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Wer agenda Videos

Die esoterische Agenda

info - über die monarchie, new age, codex alimentarius, bünde, sklaven, spirit und und und, am meisten jedoch negatives für uns normalen menschen, dem ...

User Comments

Immer wieder verwenden Leute den Begriff Esoterik und haben sich niemals die Mühe gemacht nachzuforschen woher er stammt und was er eigentlich bedeutet. New Age Zeug hat kaum was mit dem Begriff zu tun und eigentlich gibt es fast keinen missbräuchlicheren Begriff Heutzutage. Wenn es jemanden Interessiert, Googelt doch mal den Begriff nach. Stammt ursprünglich von Platon und bezeichnet oberflächlich gesagt einfach nur Wissen und Praktiken welche nicht für jedermann sondern nur für eingeweihte Kreise bestimmt waren. Und wie bei allem gibt es mehrere Seiten. Anfänglich waren Geheimgesellschaften etwas Gutes, weil sie Bewahrer von altem Wissen waren, welches sonst verloren gegangen wäre z.B auf dem Scheiterhaufen. Aber leider wächst wie sooft aus etwas gutem allzuleicht wieder was schlechtes, kurz Missbrauch gab es immer. Aus diesem Grund passt der Titel sehrwohl, weil Esoterik genau das ist was Geheimgesellschaften ausmacht.!
Leider sind auch in diesem Bericht Verdrehungen und nur Teilwahrheiten. Und der Titel dieses Videos ist auch irreführend - Esoterik ist ja kein eingetragenes Warenzeichen! Kaum jemand spricht von Exoterik, nach der sich fast die ganze Menschheit orientiert (und deshalb am Rande des Abgrunds steht). Jedem, der die Welt verbessern will, bleibt der Weg nach Innen (Esoterik) nicht erspart. Nicht blindes Vertrauen, sondern Eigenverantwortung und Innenschau sind der Weg, sonst sind wir nur wie Lemminge. Wie innen, so außen. Wenn wir in der Außenwelt Missstände wahrnehmen, ist dies ein Hinweis, wo wir in unserem Innen Korrekturen durchführen sollten. Wo belügen, betrügen, manipulieren, verleugnen, verletzen,...wir uns selbst?
Was willst du tun? Alles niederreißen mit Gewalt? Wie willst du das anstellen? Die wahre Veränderung kann nur im Bewusstsein eines jeden Einzelnen stattfinden. Jedes kranke System ist von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt und wird automatisch früher oder später von selbst in sich zusammenfallen. Die Geschichte hat es bewiesen. So lange der Mensch an sich selbst nichts verändert, an seinem Denken und Verhalten, an seinem Bewusstsein, so lange wird sich in der Welt nichts verändern.
die einzigen menschen die das glaube, sind gescheiterte persönlichkeiten. leute, die unmündig bleiben wollen, um ihre unfähigkeit nicht einsehen zu müssen. nur weil du nichts geworden bist, heißt es nicht dass jemand dich abhält. vllt bist du einfach nur nicht gut genug. aber egal wie oft ich dich matt setze, du wirfst die figuren um und stolzierst herum, als wärst du sieger. du bist erbärmlich, genau wie alle deine miteiferer und dazu verdammt in bedeutungslosigkeit zu verrotten.
satan hin oder her FAKT ist geld ist deren produkt und sie lassen es für sie arbeiten und wir sind die konsumenten und sehr abhängig geworden....niemand ist hoffnungsloser versklavt als die jenigen die fälschicher weise glauben frei zu sein...der sklave muss erhalten werden, bürger-sklave(bürge für staatsschulden die in den händen privater banken liegen) versorgt sich selbst und seine ketten sind schulden und die peitsche der zins...
top, sollte man als alternative denkweise nicht einfach so ausschließen...aber wenn man sein ich erforscht und etwas zeit mit verschwörungstheorien verbringt kommt man zwangsweise sehr schnell zum schluss dass es sich um jahrhundert lange familieäre praxis handelt...
aber hier auf youtube hört man selbst den gestörtesten menschen zu, also auch dir. fühl dich wichtig, viel spaß. aber du solltest dir lieber selbst einen gefallen tun und einen psychologen besuchen. davon hast du mehr als von deinen lächerlichen lügen.
siehe: /watch?v=I6y_OmcrnLo In "Holographisches Universum" von Michael Talbot wird es sogar aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht ziemlich gut beschrieben (Leerzeichen entfernen) : ht tp://w ww74.zippyshare.c om/v/46890600/file.html
kannst sicher nicht glkauben dass unser aller leben ein riesen witz ist... ich vergebe dir denn du weißt nicht was du tust aber schön dass du so gut funktionierst ;) liebe und frieden sei mit dir mein lieber
das ist einfach bullshit für leicht zu beeinflussende. zum glück sind 99% der leute die die scheiße glauben nur ein teil der unterschicht und können mit diesem wahn nichts schlimmes anstellen.
schalt mal bei 20:35 ein wenn du es nicht über die ersten fünf minuten geschafft hast wie es mir den anschein macht...evtl setzt dann der denkvorgang ein ;)
Und du bist der Einzige, der den vollen Durchblick hat oder was? Wer kennt schon die absolute Wahrheit? Wenn dann erklär deine Meinung mal etwas genauer!
Vielen Dank fürs Hochladen des Videos! =) Für Freiheit, Frieden und Gerechtigkeit.
@Tina Kollner, hat wohl zus ehr an deinem Weltbild gerüttelt was?
In der Einfachheit liegt die Zufriedenheit!!!(Wahrheit)

Funk Agenda - What The Fuck (house song.)

