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Toronto star education Videos

Toronto Star struggles to report on parental protests against sex-ed

You've heard about teachers' strikes, but Ezra Levant reports for TheRebel.media on the unprecedented "parents' strike" to protest the new Ontario sex-ed ...

User Comments

Wonderful? May be the next is - supervised sex from grade one, lesbian and gay summer training camp??
+kambojz Jd Many places in the USA already have gay and lesbian day in elementary school, where the kids are taught that its all normal and good and to "assume their sexuality". Disgusting moral idiocy is what these liberals are guilty of.
I am on the decent side on this. But the concerned citizens should not be making their kids protest. That's a liberal ploy that we should be too decent to employ.
+garrt w Your question has nothing to do with my comment.
+marc gabourie are you sayn that PC party didbt make up sex education back in 60s and 70s?
What we have to take into consideration regarding all these new genders, is that mental health problems have grown in society. Possibly made worse by an increase in drug abuse, prescription and illegal. For every action there is a reaction. Is it possible that at least some of these individuals who are experiencing gender confusion are mentally unstable?
+Frank M go to texas see how there sex ed!
Leftist indoctrination and brainwashing. Folks, remember to give the Liberals a kick in the ass on Oct. 19th!
+Frank M You're right and its EASY to prove that this is clear and simple brainwashing.The "gay" propaganda manual "After the Ball: How America will Conquer its fear and hatred of Gay's in the 90's" - still sold on amazon.com - was written as a radical "gay" strategy to brainwash America with words like homophobic, thereby making themselves the poor victims of "discrimination", "intolerance", - all brainwashing and propaganda techniques found clearly outlined in their sickening book on how to market homosexuality.Most of America and Europe bought the bull, being too blind and/or stupid and ignorant to see the lies being sold like goods everywhere around them - Hollywood, stupid unthinking and gullible reporters, magazines.Their campaign to brainwash us was funded by the fashion industry homos and part of the end goal was that of former NAMBLA, Disgusting. These fool politicians, journalists etc. are too stupid to even see how easily they were suckered.Q: "homophobic"? Just one of the many words the gay radicals twisted to their own purposes. Is that something like claustrophobic, arachnophobic and a few dozens of other phobias I could mention?Um Like Christianophobic?If a phobia is in fact a psychological disorder, then why do liberal idiots and some many others treating people that are in fact ill, like they were actually stupid or guilty of something?The Overton Window is how they get away with all this crap.
+Frank M what were the PC party doing 50s,60s,70s,90s,02?
Kathleen Wynne is the cruelest individual I have ever seen in the public eye.
+Katherine Jaconello did ford smoke it!

Education Minister Liz Sandals talks about teacher agreements

Education Minister Liz Sandals makes a statement on the current teacher agreements being looked over.

Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne on education in Sault Ste. Marie

Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne talks about the importance of maintaining a strong education system after touring Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School in ...


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