Dissidia Final Fantasy-Squall VS Ultimecia (Premonition)
Combat entre Squall et Ultimecia avec la musique Premonition de FF VIII (Oui, je sais, c'est ce que dit le titre) Ce combat est censé représenter la première ...
@KatsuoMike Ben, à vrai dire, j'aime pas trop jouer avec Ultimecia ^^' Et
surtout, j'ai refait la première partie du combat final de FF VIII, donc ça
avait plus de sens que Squall gagne ^^
Final Fantasy Theories 1: ''Rinoa is Ultimecia''
There's a lot of theories on different FF. In that video, i'll talk about one of those, the ''rinoa is ultimecia'' theory. i've maked many research, and i,ve collected as ...
for the sake of the stories actually making fucking sense I have concluded
that rinoa is ultimecia and ff10 didn't need a sequel. thank you and have a
pleasant day.
+Dennis Schafers Probably not considering the way FF8 seems to treat time travel. They seem to subscribe to the theory that "the past can't change" - keep in mind how everything ties in with Ultimecia going to the past and passing her powers to Edea in the end. Everything ended exactly the way history recorded it to be.(the exact opposite of the way, say, Chrono Trigger writer understands time travel. To him, if you go back and change something, you change history itself.)So, I say Ultimecia knew her earlier self would come and, along with Squall, kill her. That was her form of suicide - providing a way through which Squall could kill her.
I would like to point out something that I hardly see online. Please search
on Wikipedia the name Artemisia II of Caria. "She is renowned in history
for her extraordinary grief at the death of her husband Mausolus." King
Mausolus' symbol was a lion, as shown on his coinage and other artifacts
(go to his wiki page and you will see pictures).
So Artemisia (Ultimecia?), is famous for GRIEVING her husband who uses lion
as his symbol, so much so that she built one of the Seven Wonders of the
Ancient World (Mausoleum at Halicarnassus) to honor and remember him by.
+Gaienja I've not read the book itself because to my knowledge it hasn't been re-released in English, but the following site has translated several pages. And yes, I assume most of the pictures were added from elsewhere; they're not any part of my argument.//thelifestream.net/lifestream-projects/translations/5553/a-new-seed-has-grown-translations-from-the-final-fantasy-viii-keyword-section/
"A Witch’s lifespan is the same as a normal human’s, however they cannot die until they have passed on their power to the next Witch."And I don't see why, if they just wanted to over-simplify Griever's appearance, they wouldn't just say "Ultimecia/The last boss uses Griever..."
+Vic 2.0At this point I would really like to ask you though: did you ever personally read the Ultimania? It seems like a big factual cornerstone to you so I'll just assume you did. All the while I did not, so I'm really saying the following out of curiousity:I know you've made other arguments too of course but about the Ultimania... you see it kinda bothers me now that I'm trying to look it up and one of the FIRST things that the wiki tells me about the Ultimania book is:'The book is generally spoiler-free, and has no pictures of Griever or Ultimecia, who are simply referred to as "Last Boss".'Which just suddenly makes me doubt... not the "credibility" but rather the "importance" of the things written in there, concerning the argument.Forgive me but of course the brain of a supporter of the theory then jumps to "Oh, well of course they couldn't mention the gifted ring so they just wrote she drew it from Squalls mind to overly simplify it."The ring is a thing that I can see, that's there. I just find it more fun imagining the symbolism of this object, than to accept some very dry explanation given to me later on.
+JourneytoNewZealand "Don't you have a life ?"Yes. Now do you have a point?"You were also very active on the "Squall is dead" homepage and tried to debunk the theory. And you showed a very obsessive behavior."IOW, you can't think of a rebuttal, so you target me on a personal level. What you call an "obsession" I call a hobby. I have many games I love to talk about. I've actually been posting a lot more on the Assassin's Creed franchise here lately. If anything, I'm "obsessed" with that at the moment. Which, if I can just turn these "obsessions" on and off like that, kind of disqualifies them from being obsessions, yes? :)
+Vic 2.0 Don't you have a life ? You were also very active on the "Squall is dead" homepage and tried to debunk the theory. And you showed a very obsessive behavior.