User Comments

Am I the only person who noticed where Deadmau5' "WTF To Play Us Out" came from?
+Netanya you do know it came from Fatboy Slims Star 69
fucking minimal crap
dont get it..? whatchu mean ?
+El Duke get out of here

Gregor Gysi, DIE LINKE: Die Agenda 2010 als weltweiter Heilsbringer? Ein schwerer Irrtum!

16.10.2014 - Das hat das Spardiktat gegen den Süden Europas angerichtet: 26 Millionen Bürgerinnen und Bürger in der EU sind arbeitslos, Millionen junge ...

User Comments

Es schon frustrierend, das die offensichtlichen Argumente von Gregor immer wieder vom großen Teil der Abgeordneten ignoriert oder nur scheinbar belustigt zur Kenntnis genommen werden, ganz zu schweigen vom überwiegenden Teil der Bevölkerung. Von den Argumenten her entwickelt sich Die Linke dazu, nicht mehr nur die Partei der Unterpriviligierten zu sein, sondern diese Argumente sollten auch im Mittelstand gehör finden, denn dieser wird sich auflösen, wenn die Entwicklung so weiter geht. 
Naja, sie haben in einer Rede gesagt: es ist gefährlich scheinbar zwingende Zusammenhänge herzustellen wo keine sind. Jetzt Selbstmordraten, HIV Ansteckungsraten und dergleichen mit der Krise in Verbindung zu bringen halte ich für etwas übertrieben. Nichts desto trotz ist der jetzige Weg für Griechenland falsch und sie hatten mit sehr vielem recht!
gute politische +geistige Zusatzbildung empfehle ich die auf utube exestierende "Wissensmanufaktur" es ist mehr als wert... den Gregor und Andreas im Gespräch.... das würde was Bewegen!!!!
eine frau PERSON bundeskanzlerin. der Firma brd /der Militärischen Besatzungen ...nicht suverän! macht in der eingetragenen Firma(eingetr. nr. bei Dun & Bredstreet) Politik???????? omg
PS: Sparen = KLAUEN

Ethical Contact - (Grays Greys Agenda) Marshall Vian Summers.mp4

Allies Of Humanity, 1st Briefings, 200 page report - FREELY AVAILABLE TO ALL at: //www.alliesofhumanity.org/allies-of-humanity-book1.pdf Marshall Vian ...

