidence.   I'm a big believer in physical evidence .... not some conspiracy dork on the internet.I am open to facts ... present some. Who's the fool?  the guy in this video.  Who's brainwashed .... everyone.   Its all just a cosmic joke.
+Jean Bush"You are a brainwashed, propaganda spewing fool:"looks at the linksOh the irony.I'd also like to point out that the only year that seems to hold a candle to current temperatures is 1998 when it was both near a solar maximum and the strongest el nino on record and then treating it like it should be the norm. I'm also fairly certain all of your sources completely ignore oceanic warming.
+D.J. Thorb You are a brainwashed, propaganda spewing fool://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-01/hottest-year-record-think-again-meet-seasonally-adjusted-seasons//motls.blogspot.com/2015/01/noaa-nasa-2014-was-probably-not-warmest.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LuboMotlsReferenceFrame+%28Lubos+Motl%27s+reference+frame%29//www.climatedepot.com/2013/01/09/update-hottest-year-in-us-called-into-question-1930s-still-reign-as-hottest-global-temps-remain-stagnant/https://bobtisdale.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/figure-17.png
+powell789 did you bother to read that article and can you comprehend what it says? You need to read every sentence in context. On top of that 2014 globally has been recorded as the hottest on record... let's see what 2015 comes out as ..... this video and its conclusions have no real science behind them.
+powell789 well the west is melting, but the east is getting greater snow fall resulting into a temporary net gain of ice. All the same world ice has been going down so looking at just the eastern part of Antarctica seems.....small in scope. 
+ThorbArt "Greenland and Antarctica are still melting" --- According to NASA, the ice on Antarctica is INCREASING. //www.ingentaconnect.com/content/igsoc/jog/pre-prints/content-ings_jog_15j071
Greenland and Antarctica are still melting and almost all the mountain glaciers are melting too .... so I don't see how anyone can believe anything but what is proving to be a constant.  the Earth's atmosphere is warming and we better prepare for the consequences.  Head out of sand time.
+garith21 yes, thank-you. It's was a very tongue in cheek post. I did not think it would get this crazy with responses of insults and rage. I was hoping someone else would enjoy the humor in it. But I still don't see how we are ALL "getting colder", because from what I've read it's been all over the charts. Some places are heating up and others are cooling.
+macvuraegh thank-you for your mature response! :) as adults, we can agree to disagree. My humorous post was taken too seriously amongst other viewers. I wasn't referring to the entire globe. But I am concerned about our climate. Places that are warm are getting warmer and dry. Places that are cold are getting colder. These new record breaking temperatures are what scares me. But I believe that we as a people can survive this and that earth will find some stability after this extreme change.
We've done alright with our conservation; it's the god dam illegal trash pouring over our borders that is the problem.   Get your facts straight.
+Dan Wipper Amen to that.  Cally was a never suppost to support the amount of people that live there now.  They wasted water watering lawns and washing cars and now have no water.    When they had water they did nothing to conserve the water they had by limiting the population that could live there.  If started out as mainly sandy land and like Vegas they stole water from other places so they could be green.  Soon Vegas to will be out of water.
+macvuraegh "See how CO2 absorbs IR, and how it gets rid of it."It absorbs long wave radiation and reemits it randomly which delays overall heat dissipation. If you have no ghgs the energy merely goes out into space.Similarly a blanket doesn't actually warm you, it merely delays heat dissipation to the air surrounding you.Ice core data or sea core data is kinda irrelevant on their own because you still need context or you'll come to completely uninformed conclusions. Like assuming one or two sets of ice cores is representative of world temperatures.Try and realize I started off on the skeptic side of things and understand the problems of "just looking at it yourself" without context. If you accept things uncritically or make assumptions it's a really easy way to stay wrong with little ability  or desire to correct yourself.
+Jean Bush Yeah, I'm sorry but a peer reviewed journal is far more relevant than just a random interview from a scientist without any proper counterpoints. and a national scientific organization is kinda more relevant than single scientists.I like however that you didn't seem to care about the facts presented though, sounds like a good way to be a proper skeptic.
Between the two of you, you nailed it.  What I say is get the info yourselves.  If you go to someone else, they will only tell you what they want you to hear...  See how CO2 absorbs IR, and how it gets rid of it.  Learn how a greenhouse really works (the glass kind they keep telling you the atmosphere acts like). Look at ice core data, sea core data, etc.  Stop letting other people tell you what it is, draw your own conclusion.
