Aspectos Jurídicos del Outsourcing - Conferencia EOA - Gonzalo F. Gállego y Marcos Navarro
Suscríbete al canal de YouTube para estar al día de los nuevos vídeos sobre derecho de TIC y protección de datos. Deja comentarios si quieres ...
Reingeniería de Procesos
Descripción general de reingeniería de procesos.-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at // -- Create animated videos and ...
Outsourzia - Contract Manufacturing & Outsourcing Resources in Mexico
Outsourzia offers a complete contract manufacturing outsourcing solution for American companies looking to manufacture their products in Mexico. We're not ...
Magia Submitter uno paso a dominar los motores de búsqueda
Colombia: la joya escondida del outsourcing en América Latina
Proexport y el BID presentaron el estudio sobre servicios de tercerización en Colombia. Esfuerzos de mercadeo estratégico y promoción de las fortalezas del ...
Jaime Romero de
Qué es la deslocalización de una empresa
Qué es la deslocalización de una empresa. Si quieres practicar lo que has aprendido en este vídeo puedes descargarte ejercicios con sus soluciones en ...
Michael Sandel: Outsourcing U.S. Military Service
If the U.S. is already hiring private defense contractors, should we extend the market principles further and recruit soldiers for the U.S. army from around the ...
This guy frightens me seriously... The UN have been outsourcing to local
militias for sometime now in the Congo. Their results have been varied. A
lot of them will fight for their land and defend THEIR people BUT also some
don't. Some take what they can (weapons, ammo, food) and return to the
jungle to rape, pillage and mutilate. The arguments deeper than just
titles. Give a man a gun and uniform he's a mercenary give him a reason
(i.e. non financial) to fight for and he's a soldier.