User Comments

Marshall, considering you are in contact with god, you don't know very much about what is happening on earth right now. You are long winded and NOT TELLING US ANYTHING NEW. Much sanctimonious finger pointing and a waste of time. Phony.
+Logicality You are not 'telling us anything new', either. Your comments are starting to resemble 'spam'.
Don't know if what he's saying is true or false. I did read one of his books and I loved it. His message is so original! All the other New Age alien channelers always talk about how the aliens want us to go into 5D consciousness (complete BS by the way). Marshall's teachings are so much more mature, even if he is making it up. I'm impressed by him.
+Peyton Dukes Thank you for watching, and for your feedback regarding Marshall's work, and teachings. He has dedicated his life to receiving a Greater Community education, for humanity. He is making most of his work available free to all. This education is greatly needed now, as our world enters an era of unprecedented change, challenge and upheaval, and as we face non-benevolent intervention, by races from beyond our world. You may be interested in 'The Great Waves Of Change', and 'Life In The Universe'. A chronological directory, of Marshall's work, is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY4eVdMKZiA
+Peyton Dukes Thank you for watching, and for your feedback regarding Marshall's work, and teachings. He has dedicated his life to receiving a Greater Community education, for humanity. He is making most of his work available free to all. This education is greatly needed now, as our world enters an era of unprecedented change, challenge and upheaval, and as we face non-benevolent intervention, by races from beyond our world. You may be interested in 'The Great Waves Of Change', and 'Life In The Universe'. A chronological directory, of Marshall's work, is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY4eVdMKZiA
is he a bloody Jew ?
+Anon Thinktank Are you a bloody imbecile ?
He talk ver big..he says that the message is the most detailed one ever given to an earth human. I am reading,but his message is to long...very long sentences...bla bla bla.. He is not saying anything new...a new way..We all know that we are living hard times. In Bible it is said that Lucifer is the GOD of the world until the end of the time of world.. Keys of Enoch is the most detailed book I have ever read,not this one yet.. There is no abstract...He is not talking simple like Yahsua,but humanity is not much more clever than Jesus time..
+Ali Ünal YILMAZ Thank you for watching, and for your comments. The New Message is over 9,300 pages of Revelatory Texts, received over a period of 30 years. The New Message brings the warning, the preparation and the Blessing for these times and the times to come...times that constitute 'Great Waves Of Change' and our World's emergence into a Greater Community of Worlds .. both of which hold unprecedented challenges, danger and potential. The Message is not meant to replace the Truth of past Revelations .. it is progressive Revelation. The Purpose and intent of the Message, the reason it has been given to humanity at this particular juncture of human and World evolution, is explained here, within The Proclamation: //www.newmessage.org/the-proclamation-2
Sounds like he is trying to create a "New Religion" ...... for profit.
Hi +deaddays09 Good to hear from you!   Thank you for your interest in The Allies Briefings, and the New Message Teachings.  Please find the link to the 'Free School', here:  //www.newmessage.org/the-free-school-of-the-new-message-from-god    'Allies Of Humanity' has resonated with you, so I think you will enjoy 'Life In The Universe', by Marshall Vian Summers, which you can obtain, free, here: //newmessage.us1.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=b62a83aa674e68545ee781bae&id=dcad5d2980Marshall's Revelatory book 'The Great Waves Of Change', can be obtained, free, here: //www.GreatWavesOfChange.orgFor the 'Free Book Project', please  visit here: //www.newmessage.org/nmfg/free_book_project.html
Can you give me a link to the book club and school I have read all of the allies of humanity books.
+DrSiB0T I understand your cynicism.  Further research into the 'New Message', will reveal that all of the Key Texts are being made freely available to the World, there is also a free school, and a 'Book Club', which provides free hard back copies of the books to people on low incomes, who prefer hard copies to electronic format. .. all of Marshall Vian Summers public broadcasts are free.  This isn't a money making scheme, it's a higher education, a warning, Blessing and empowerment, for the human family, as we enter into an era of evolution which constitutes unprecedented change, challenge, upheaval, and also potential.  
"The significant problems we have can not be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -- Albert Einstein
That's true. We need to (re) connect to the Intelligence of Spirit, residing, eternally, within each and every one of us.  Our True [ET] allies call this Intelligence, Knowledge i.e. of the Knowing Mind, and not of the personal mind/intellect. This Intelligence is invulnerable to corruption and the influences of the 'mental environment', in which the ET groups intervening in our World today, are adept. The "Steps To Knowledge" have been gifted to our World. They are a Pathway, a roadmap to this Intelligence.  Steps To Knowledge is available, free, via //www.StepsToKnowledge.com
+Bleu Mann Totally agree. Seems as if we need to evolve to that level real fast.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke. That goes for "Angels,Aliens, Spirits, Ghosts" or whatever else there is. There IS good and bad .. If peaceful aliens or angels allow us to be poisoned, captured, killed, eaten, possessed or abused in any way whatsoever, then they are as guilty as the bad ones who do it.
Thank you.. and yes, I surely am. I think I have learned more in the last 6 months than I have my whole 48 years..lol. Things are clicking for me now though.. I am starting to see and feel a pattern in the world. Maybe we will never really know the reasons for the suffering here. I do feel though.. we are here to learn. I spent a lot of my life afraid to make choices because I was afraid to make mistakes.. and now I know it's really all about the mistakes.. and learning from them and correcting them.. I have been moving in a positive direction.. and also learning to work WITH the illness instead of fighting it..lol.. Good luck to you as well :)
+Kerry Burba I agree with you. From my personal perspective, I do not see the point in suffering. Though my earth human perspective is small and I do understand that there is a grander scale. Suffering may be necessary for various reasons not seen by you and me. But something that is important to remember is that our experience of reality is a reflection of our own state of being. And the best way to change the world is to change one self. Be happy and joyful and the world will follow. Start meditating if you're not already. And I wish you good luck on your journey! :)