You're stupid enough to criticize the format presenting the information by the scientists interviewed.    Refute THEIR info, not the format.     God damn MMGW freaks.
+Jean BushTake your own advice on all of the statements.Also realize the people pointing to those specific articles are feeding you what they want you to think rather than letting you look at the big picture. It's not hard to google the big picture yourself. The fact that I can link scientific papers and respected scientific organizations and get their opinion where you're linking sites like watts, forbes or the telegraph kinda says a lot more for the quality of sources.Your sources that you took to get to the NASA article basically tried to represent the abyss as all of the ocean as long as you don't think about it critically ignoring all of the rest of the ocean that we do have measurements for.Lastly I get pretty tired people posting trends starting around 1998 like it was a regular year. It was the strongest el nino on record along with near a solar maximum, it was anything but an average temperature type of year.The fact that the sun has actually been getting dimmer the last few solar cycles, the extra pollution and volcanic activity resulting in more aerosols are all acting to cool the planet yet even if you go by these flawed graphs measuring only one aspect of temperatures starting around 1998 we are not cooling. The logical question would be "why aren't we cooling despite all of these factors if GHGs have no effect" and "why is it that a year with some of the most extreme surface temperatures because of 2 short term events now the new norm". But hey, maybe that's just the skeptic in me.//www.pik-potsdam.de/~stefan/Publications/Journals/feulner_rahmstorf_2010.pdfhttps://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/3M_HEAT_CONTENT///climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level///nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
//www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2013/09/24/alarmists-are-in-way-over-their-heads-on-rising-ocean-claims///www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/5067351/Rise-of-sea-levels-is-the-greatest-lie-ever-told.htmlRemember, computer models and the reality of nature are 2 different things.   Always ask: cue bono?  Who benefits???  Follow the money.
Do you damn homework; we are NOT getting hotter://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/11/19/cooling-in-the-near-future/https://bobtisdale.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/figure-17.png//science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2014/06oct_abyss/
+macvuraegh"I don't agree with your notion that we are getting hotter"Average of the earth's surface says we're getting hotter. The majority of earth's oceans are getting hotter, it's the primary reason for the constant ocean rise. (thermal expansion)I'm also fairly certain her statement about California was more tongue and cheek
+azerty5335Perhaps you are a dick?
+Victoria Vandal MakeupGood for you! I don't agree with your notion that we are getting hotter, maybe you are, we in Michigan are not.  However, that does not qualify you as a "stupid" anything.
+Victoria Vandal Makeup Everything is change and this will, too. It should be a nice, rainy winter. Let's hope the past does not repeat itself.//www.mercurynews.com/science/ci_24993601/california-drought-past-dry-periods-have-lasted-more
+Jean Bush yes! My husband and I were just talking about El Niño. I'm looking forward to some rain. California will eventually dry to dust if something doesn't change. There's been so much climate instability over the past some odd years. It's disheartening. But in my post, I was being humorous as to our dry and hot weather in California and how we could use some cold and water. It's the opposite of an ice age. I wasn't referring to the GLOBE!!! It was humor from California's view. People in this post took it way too serious and they need to chill. Damn... LOL but I do rather enjoy some of the more educational responses in this post - just not so much the name calling, insults and assumptions.
+azerty5335 lol what in the hell??? I can't tell if that was a pick-up line or you telling me what you believe a vagina looks like anatomically. Don't hurt yourself, dear.
+Victoria Vandal Makeup I live in Hollywood and hate the 3 previous warm dry winters.  Hopefully, this El Nino will change that.
+azerty5335 I'll be if you just shut your yap, all that hot air will dissipate.
+Victoria Vandal Makeup I bet if you spread your leggs central heating will jump on ; you could prevent the next iceage if you keep them closed LOL
Hahahaha!  Good one, girl.  I was going to cuss him out for you but you did it best.
+azerty5335 wow.... You know just how to talk to a lady. Every woman loves being referred to as a "cunt". :) wow! What a gentleman. I bet you get all the ladies, you go-getter, you!!!