+Nicky Khilnani Well there are certainly blanks that can be filled in by theories here or there. My theory on the larger plot is that Ultimecia was as much a victim as a villain. She was "condemned for generations" in the sense that even long before she was born, people were spreading a fear and hatred of her, based on the history books telling of her and what she would do to the world in an upcoming era. FF8 is a stable time loop, in which Ultimecia's evil deeds are both the cause and result of her defeat. No one is actually the "bad guy" in this story. Rather, everyone is doomed to repeat the past, while no one is absolutely aware of this.So Ultimecia began as a normal person (besides being a sorceress). In circumstances we never get to see for ourselves, she was first pursued by authorities who wanted to seal her up in a device similar to Adel's Tomb. But she resisted. Perhaps she injured/killed this initial small group of people in pure self defense and was frightened. But then larger groups of people pursued her. As her pursuers grew stronger, so did her resistance. Her fear turned to anger, and then finally to hate. She knew the history books were to blame, or, specifically, Squall and those who helped him tell this story about what she supposedly had done. Now fed up with the injustice she had endured, she resolved to take it out on his entire time period. Perhaps if she changed it enough, her "real" life back in her own time would be much improved?
+Vic 2.0 It does interest me. That is the reason I am reading the comments of this video. It is just displeasing me to read your comment for the third or fourth time. I know You want to convince people and you want to point out the flaws nevertheless it gives me a negative opinion let me explain. To read the same arguments over and over again gives people the typical reaction "Not again". The more you hear the same arguments the more you say " What ever". Just like yours "Ultimecia cannot be Rinoa. The Ultimania says sorceresses don't live any longer than humans". After hearing that multiple times I am starting to ignore that fact . Or I think what If she is the first sorceress that found a way to live a little longer?. I am starting to think of possibilities that can bust your argument. This makes me think more of my way. Wether I should listen to myself or people who try to convince me. Unfortuntly you are not convincing me. Especially If You say FF Dissidia cannot be a proof or fact. It was made by the same people after SE "debunked" the theory so why giving Ultimecia the line "Shall we dance" ?. To point out something like that happened in the game but to a different person?. Why not giving her a line like "We meet again" (I know Gilgamesch is saying something similar in the game) or "So our timelines are crossing each other again".
+Vic 2.0 all good. May I ask though if you have any interpretations of your own from a wholistic view of the game or if you personally are taking ff8 from face value. I find it exciting thinking that there's deeper meaning to these type of games. I love the makers' creativity.
+gabriele nitzschke Maybe the discussion doesn't interest you, gabriele, but that's no reason for me to stop pointing out the flaws in this theory entirely.
+Vic 2.0 You are kind of annoying always saying "Rinoa cannot be Ultimecia" just leave people with there thoughts alone. I mean I like the idea of Rinoa being Ultimecia. It has a nice deeper meaning or she is based on an old legend. The point is even If You are right sometimes people just like to stay on there opinion just like me. You do not believe the theory ok. You have proofs against it ok. But do not try to convince everybody to believe you . You can try it but If they do not buy it just stop it.
