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User Comments

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Richard Chamberlain on his decision to "come out" - EMMYTVLEGENDS

Full interview at //www.emmytvlegends.org/interviews/people/richard-chamberlain.

User Comments

He's still a very handsome and charming man as he's now more mature. There was something about him that attracted me to him all the way when he played Dr, Kildare in the 1960s..It was even stronger by the 1980s when he did SHOGUN, THE THORNBIRDS ,CENTENNIAL,etc, It's no wonder he could play Tchaikovsky with such feeling and sensitivity because being gay he could understand the inner torment of trying to deny his true sexuality in a society that wouldn't accept him. Much happiness to him .
It's amazing how many male actors that I liked and respected who were or are gay. Chamberlain, Hudson, Clift(who was bi-sexual), Dean ( also bi) and Jim Nabors. They were and are great performers and the best part is they can play parts so easily. My aunt in the 60's told me that Hudson and Nabors were gay. I didn't believe her because I thought of Rock as the ultimate male actor. Being hetero I was surprised when the AIDs epidemic took Rock, Freddie and Liberace( whom I saw on stage).
I have always thought Richard Chamberlain was so handsome..from the late 60's..when he was on the Dr. Kildare...? series in the U.S. I was a child at the time..but seen him in future movies etc.., the Thorn Birds..was a big series in the UK, Australia..etc..I don't think he should have to say anything about his life-style or his sexual preferences..it's nobody business..but being in the entertainment world, I suppose people want to know about your life.
This may shine a different light on those who are vocally gay: In an episode of "All in the Family", Archie Bunker (remember him?) addressed a young black man as "boy". The young man whipped back, "I'm not a boy. I'm a man." Archie, taken aback (he hadn't meant any offence), said something like, "I'm a man too. But you don't see me going around making a point about it." The young man responded, "You never had to make a point about it."
Richard Chamberlin is such a brave, honest and admirable man. He comes across as being a pure class act in this interview. Because of pioneers like him, it has become so much easier for younger actors such as Matt Bomer, Sean Maher, Zachary Quinto, Neil Patrick Harris, Scott Evans and Jonathan Groff to come out a being openly gay. Kudos to Richard Chamberlin!
I had no idea that Richard was gay. You'd never have known it. He must have gone through hell being gay during that time. I'm glad that he was able to get past his fears and just be who really is. Gay or straight, we are ALL God's children. We must learn to accept others as they are and put all of this hatred and bias behind us. God Bless you, Richard.
@KevUrbie most gays are very quiet about it, and are only BOLD about it at Pride because there's strength in numbers... they wouldn't HAVE to be a 'flameball' about it at those times if it didn't mean anything to others who are hostile against them to begin with. 98% of those at Pride events are dressed the same way you are at the grocery store anyway.
That was a very classy comment. When Richard said that the topic of being gay is so benign, he hit it right on the nail. I never begin a friendship or association with some1 by mentioning my sexuality. They will hear about my love for The Beatles, Mark Twain, Yeshua or Robert Altman films long before my sexuality. Thanks again. Peace.
Its very sad that he suffered so much over his sexuality. However, he is most unfortunately correct, that if he HAD been out at the height of his career as a romantic lead, most likely his career would have come crashing down. It is hard to imagine that he would have been "Anjin-san" had he been out. Sad, very sad, but probably true.
@KevUrbie I couldn't agree more. What one does behind closed doors is no one's business but walking around dressed like a circus act and pushing it on people does nothing to gain one respect and acceptance. Having the polished class and sophistication of Richard Chamberlin certainly does.
God bless him. Im a strong Conservative and therefore, cannot condone the gay activists and their need to shove it down our throats. Thank God there are more people like Richard Chamberlain who define themselves by who they are and not what they are. Very impressed with this man.
Many years ago I worked for the sound man who did Shogun and he told me back then that it was common knowledge among film people that Richard was gay, but it didn't matter to them. He was professional and treated people with respect and was well liked among the crew.
Good for you Richard. I'm heterosexual, but I have great respect for the kind of courage LGBT people have to have in order to simply live their own lives. Everytime another person 'comes out' it does make it easier for everyone to just accept each other.
There are no female angels. One can search the Bible from beginning to end and find nary a one. All angels in the Bible are male. Also in the Bible angels do not have wings. It's the cherubs -- another class of spiritual being -- who have the wings.
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