Thank you. I was a little better yesterday but still not great. It's all okay though.. Thank you for your concern. I am afraid.. of course I am.. I was this sick sheltered woman in the world and I woke up myself..lol.. I was not so happy with what I have found. Still am not..lol. I tend to think of it as a "Terrifying Miracle"..lol. No.. the lion is not a monster for killing a gazelle.. well.. only to the gazelle.. But.. in saying that.. the lion also does not abuse the gazelle either... or rape it first.. or anything like that on the list of things I am waking up to that is upsetting me..lol. I "get" the circle of life.. would rather no one eating anyone or anything capable of suffering or feeling.. but I suppose in saying that I can be all "Buddha" and start talking about each blade of grass or tree too.. so I won't go down that path..lol. You have a great day too.. and no worries.. I am slowly finding my way down this crazy path.. I will get there.. as far as the rest of humanity.. well, I can only hope and pray that they will :)
I am sorry to hear you are not well Kerry. Maybe you're better now, its been 15 days since your post. It saddens me to hear that you feel that you need to be afraid. Yet it makes me happy to know that you are willing to stand up to what you believe is right. What is right and what is wrong? Its a hard question because we all have our own perspectives and definitons and not even among our own race can we stay on common ground. The lion is not in the wrong for killing a gazelle. Atleast not from most peoples perspectives. And then, how can we expect the infinate creative source to not create different species and entities who do not share the same perspective. The different experiences of reality are so vast it would be impossible, impossible. But I most say, I am relieved that the thing you are most afraid of, is to see humanity asleep. Because humanity is awakening and it's happening fast. You will see this if you look for it. And the only thing that is enslaving humanity is humanitys own ignorance.Have a Greaat dayy!
The AlpineAddict. I have been researching ALL of this.. and for so long I cannot remember anymore.. There is so much.. many many thing to be afraid of. Do you know what scares me the most? To look around at humanity and see them all asleep. To see that they simply do not care as long as it's not happening to them.So I am here to take a stand. I don't suspect I will live long and that doesn't scare me either anymore. But while I am here still.. I want to make a difference. I want other species out there to see that there are some good humans..It's important to me. It's so important to me... The Government.. nasty secret germs and such made me sick.. I know that. But I want them to see I STILL will fight for humanity. There are good humans too who care.. and I even know many of them. Read an amazing book the other night.. James Casbolt Buried Alive and the pdf is right online.. it isnt that long if you are interested. Super Soldiers. Our Government did that and is doing that to people..I am already riddled with sickness so it doesn't matter what else they put in my body. I would save a chipmunk if I saw it on the road. I would save chickens and starve before i would eat them. I am pure of heart. Intentions HAVE to matter. It has to.. these allies.. God.. they HAVE to see that some of us care and will fight.
It's all pretty scary. Look at some of the humans even lately. I try not to be scared. But somehow the world got upside down I think. I'm not afraid of these allies of humanity. It's the "monsters".. Satanists killing the children and babies that are upsetting. I am very compassionate and sensitive for what I see going on in the world. I am sick.. but if I am to fight I will.. all I ask from the allies is some kind of "super power to help"..lol.Sounds silly I know. But if they can't and won't intervene.. then maybe they can give gifts.? "Monster-be-Gone".. or something...LOL! Help those of us too sick to fight so we get better.. then we can fight ourselves. Look at the skies. They are poisoning us. Look at our leaders who have lied to us over and over.. we really don't even know who we are and we are all sick now. Every other female I know now is sick too my age..Not a fair fight for any group claiming they won't intervene. I'm simply asking for a fair fight is all. I don't believe that's too much to ask. I'll do it. I will fight for humanity then. I will intervene and save us and I am all sick and gimped up..But I'll do it because it's what HUMANS SHOULD DO. So there.. I have said it.. if no one will intervene and would be willing to just sit back and watch us be squashed.. then I will do it. Just a sick girl with a good pure heart. I will fight the monsters. Just asking for a little help from them is all. Because I do care.. and I DO think humanity is worth it. I think we have the right to start in a better way.. from the beginning and with the truth this time. And I don't eat anybody or anything really. Been living on alkaline water and honey because I'm not well.. I may be scared.. but i will take the stand if they won't.
+Kerry Burba Dont be afraid, thats how they get to you. Keeping humans in low vibrations. Thats what they have been doing for several thousands of years. Dont buy into the fear our "allies" are trying to sell to us.
I'm scared they will eat me. I will be nice to everyone who won't bite me, sting me, eat me or my family.. etc..lol.. until I am sure.. I am scared of them. But.. I would like to work on solutions for them.. How can we know they are willing to do that though? Some humans won't give up cattle.. maybe they won't give up eating us.? The monsters I refer to are the ones sacrificing and eating babies in London.. that's not survival instincts.. that's a monster.. I want to get rid of those monsters.. those are the ones I am looking for help with. :)
They're not 'monsters' Kerry.  They're merely responding to survivalist, and other, urges ..... resource acquisition, dominance etc. .. similar traits that affect, and drive, human beings.  There is a peaceful solution to all problems .. however myriad and/or complex...because the source of all problems, and of suffering, is the same...a disconnect from the Intelligence of Spirit, within.  There lies your/our strength, and 'saviour'.  If we choose to keep giving this away to 3rd parties, be they human, ET, entity ... we will continue to dis-empower ourselves, and forfeit true freedom and sovereignty.
So they left us here with the monsters? How is this news any good? lol
God has put the Power, to help ourselves, and others, within us Kerry. .. 'The Intelligence Of Spirit' resides within.  'Intervention' in our own World has proven that, unless it is done with pure intent, and for the greater good, it does not serve those that have been 'assisted'.  Spiritually advanced ET beings do certainly exist. The Allies of Humanity represent several races, within our galaxy, that are spiritually advanced, free, sovereign.  They give their wisdom, from afar, subsequent to lengthy observation...a mission during which some of them gave their lives.  They will not intervene directly in our World because they know that to become strong and sovereign, we must do the work ourselves and use the strength and intelligence that our Creator has endowed each, and every one of us.  The Allies Briefings reveal to us that, to avoid ambiguity regarding the motives of ET groups that are in, and around our World, ALL benevolent ET  races have vacated.  They know that we could not know 'friend from 'foe' ..... we often have difficulty discerning the true motive, intent and nature of our own people, let alone alien races with which we have had no previous experience.  Those that remain here, purport to be our 'Ascended Masters', or to save us from planetary catastrophe etc....yet they continue to abduct our people, and to influence them, and those in positions of power, via the mental environment, in which they are adept.  'Mind control', and deception, it is.