+Nicky Khilnani "it's not "our" Rinoa, it's an alternate timeline's Rinoa. She lives long because Squall never saves her when she's "frozen" after the Ragnorak landing."Well this variant of the theory is even more unfounded. One could literally say something like this about any two characters. For example, the X-ATM monster in Dollet is really Zell; it's an alternate timeline's Zell, after which Zell decided that a tattoo on the face isn't enough. He eventually had himself transformed into a robotic spider!"She is frozen with gfs equipped so they eat away her memory over time. When she awakens she only remembers the promise of meeting the one she loves at an old orphanage so she builds her home there."How convenient that she remembers this one thing..."Years go by and she becomes more depressed every day he doesn't arrive. she starts to hate the world for freezing her and making her lose her love."She consented to being "frozen", actually. And the issue is still in what the Ultimania says. It doesn't give any exceptions to the rule; it just says that sorceresses don't live any longer than other people. We've no reason to assume that being "frozen" prevents anyone from dying, only that it contains the sorceress' powers after they die (of old age presumably). So your version is at least as unfounded if not more, than the common R=U theory.
+Vic 2.0 it's not "our" Rinoa, it's an alternate timeline's Rinoa. She lives long because Squall never saves her when she's "frozen" after the Ragnorak landing. She is frozen with gfs equipped so they eat away her memory over time. When she awakens she only remembers the promise of meeting the one she loves at an old orphanage so she builds her home there. Years go by and she becomes more depressed every day he doesn't arrive. she starts to hate the world for freezing her and making her lose her love. She vaguely remembers the feeling of happiness and wants to compress time to re-live that moment forever.
Ultimecia cannot be Rinoa. The Ultimania says sorceresses don't live any longer than other humans. Edea, in the game, states that Ultimecia is "many generations" ahead of their time. Now unless you think some number between 1 and, like, 3 can be "many"; then no, it isn't possible.
Skyrim 137 Kami dans un endroit imprononçable qui est Irkngthand
[Découverte-Play] Final Fantasy VIII #30 - Ultimecia, la sorcière temporelle.
Salut tout le monde et bienvenue pour ce 30ème épisode de FF8 dans lequel nous allons surtout converser avec Edea qui nous apprendra pas mal de choses, ...
J'avoue que le dernier épisode était géant, surtout en révélation par
moment !
Entre nez bouché, on se comprend et tkt c'est dommage d'avoir ça :(
Ouais vraiment le lien passé avec la gourvenante et maintenant avec Edea,
c'est un gros morceau... ils savaient qui ils combattaient au bout d'un
moment, mais ils ont continués... Le lien entre leur enfance et maintenant
les ont pas lachés maintenant qu'ils ont tout revu de leur passé commun...
Et oui, durant tout ces épisodes au final on ne combattais qu'une
C'est touchant ce moment entre Squall et Linoa, tu le sens bien l'amour
entre eux ? Ahah :3
Yeah Laguna ! :D
Roh putain la scene et puis un VRAI dragon qui arrive XD
Oh les batards qui le laisse XD
Ah ok pas mal le fail de mettre brasier à tes attaques ! XD
Super vidéo, on a pu voir des flash back vraiment sympa et une solution
pour Linoa!
C'est clair que le dernier épisode fut assez riche en révélation quand même ^^Ouais tu m'étonnes c'est plutôt chiant quand même xDMais c'est tellement ça, ils ont grandis avec et là ils doivent renier leur passé et l'affronter mais ils n'avaient pas le choix hélas =/Je pensais bien que Edea devait être manipulée ou autre car elle virerait pas de bord comme ça ^^C'est grillé limite depuis le bal leur amour entre ces deux là xDOh yeah Laguna ! :3J'avoue que le pauvre a du faire dans son froc un peu xDTellement des salauds XDBAh je savais pas en même temps XDYep épisode cool mais faut avancer pour Linoa ^^ Merci Hades =D
On va commencer par les deux oublies: Dans l'orphelinat, il y avait un
Timber Maniacs a tes pieds, que tu n'as pas vu. Rien d'important, mais bon,
je crois que ça sert a voir un peu les aventures journalistiques de Laguna,
quand tu vas dans ton ordi dans la BGU. C'est ce que j'ai lu sur internet
en tout cas. Le 2eme oublie, c'est de parler a nouveau a Zone pour lui
donner la princesse Cochonu, afin qu'il te remercie avec la carte Shiva.
