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Does wedding insurance cover illness Videos

Celebrities With Insured Body Parts for Millions

Celebrities With Insured Body Parts for Millions 1. The Celebrity with insured body parts top of the list is Jennifer Lopez, the famous pop singer and actress, ...

User Comments

I actually thought Miley Cyrus would insure her vagina.
+Erwin Lee :)
same here

Why Do People Suffer From Anorexia?

Anorexia is a thing that some people have in their brains. It does things and stuff to them that makes them feel differently about other the world and so on.

User Comments

ATTENTION ALL YOU PEOPLE SAYING THAT HE SHOULDN'T BE JOKING ABOUT THIS TOPIC, he put a goddamn warning in the beginning for fucks sake! You chose to keep watching even when he warned you, and since he did it permits him to joke like that. So shut the fuck up and stop saying that he shouldn't make anorexia a joke, you chose to stay when he told you it might be offensive Peace out bitches XD
Thank god someone has a decent thought process
I want to be anorexic
No you don't, it's an eating disorder. You could die from it..why would you want that?
He thinks he knows about mental health cause he "dealt with depression" but he really doesn't. At all. And is really insensitive.
Cri moar, tumblr.
I am eating while watching this :)
when you started talking about daddy issues i started to cry and realized i had daddy issues fuck
same i ALWAYS fight with my dad
holy shit did my comment get deleted
I think it did i wrote a goddamn paragraph
EVERYONE LET GO OF YOUR MOUSE. Anorexia ISN'T a disease. its a chosen lifestyle. if you are as skinny as a stick and still think your overwieght, you have a problem. check yourself into a mental asylum.
As i said before, check yourself in a mental asylum. get help. go see countless doctors ANYTHING
Fuck off, it's not a choice, you clearly don't understand anorexia, but I do being someone who has to go to a counsellor about it, don't you think I'd choose for my life to be shitty and horrible EVERY SINGLE DAY, NO!
I know this is a parody channel but still. Making fun of mental illnesses is not acceptable
+mlpvideodash indeed.
welcome to the internet
Look, SJW, I'm an ex-anorexic and a schizo and this video made me guffaw. You wanna know why girls like you aren't considered funny? Because you have no sense of self-deprecating humor. If you can't laugh at yourself, others find you insufferable.
+Retry​ no problem...
+Gabrielle Dingus thank you another smart person
+Katie Hogan its called comedy. if you don't like it you can get out. Also opinion are opinion, not facts and one of the beautiful things about humans is we don't all think the same... its not like its the giver.
these chicks put them selves through this....if they want to die make them die.
+Retry it's not acceptable when people are dying because nobody takes their condition seriously. The illness, as deadly as it is, is NOT something that is okay to make fun of or make light of. When you make light of it, you treat it like it is a joke, not a big deal, or unproblematic. You make it okay. And it's not. I don't know how many times I can reiterate the fact that it kills. And that's no joke.
+Katie Hogan well if thats true then i apologize BUTyou got to understand that making jokes about illness is acceptableall these jokes make fun of the illness or the situations...now THATS acceptable...the only thing NOT acceptable about it is if you make fun of a SPECIFIC PERSON about there illnessnow thats not acceptable, however onision didnt make fun of the people that have the illness....he made fun of the situations and the illness itselfso i dont know what video you're watching....but its obviously the wrong one
+Retry if you do not believe me, feel free to look at my Instagram @katiehogan16. I have been documenting my struggle since the day I was discharged from the first hospital I went to. I understand almost everyone in the comments says they have anorexia, but telling someone they are not anorexic when in fact they are is what drives people over the edge.
+Katie Hogan oh great apparently you have anorexiaforgive me that i don't believe that but almost fucking everyone in the comments says they had anorexiadont say you have not watched family guydont say you have not watched south parkand dont say you have not watched any comedianjust stop....the reason why we make these jokes is to get through life a little easieroh but apparently thats not acceptable 0_oplease, people like you give me a headache 
+Retry I spent five months in a hospital for anorexia and was lucky to not have died. It's not about my feelings getting hurt, it's about you and so many others making light of mental illnesses that kill. When you make fun of these things, you imply that they aren't a big deal. But they are. It's not funny when there are people dying. It's not funny when a 14 year old has advanced stage osteoporosis, it's not funny when a 14 year old has heart failure from her eating disorder. That 14 year old is one of my best friends and I'm lucky that it wasn't me. When people make light of eating disorders, they justify starving oneself. There's already enough justification in media. And starvation leads to death, misery, and pain. Yes, it hurts my feelings. But it's not about my feelings being hurt. I don't want to see another kid, or anyone of any age, for that matter, die from an eating disorder. But I can't stop it from happening, and people like you are making it harder.
+Katie Hogan it IS acceptablelook im really not in the mood to deal with stupidity right nowbut me pointing out that almost everyone makes fun at diseases situations...kinda makes your opinion invalidi really dont want to be rude....but ffs how is it not acceptable...aww is it cause it hurts peoples feelings :(get over yourself
+Retry it's not acceptable when anyone does it, not South Park, not family guy, no comedians
+Katie Hoganmaking fun of mental illness is not acceptable?you should tell that to Family Guyor south parkor any stand up comedian-_-
+Katie Hogan I'm glad the world still breeds pussies like you.

Are you Ready to Conquer A Chronic Illness?

Life imposes chronic illnesses on the least suspecting. What do you do then? Does your life stop? In this episode Dr. Jay Greenberg from the National Council ...

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Great information and well presented
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