I'm giving her the thumbs up because she has been very kind to me. To be honest though.. I am still looking for my own page. I still just don't know the answers. I am seeing a whole lot of bad going on.. like.. horribly shocking bad .. and I am not seeing or knowing where the "good" is. I am only just someone lost desperately trying to find the "good". I have always believed in God. And I have always believed in ETs. But coming to terms with some of the things I have come across on my research has shaken me to the core I guess. I don't want to eat anyone.. and I don't want anyone eating me. When I found out about the Reptilians, I stopped eating meat. It wasn't so hard for me as I have been very sick and for a long time anyway.. I do understand this whole circle of life issue.. I do get that. I just want to find the good before I die is all. I can't be anymore honest than that I guess. And I'm pretty angry too.. to find out all about the issue. How we all have been lied to. And so when someone claims that they found God here or there.. I cannot help but be asking them.. "why is he not then helping us?". Then someone else claims to have "ET contact with good beings".. I have to ask the same thing. I suppose in my own eyes I have been a very good person. Very compassionate to others, to the animals of this planet and so forth.. maybe I just need to know that somewhere out there.. whether it be God.. ETs.. Angels.. that something out there cares that this is happening .. I believe I am an "intervenor".. If I see something bad going on somewhere I would try to help those less able to help themselves.. Is there nobody out there like this?   Do you understand this?..
+Kerry Burba Well dear, I'm including you in the discussion and since you are supporting and thumbing up Mellanys comments I can only assume you two are on the same page.
I haven't spoken for any ET's at all. I am still hoping there is "GOOD" out there that will help us. And that's "good" as in terms of what us humans mean "morally good".
+Kerry Burba Dont speak for all the ETs that are visiting earth.
Don't speak for all of us humans
+Mellany Travers Well, we humans kill and torture billions of animals each year, and yet we have a conscious that serves "goodness". "Goodness" is not Gods will. God is expression and all aspects of God are valid. As for the "HumanSovereignty" and "thealliesofhumanity", I feel it could mind as well be a reptilian deception due to the increase in ET contact.
You're welcome Kerry.  BTW, my email address is [email protected]  I meant to give it to you, a couple of weeks ago, but have been 'snowed under' with work, and it slipped my mind.
Thank you :)
We have a deeper conscience, that knows what serves goodness (God's Will), and what opposes it. Some of the activities of the ET groups that are intervening here are cruel and a source of great suffering for thousands of men, women and children, worldwide.  To stand by and do nothing, based on perceptions that there is no 'bad', is idealistic and spiritual folly.  Further information about the intervention, and a 'Call To Action' can be found here: //www.HumanSovereignty.org
+Kerry Burba Yes, according to your definitions, the world is "bad". According to my definitions, the world is "bad". But we do not all share the same definitions. And thats what it is, definitions.
There IS bad.. based on human morals. WE ARE HUMANS...(at least I am)..At this point all I am seeing is bad out there.
+archemis07 All suffering emanates from a perceived separation from Source, though all things, even this perceived separation, emerge from Source. For we are infinate awareness, infinate possibility, and suffering is part of all that is. Without it we would not be complete. 
+TheAlpineAddict Thank you for your comments.  While it may be more constructive to perceive things as a 'yes' or a 'no', rather than 'good' or 'bad', everything doesn't come from Love.  The Source of Love, is not the source of suffering.  All suffering emanates from a (perceived) separation from Source.  There is 'Intelligence Of Spirit', residing eternally within every being, and there is the intellect/intelligence associated with the personal mind.  The latter can choose to express, or stymie/block, the emergence and expression of the former. The physical universe is an environment of free will, and there is beauty and danger here.  Wisdom and discernment and responsible action is needed in relation to the ET intervention that is occurring in our World today.  Awareness is not enough .. it must be followed up with action.  The solution to all of humanity's problems, lies within the Greater Intelligence that has been endowed to us, by our Creator.   
There is no good and bad, there's just your interpretatioin of the matter. Everything comes from love and you choose how you wish to interpret the situation. Lets say for example that the reptilians are here and they are consuming  human flesh. The reptilians do not see themselves as evil. They look at us the same way we look at a cow. We are nothing to them. Though I can assure you that we kill more cows than they kill humans. And as goes for the "good" aliens, they can not intervene because the collective human consciousness is not ready for it (ready for open contact). If they intervened they would force a belief upon many people and there by removing our free choise to believe whatever we choose to believe. And everybody is not ready to change their beliefs.The world is a mess right now, and that may be due to our infiltrated governments. But we are still allowing it to happen by thinking we cant do anything about it except wait for years till the next election and hope for change. We are our governments. And the people have the power. And we are waking up.Have a good day.
I surely will. Thank you so much archemis. :)
+Kerry Burba Thank you.  Keep following your feelings related to 'something coming' etc....because they are emanating from your Knowledge [Intelligence Of Spirit], and they are a gift of Great Love, giving you signs to look deeper and to prepare and empower yourSelf.   We are entering times of great upheaval, challenge, change, and also potential. Marshall Vian Summers book, "The Great Waves Of Change", which tells us what is coming, and how to prepare, is available free, via //www.GreatWavesOfChange.org. Your prayers of Love are also precious. . they help to ease the confusion and the burden of the World, and all those that dwell here. If you want to discuss any of the NM Texts and/or Practices, please don't hesitate to contact me. Wishing you strength, and Peace. 