Vraiment rien d'important mais bon, il serait temps que Squall lache ce
magazine porno qu'il trimbale depuis le début XD.
Sinon, en terme d'histoire, beaucoup de révélations, enfin il faudrait
plutôt parler de details sur le scenario et Ultimécia est enfin evoqué.
Ultimacia qui contrôlait Edéa et qui cherche a mettre la main sur Ellone et
ses pouvoirs temporels. On a aussi évoqué Adel, une magicienne surpuissante
du passé et accessoirement, travelo... XD. Et de ce qui est dit, Ultimécia
chercherait a provoquer une Compression Temporelle afin que le passé,
present et futur ne fasse qu'un. Autant dire que c'est la fin du monde si
ça arrive... Je te cache pas que les prochaines révélations risquent d'etre
compliqué a comprendre, car c'est toujours délicat quand on parle de saut
temporel ou des conneries du genre.
Et donc pour l'instant, ton objectif est Ellone, qui se trouve a Esthar,
afin de sauver Linoa, puisque Linoa peut voyager dans les souvenirs des
personnes qu'elle a rencontré seulement, donc Ellone doit rencontrer Linoa.
Cap a Esthar donc !
Et tant que j'y pense, associe une magie a la stat precision de Squall, ça
me perturbe de la voir sans rien XD
Excellent épisode Kisae :-D
C'est plutot Ellone qui peut voyager dans les souvenirs, pas Linoa, désolé de l'erreur grossiere XD. Mais oui, c'est dit dans l'épisode justement, quand elle parle a Squall.
Ah merde je l'ai pas vu le Timber Maniacs, j'imagine que c'est trop tard a present. Et pourquoi donner la contesse Cochonu c'est un bon bouquin pour Squall qui est coincé xDD Oui enfin Ultimecia est évoquée et on comprend plus de choses désormais même si il y a encore beaucoup de parts d'ombres ^^ Ah ok Adel est un travelo xD Je sens que je vais voir Mr2 avec ce personnage même si personne égalise Bon Clay ! Okamaa Way !! xD J'avoue que oui si Ultimecia met la main sur la compression temporelle c'est vraiment la merde, et oui a chaque fois que ça parle de Time Travel et tout ce qui y touche dans un film,JV etc c'est d'un complex pas posssible et avec des paradoxes xDAh donc Linoa peut voyager dans les souvenirs ! Putain tu m'apprends une bonne là xD Ok je saisi mieux pourquoi faut montrer Ellone a Linoa !Oui j'y penserais xDMerci Mim =D
Enfin la véritable histoire commence, car tout le broulliard commence à
partir progressivement.
Notamment sur les véritables motivations d'Edéa et les raisons de cette
guerre qui est en faite inutile.
Par contre je me souvenais plus qu'Ultimecia avait "emprunter" le corps
d'une personne consentante pour mener à bien ses plans.
Maintenant je trouve que l'histoire va s'orienter sur un côté un peu moins
sombre, mais plus dramatique avec les relations avec Elone et Linoa. Mais
sa promet encore beaucoup de chose et même si ont approche de la fin, nous
en sommes encore assez loin.
Courage à toi Ultimecia Kisae^^
Oui le brouillard se dissipe gentiment et la lumière éclaire petit a petit la route ^^ Bah on sait qu'elle était manipulée surtout,donc ses motivations étaient plus celles de Ultimecia ^^Eh bien il faut croire que oui, a mon avis elle attends le moment propice pour débarquer ^^J'ai hâte d'en voir plus car franchement Linoa est la personnage la plus mystérieuse pour ma part pour le moment ^^Merci Itachi =)
Walkthrough FR l Final Fantasy VIII l Partie 54 : La Citadelle
Nous y voici enfin la Citadelle d'ultimecia la fin du jeu ici beaucoup de chose a faire dans un ordre bien précis pour récupérer tranquillement vos Compétence ...