Portrait von Physik-Genie Albert Einstein - digital gemalt mit Adobe Photoshop. Das Video zeigt den Malprozess als Zeitraffer. Hier das fertige Bild: ...
Where does E= Mc^2 come from? In 1905 Einstein asked: Does the inertia of a
body depend upon its energy content? The answer was: Yes, it depends on its
energy E= Mc^2 So, Einstein said - E= Mc^2 comes from inertia 2 In 1928
Dirac said - E= Mc^2 comes from vacuum and can be as positive as negative
too 3 Sometimes E= Mc^2 can be ‘rest’ particle and sometimes can be
‘active’ and can destroy cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki Why E= Mc^2 is
so strange ? Nobody gives answer =.
I've watched several of these now. It's really a very unique method. The
hatching and blurring is interesting. But it really washes out the colors
and makes the painting dull. And you end up having to shade and hilight the
same parts multiple times, making it unnecessarily repetitive. Is there a
reason you use this method over working with color?
this looks amazing... great job wow.. so basicly for wrinkles you would put
a bunch of black spot than gausin blur them and than do the same with white
or how is it done.. im struggling with wrinkles and getting my charecter to
look old.. any tips advice anything?
So you basically make multiple layers of shadows, then highlights, and then
blur them? What brush do you use and do you have an option to just blur the
whole layer? I like the method, thanks..
@snowface27 thanks. Yes, it's a methode to get a "deepness" in the picture.
In the end you can see every layer (mostly about 20) which i hope gives the
picture a kind of living.
+tim schellingerhout We moesten het even googlen ;-) Maar leuke vraag!
Das Genie der Wissenschaft Albert Einstein's Leben[Doku deutsch
Wer war er? Anders als immer behauptet, ist er kein schlechter Schüler. Am 14.03.1879 wird Albert Einstein in Ulm (Donau) geboren. Seine Kindheit verbringt er ...
Wer war er? Anders als immer behauptet, ist er kein schlechter Schüler. Am 14.03.1879 wird Albert Einstein in Ulm (Donau) geboren. Seine Kindheit verbringt er ...