Thank you.. I will look through it. I have been to the website. I won't channel.. no worries there, this all has terrified me..lol.. I listen to all the GFL videos too.. I want them to come and help us too.. I think.. we all just want something good to come and help us in the end. I really do feel that most humans are good.. but we live in a bad place.. and look.. we don't even know our own enemy anymore.. I sure don't know who it is.. but I know it isn't other humans.. I "think" for what is coming.. we should all be sticking together.. I may not be sure of what is coming.. but I know something is.. I can feel it. I'll keep meditating and praying that it's good. I'll.. "send out love and goodness into the world".. I saw that on a meditation video. You both have been very kind with your suggestions to me and I greatly appreciate that.. We are here I think to help and inspire each other... it's what I like to believe anyway..
+Kerry Burba If you're serious about re-connecting with your True Self, I don't recommend nor advocate 'channelling'.    But meditation / Stillness, yes.  A Pathway has been gifted, for those who have a Greater Community awareness ... it is certainly not the only Pathway to Self and God, but it especially serves the aforementioned people.  The Pathway is 'The Steps To Knowledge'. It is available free, to all.  Further information about STK can be found here: //www.newmessage.org/pdf/steps-to-knowledge-introduction.pdf   
+Miz Ozark Your obscene language really isn't necessary, nor welcome on this channel. Your comments will now be removed. May your journey render you clarity, discernment and restraint. 
+Kerry Burba I'm not fighting Kerry. I'm speaking and advocating for the Truth, on my own channel, which is a home for the same. 
Wait! Please don't fight! Both of you are so kind.. wonderful people.. What if both are these Archons I keep hearing about? How are either of you sure that YOUR guy or girl is the right one? I don't know how to channel and am scared to try.. but I do meditate.. are either one of you channeling that you have been in touch with "the one God".. or the "GFL"? How can we know if they start speaking to us?
+Miz Ozark Your words [those in block type] are a direct quote, copied and pasted from your own comments. They haven't been twisted. You support the GFL, do you not? The GFL represent a deceptive and manipulative and insidious extraterrestrial intervention. Everything that I stated in my comments about the GFL, has been intimated by them, via their channelled messages, of Salusa et al. The GFL have stated, in their own words, that they plan for their 'caretaker governments' to replace our human institutions. They have also stated that there will be 'mass landings', and there will be ET 'mentors' assigned to those human individuals who wish to join the 'galactic federation', and that some will be transported underground to meet the 'Argarthans'.....and that there will be 'light chambers' to assist with 'ascension'. Now, which part of this does not infer 'taking control' of individuals, and of our Worldly systems? All of this information is publicly available... via the channellings of the GFL.  I listened to them for years Miz. They are deceptive ... dangerous and they are intervening unlawfully.  They do not represent a Spiritual alliance, they represent economic and resource collectives, who are seeking to gain access to our World for it's strategic location with regard to trade routes, and its' resources... bio-genetics, the 'building blocks of life', which are 'big business' in the Greater Community of Worlds.  These bio-genetics are also stolen from men, women and children, thousands of whom are 'taken', to serve an insidious hybrid breeding programme ... a programme which is/will facilitate the infiltration of our society, and which tampers with the genetics of the human family. It is a crime against humanity .. and one which you, in your capacity as emissary to the intervention, are complicit. //www.HumanSovereignty.org
+Kerry Burba God IS here. God's Presence is everywhere, and It is within you. ...but you must be open enough and willing to receive and follow Its' direction.  God is not a benign dictator. This physical realm is an environment of free Will.  You are free to follow what God has Created within you, or you are free to follow the Worldly and non-worldly forces that influence the physical universe(s). If you continue to seek for answers from 3rd parties, be they human, ET or 'entity', there is potential for great deception. Every Teaching of the New Message will (re)direct you to your eternal connection to God, within.  Our True ET allies will not directly intervene here.  They consider it a violation. To become strong, and sovereign, we must be responsible, and do the work for ourselves, individually, and as a race. If you re-claim your connection to The Intelligence Of Spirit, within, you will KNOW Truth from all and any deception. This intelligence is called 'Knowledge', in the NM Texts ... it is not knowledge born of the intellect, but, the Intelligence of the Soul.  I wish you peace, clarity and strength on your journey. You have the Power to determine whether you will follow Truth, or continue to languish in the confusion, and lament of the mental environment of the World/s.  All the best to you, and your family. TC.
Thank you for saying this. I agree about all the fear.. I don't understand it, but I agree. If we have such a loving God.. he should have come long ago and stopped such bad things going on in the world.. but I say the same about any good ETs too.. if they are so good they should have come and given us some truths instead of just leaving us here sick and so unsure.. Maybe they will come and I will see them and know if they are good or not. If so.. I hope soon. God Bless you too. I know there are some terrible people on this planet.. but I really think that most of humanity is good.. good intentions and a lot of the bad is from simple greed and mistakes made.. I hope this matters in the end.. if not, I think it's all for nothing.
Miz Ozark.. I have heard of Matt Muckleroy and watched his channeling videos.. he has also been just so nice to me. That's the problem.. everyone has.. it's why I cannot tell whats good or bad anymore. I used to have such a great intuition and could spot a liar a mile away... when this sickness hit me.. it hit not only my body but also my brain pretty hard. I was after 5 years diagnosed here in my town with ALS and was dying.. figured that would just be the end of me in my 30s.. but then a friend who was married to a Dr out of my area suggested it might be Lyme disease instead and I then spent 7 years back and forth to another state.. paying out of pocket for "Lyme treatment". It saved my life.. I say this because I am not dead now.. only.. I am still very sick and now with stomach issues as well. Whatever intuition I had must have been taken away.. I am doing what I think I am supposed to do because the only real intuition i do have is that I think the whole world has gone crazy and it must be coming to an end.. I have always prayed to God.. always.. but never once did it cross my mind that when the time came I might not even be able to recognize who he was.. I will keep watching all of these videos and questioning what makes people feel this or that.. what else can I do? All I wanted was to not be sick anymore and to live a good honest life.. now.. I cannot even see what is good and honest anymore it seems.. thanks for your advice as well. I appreciate everyone's input here...