+Victoria Vandal Makeup If you had a mild winter in your own backyard it doesnt mean its representive for the rest of the whole Globe stupid cunt! LOL
+ProjectsBlack You're wrong; we lead the country in clean air.//www.arb.ca.gov/html/brochure/history.htm//www.theguardian.com/vital-signs/2015/mar/27/microbead-california-pollution-nurdle-law-plastic//www.airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=airnow.local_state&stateid=5Back in the 70s, I used to come home from work and find tiny black flakes of pollution on my face. That's gone now. Of course our current drought has made things worse but we have set the standard for clean air.
+Victoria Vandal Makeup California is one of the most polluted places in the USA. Low level ozone or O3 levels are high, they're created by other pollutants in the air. The only problem with ozone 03 is that is interferes with photosynthesis in plant life, stunting growth or killing them off.
+tatemike80 maybe you did or maybe you just think you did ... the fact is the globe was on average hotter.
+Dan WipperWell, scientifically it's climate change, always has been. Global warming is a colloquial term for most other people. Also you're quite mistaken temperatures have changed, just the majority is sequestered in the oceans.Despite the fact that the sun has been cooling over the last few decades at best if you ignore the oceans it hasn't been cooling meaning we've been having effects that overpower the effects of a cooling sun kind of leaving us high and dry when the sun resumes it's cycles.
+garith21 Nothing to note fot temperature change in 18 years now. That is as stable as it gets. This is why they call it "climate change" now and not "warming".
+Dan Wipper "Nothing to note in either direction that would cause concern. However, cold kills and its never been too warm for life."Heat stroke?" the US portion was in regards to Victoria, she is California  on of the only states that have not been part of the US's deep freeze."Not really relevant, alaska's in pretty bad shape as well and is our largest state. All the same the contiguous US is less than 2% of the earths' surface.On a global basis temperatures are most certainly not more stable than they ever have been, we're seeing temperature increases on a global basis that usually take hundreds if not thousands of years.
+garith21 ; the US portion was in regards to Victoria, she is in California one of the only states that have not been part of the US's deep freeze. As for you reed the 310000 deaths per year in the UK. For the most part the temperatures are more stable than they ever have been. Nothing to note in either direction that would cause concern. However, cold kills and its never been too warm for life.
+Dan Wipper Well, on a global basis the temperatures are still overall warmer....the contiguous 48 states constitutes less than 2% of the earth's surface which is hardly representative of global temperatures.
//www.weather.com/news/climate/news/earth-record-warmest-january-june-2015not so clear for everyone
+Victoria Vandal Makeup 2015 the north Americas have been cooling by quite a bit over the last 5 years. There is a warm "blob" as they call it in the Pacific right now. California has not seen the cooling the rest of the country has. The great lakes have been freezing, winters long and summer of 2014 shorter by about 6 weeks.
+Victoria Vandal Makeup Move to Michigan! Last two or three winters have record lows (How does -19F sound?) and snowfall the last three winters, normal temps in summer with powerful thunderstorms (large amounts of rain, damaging winds, hail) last two summers.Look at overall global conditions, and stop just believing cunning charlatans like Al Gore. He is heavily invested in the Climate Exchange and stands to rake in hundreds of millions of Dollars when Cap and Trade kicks in. He doesn't care if people starve to death or kill each other for food, he will be well taken care of for the rest of his life. It's why he needs to perpetuate the lie that the Earth is warming.It's not, you know. 1998 was the warmest year recently, and temps have cooled since 2007. Maybe not in CA, but overall.
+Victoria Vandal Makeup Wow, you even sound offended by the fact that weather can change. Weather stability, just what does that mean? Praying for rain, are you in a desert? Youre going to be changing the bandwagon soon because there is money to be made, and you sound like the people that will be on this ride, are you ready?
And for the record, "tisoy" or whatever your name is, our weather (where i'm from) has been consistently the same. Hot, dry, and no clouds. We spent Christmas in a tank top outdoors. All of us are praying for rain or SOMETHING!
@Wastland Steven - thank-you for your respectful and contribution of your knowledge. I do agree that there is climate instability, I'm just commenting about how for us, it's extremely hot. I'm usually a big baby about winter in California and always have my heater on. I haven't turned it on once, in fact, I've used my AC a couple of times lol. I also wouldn't be here watching this video if I wasn't concerned. I just know that there is something seriously wrong. It's too hot.