Miz Ozark. I have heard from many of these past whistle blowers that worked for the Government that something evil and sinister has been going on in Colorado. I have done years of research.. so much.. all its done is confuse me more. All of these people I have been commenting on have been so nice to me and everyone else.. How can I ever think they would be bad or evil in any way? Surely if they are following anything bad, they wouldn't know it? We live in such a strange world now where I can no longer see whats good or bad.. I know at one point it will be time to pick a side.. yet.. I cannot find the "good side"! Each time I find something new.. there is someone telling me that side is also bad.. do you know then.. who is good?
Thank you for responding. I hope you are right. I have been very interested in these messages from Marshall Vian Summers and the New message since I found it via youtube. For so long I wanted to believe in this whole "Galactic federation of Light".. and I did.. But then I started seeing videos of people who were channeling these beings for years and now claim they were mistaken and that these beings are in actuality, demons.. which scared the hell out of me. And I do remember years ago how many channelers were giving actual dates that they were going to arrive, but never did.. and each time it killed me a little more inside to get my hopes up and have them crushed.. I can SEE that these channelers were not lying.. and logic tells me no person even if lying would give an actual date of arrival knowing they would be made a fool. So the only explanation logically is that the beings channeling these people are lying for some reason.. or at least.. the ones who were channeling these specific people were... I am just lost.. so lost. And I do appreciate you taking the time to talk to me and post all these videos.. I will watch all of them.. I am sick and lost in this world :(
Dear +Kerry Burba Marshall Summers is not involved with 'Zionists'. In fact, the Teachings that he has brought into the World, are the antithesis of any and all paradigms or expression of enslavement... in fact, the Teachings are the True antidote to the same.  Marshall has spent 40 years selflessly receiving over 9,300 pages of Revelatory Text.  The Greater Reality of the New Message transfuses every aspect of human and non-human life .. across all levels of existence .. from human relationships, to alien Nations, to the Mystery of our origin, destiny and our return to God. It is a whole new paradigm of relative and Absolute Truth. It has been sent into the World to serve the human family, during an era of unprecedented change, challenge, upheaval and potential, and as our World enters the Greater Community [of Worlds].  I've studied the Message for 6 years, and I know Marshall and his family, personally.  They are genuine, their intent and their gifts are pure.  However, my words will likely not mean a great deal to you .. and it is right and discerning that you not be swayed by others' opinions.  However, should you wish to discover more,  please engage honestly with the Texts, with an open and 'still' mind, and allow yourself to have your own experience of the Truth, therein.  Perhaps this Teaching, about Separation, and the nature of the physical reality in which we currently reside, and our Ancient Home, from which we have come, and to which you are very keen to return, may help you understand your Life, from a greater and True context and alleviate some of your confusion and suffering: //www.newmessage.org/the-separation
+archemis07 It's the only reason I have not yet ended my own life archemis. Because I am terrified that I will end up someplace worse and in even more pain and sickness. I spent my childhood in church. When I got old enough to make my own choices, I took one look at the church we were attending and knew these people claiming to be so good were hypocrites and snobs. I knew that I believed there WAS life on other planets and maybe this was what the Bible referred to as our "God". Maybe Jesus was an alien coming to help us back then. I did what I thought was always right in life.. always being a "good person". Doing what I could always to help the "under dogs" in life. Not because I read it in the Bible.. not because of anything preached to me.. but because I am a human and I think it's what we are supposed to do. Then I got sick and the whole world turned upside down for me. I started seeing just how things changed and what all was wrong. I got sicker and sicker and no one helped me. I cannot even count the Drs anymore. So again I started looking for "God".. I will say this.. I never stopped praying or talking to Him or asking for a sign.. any sign or why I am here or why I am still alive.. what is my purpose here that I am not dead. Begging Him to guide me in some way.. any way at all. I am not worthy of medical attention in any way apparently.. yet.. I am also not worthy of God speaking to me? Sending me any sign at all? All this research has only now lead me to nothing but fear and chaos. For every website or video claiming "HERE IS GOD", there are a bunch claiming "no.. this is another demon!". I have no idea who is who anymore. I only know I want to leave. I don't need inspiration.. although I appreciate you taking the time to post videos and talk to me on here. I need proof. Anything at all.. at this point.. anything that can prove that something good actually exists out there.. I'm feeling like I am trapped on a horrible game show where I can choose whats behind 5 different curtains only the trick is.. a demon behind every one of them.. Everyone has lied to us.. everyone. We don't have true history told to us.. don't even get me started on the lies and deception of the US Government and media.. We are told who our enemies are.. and yet I see on here that is also a lie. I don't want to leave here only to be stuck coming back again.. I just wanna go home.. sigh. I want our real God to come and take those of us who want to go.. home to a better place. Is Marshall Vian Summers involved with these zionists? Can you find out?
+Miz Ozark What do you mean he is a mouthpiece for the zionists..? How do you know this to be true?
 From experience, disappointment can be a great opportunity, and a catalyst for finding and Realising Truth .... IF we don't give up.  You've searched for 18 years! Are you going to give up now? You are so near to the Truth, but you can't see it yet, because you've allowed yourself to reduce to a diminished state from who/what you Truly are.  There's a playlist on my channel, 'Spiritual Truths and Inspiration'.  .. also, learning a little more about disappointment, suffering, depression etc...it's fundamental cause, may help you begin to gain an honest and redeeming perspective: //www.newmessage.org/wiki/Quotes_About_Disappointment   If you give up Kerry ... even if you decide to 'leave', there are no short cuts back to God .. you can't go back to God in the impoverished state that you're in, because God only knows Its' perfect creation, that lives within you.....so, you would have to re-enter the World, to continue your learning and development, at the point you 'left' ... and that incurs more delay/s, which equals suffering, in the realm of Separation, change, flux and disappointment.
I am not finding answers.. and I have been looking now for 18 years. I don't know anymore now than I knew when I began this... the only thing I know for sure is that something huge changed in the world at that point and not for the better. I am sick of being sick and being in pain and apparently no one is coming to save us because no one out there is good and no one cares enough to try.. I just want it to be over already. I have come to a point now where the only thing I do know is that I can't see anything good in this world...
Hi +Kerry Burba I can relate to what you're saying...I've experienced similar, to acute degree/s.  The World can seem very confusing, when we aren't aware of and/or re-connected with the Goodness that resides within each of us.  The Intelligence Of Spirit, within, is our eternal connection to God. Whether 'saint' or 'serial killer', we all have a Pure Source ... only the imaginings and machinations of the personal mind, either allow, deny or stymie the emergence of Spirit...hence the infinite expressions of beneficence, 'evil' and all of the degrees in between.  Find out who/what you truly are... and things will begin to become clearer for you.  The answers you seek lie within you....and the Source within, will know Truth from all falsity.  This video may help/interest you:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af5_3vgyWeI
All I have seen in years researching all of this is people claiming the other guy is "the devil, or the bad ones".. I SEE no one agreeing on who are the good ones.. or "good guy". I have known something in this world has been terribly wrong since the late 1990's. When I first got sick.. It's like.. one day I noticed the whole world was upside down or wrong. Now I am even afraid to pray anymore risking that I am even praying to the "wrong God" or the "bad guy". I am sick and really just want it all to be over already. I just want to leave. :(
+Kerry Burba Miz Ozark supports alien intervention by the 'Galactic Federation of Light'.  He advocates handing over the keys of our World, to an ET race, who are citing deceptive promises of 'saviour' and rescue from 'planetary catastrophe'.  The GFL are insidious, deceptive and part of their agenda is to render our World a 'client state', to a network of greater ET powers...powers that are worldly and economic, NOT spiritual. "WHY?I DO WANT INTERVENTION TO BE SUCCESSFUL TO REVERSE THE DAMAGE OF THE CURRENT INTERVENTION THAT HAS LASTED 25K YEARS OR MORE. THE GFL DOES NOT WANT TO INVADE, THE ONLY 'INTERVENTION' THEY WANT TO DO IS TO HELP AND GIVE US THE REIGNS BACK FROM THE ALIEN RACES WHO TOOK IT" - Miz Ozark
I haven't allowed anything. No one asked me and I gave permission to no one. I was just a girl who worked to make a living until I got sick.. no one important in the grand scheme of life. What do you mean he is from the Khazars and working with the Draco-Reptilians? How do you know this and where can I find this evidence you speak of? No one has deceived me as I have not made up my mind on who I actually believe.. or if I believe anyone at all regarding this. Can you possibly send me this info? This is why I am checking all of this out.. to see who is real and who isn't. I know of the Khazar tribe and the reptilians as I have seen all of that research in the past.. but I have also seen where others claim that ALL the Galactic federation, aliens, or spirits (angels) are these archons.. Please will you send me this info on here so I can see this? I have not found anything at all on this fellow or this group other than by other members claiming that this is the one true God type of thing..
Thank you Kerry. I look forward to chatting with you further and wish you strength, clarity and Peace.
I will. It's been very strange to me. I am still trying to sort it all out...  Thank you for your response. I feel better knowing it's happening to others :)
Hi +Kerry Burba Yes! It makes a lot of sense to me ... similar happened to me in August 2009. . and I am in contact with many, many others who have shared similar experiences and who have 'found' and are studying and advocating Marshall's work. Please feel free to keep in touch, and to chat further. 
Thank you. I'll watch. Have been watching these videos by Marshall Vian Summers. I have been "knowing things" since maybe last August or September. Have always had a strong intuition though. I need help and direction. I guess I started suspecting something was horribly wrong since around 1998 or 1999. Does this make any sense to you? Is this also happening to others?
+Kerry Burba We have been, and are being given, so much more assistance than you are yet able to see and/or recognise.  Over 9300 pages of Revelatory Text, received over a 40 year period, and a comprehensive and exhaustive Teaching about the 'Greater Community' [of Worlds].  Texts that give a higher education regarding the same, with the intent of assisting the human family in establishing and maintaining their freedom and sovereignty within a highly competitive, yet wondrous, environment.  This video reveals the 'New Knowledge Library' that is being made available to the World, at this great juncture of human and World evolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY4eVdMKZiA
We are a "sick" planet. Poisoned no doubt. Cures held back from us and diseases created to wipe us out. Any who can sit back and watch that and then expect us to be so strong should do something to help us.
Thank you for your comments. The inspirational and motivational quote by Edmund Burke is close to my Heart, and is featured on this channel's 'about' page.  Some members of the Allies Of Humanity gave their lives, during their mission to our World .. a mission that imparts warning, wisdom and great Love to the human family. They have honoured us, and they have honoured the Will of God. The work associated with reclaiming and preserving our freedom, must be done by us, the human family, if we are to become strong, and sovereign in a Universe of competition, beauty, challenge and potential ...  a Universe where freedom is rare. The responsibility, and the choice/s, and the Power, reside with us. Read/study the Allies Of Humanity Briefings, available free, below this video, to fully understand and appreciate what is being said here, and what has been given to us.

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"wir können garnix machen"?!..wenn ich das höre .... der deutsche ist zu feige und sich zu schön ,um auf die straße zu gehn ....feige gesellschaft!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Franke Daniel In welcher politischen Gruppe bist Du denn aktiv?

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does this make me a hipster?
yes it does

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