I'm not sure what that means, but you're quite rude. Instead of sharing knowledge and educating, you would rather make fun of someone. Well, here's some knowledge for you:"California has warmest winter ever (since 1895)"//touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-82874422/
+Victoria Vandal Makeup Thats because you living under a stone lady, get out and enjoy your life! Weather changes everyday, its called weather. , Al Gore has failed you! LOL
+sangam chandraprakash hahahaha is that the latest theory on how green house gases causes global warming first and eventually leading to global cooling.....get some insight on the subject bro... ROFL
+Wasteland Seven The winters here in Romania were very hard...harder than ussual, if you wan"t to see the first cold changes, you gotta look at the places closer to other places where it is always cold, if it extends...that"s a sign.There were actually houses that were buried in snow,if those people weren"t saved they would have become Ice cubes
+Victoria Vandal Makeup He said it"S starts, ice ages can come anythime and take time to take place when they do
+tatemike80 And my friends in Canada are still snowed in.
One winter doesn't really prove anything one way or another. And I'd point out that any climate change, up or down, is preceded by a period of instability. The conditions we see today are similar to what they had just before the last ice age hit. I have no doubt that the climate is changing, I do have my doubts about it being caused by, or entirely by human activity. Too many unknowns.
+Victoria Vandal Makeup because of the green gases causing global warming, we feel the heat in the beginning. These gases are slowly forming a layer in the atmosphere and it will block the sun rays and earth will be covered with a blanket. Then slowly the age of ice will start.
+Victoria Vandal Makeup The Western Side of the US including Alaska will be warmer compared to the rest of the States and Canada. It is caused by the heat trapped in the Pacific
New york we had 1 if the coldest and snowiest winters all time !!!!!!!!

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Contrary to popular belief, the conduct of nations on the international stage is almost never driven by moral considerations, but rather by a shadowy cocktail of ...

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and u found this out and nobody else your good....please
u suck alot of russian dick

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers at the Most Powerful Women Summit 2015

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Global Warming Means Warming Oceans

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User Comments

With a show of hands, who thinks that was a substantial report?
+A. Randomjack I hear ya, Jack, and agree whole heartedly.  I have "rowed"  three thousand miles over the past few months - to get out of the way.  Based on the trajectory of the data I have been monitoring for 15 years - in addition to the previous 15 years of studying ancient global cataclysms, ancient texts, ancient architectural sites and and ancient technologies - when the melting of the glaciers went into overdrive 15 years ago, I shifted my focus to the monitoring the current data - and added archaeological evidence, geological evidence, ancient statuary, "folklore" and a long list of other data to my bag of tricks.  :D  The Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps have volumes of  data compacted into one image - if things were normal, this map would be mostly white with some green and yellow.  Of course, we're being lied to about everything - what else is new - but based on the data I've been able to access and the surveys and reports uploaded by others, I've set my sights on the South Pacific.  Over 20,000 cataclysmic videos from around the world have been uploaded to youtube in the past two years - most of those are organized on my playlists - along with hundreds of links, dozens of summaries and two very short videos I created to convey the bottom line - based on the 30 years of research which goes back to prehistoric times.  Here's the SST Anomaly map:  //polar.ncep.noaa.gov/sst/ophi/color_newdisp_anomaly_global_lat_lon_ophi0.png
I think it lacked substance, barely touches the surface and could mislead many when the videos says Global Warming is only an ocean thing; it disconnects us from the cause. Communication is a multi edged tool and has rubber parts that can have it bounce back at you.However we're all in the same Global Galley.I wish I could row 24/7...Could anyone tell the drummer to pick up the beat? I still don't know where it is exactly we're all going, but I feel we better get rowing quick before we fall off the edge of the Earth.
+Whirled Publishing  I won't get into a discussion here (I hate long YT threads) but I believe we (the global community) are headed for hard times, and they will be all the harder if we continue to fail to take effective steps to mitigate the effects of climate change.
+z4k Point taken.  What's * your * perspective on what's going on around the planet?
+Whirled Publishing You'd be surprised how many viewers have a KG level of knowledge on Climate Change.
+z4k I suppose that video is a good update on the info - for the kids in kindergarten.
Don't quote me here, but I think these are meant to be quick updates / appetisers, between the more informative videos. That said, it would be useful to have a bit more info in the description of the video, so people can search online for more on the subject.
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