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My mexican wedding movie Videos

my big fat mexican wedding

former guiness record holder for fattest man gets married.

User Comments

I Can't Believe That Pretty Girl Would Actually Wanna Marry Him, She's So Sweet I Don't Think I Wanna Imagine Their Wedding Nigght...... Eww! One Thing I Don't Get, If He Hasn't Left His Bed In 10 Years, How Did He Meet Her........ ? I Feel Really Sorry For Him Cuz He Died Afterwards Right?
how nice is the guy, he has been waiting for her in bed for 10 years, thts commitment and love right there, and guys enuf with the fat jokes
He must have inherited wealth. He would have to pay a staff to care for him. Only a wealthy man could live in his condition in Mexico.
Because in the end you stick with the person because of their personality. Looks like you're still new to this though :)
i wanna eat his ass mmm all of that crust in my mouth omg yes i would chew it all up and then suck my own weener/
How do you know if this guy's been in your house? -All your food's gone and he's still there.
Instead of a wedding ring, she just has a nice sterling collar and chain and a metal bikini.
@MegaWinnieGirl Thank you sooo much, you just made me laugh. You are awesome hahahahaha
@MegaWinnieGirl idk, you posted the funniest comment ive seen in a while, kudos!!!
This is one beaner you don't have to worry about crossing the boarder. hahahaha
OMG LMFAO FATTY! not towe its fat traailer! 1:02 :P how dose he go to the loo?

Eckhardt And The House - Mexican Wedding feat. Bella Hay

Music: Rik Elstgeest / Gerry Arling Lyrics: Rik Elstgeest Produced arranged: Gerry Arling / Rik Elstgeest Arrangement: Gerry Arling Mixed by Lee Slater ...

My Mexican Shivah Trailer

My Mexican Shivah is about how the death of a man results in the celebration of his life. According to Jewish belief, from the moment a Jew is born, he or she is ...

User Comments

well it depends on what you really mean by jews, there was a lot of jews persecuted during colony times that became catholics to avoid persecution, & some others do the same during franco time when they came as refugees to mexico, but they dont count as jews (for us) we only see somebody as a jew if he really practices judaism the rest dont, u can google it the total (note mexican census do not take in acount race or religion) number the jews are from 40 to 50 thousands i think mostly sephardits
there were alot of jews that immigrated to latin america, mostly in the 20th century. for the most part, south america. how many of those today in mexico are practicing judaism, i don't know. so perhaps in that sense, their not "jewish". but i can tell you, from personal experience, there are alot. there's other minorities, too. la chinesca, has a small chinese community. chipilo has a small italian community, where they even speak a dialect of italian. also afro-mexicans in costa chica.
not millions dude there are actually about 50 to 100 thousand jews, getting this kind of demographic data in mexico its kinda hard cause the goverment dosent take neither religious or racial statiitics in the census, theres all kind off groups here but they all assimilate to mexican culture preetty easily you can see it in this movie they are all 100% mexican using mexican words like (cabron & chinga tu madre) they are just jewish aswell
You´re right my city was founded by Jewish guys and at the end of XVI century more than 25 % citizens in that city were Jewish, in facts is known that many guys of that city have Jewish roots and they don´t know it. My city is one of the most important Mexican cities by size and economy is Monterrey. There is a youtube video from History channel that tell what I wrote here (Mexico, los descendientes judios ( ) de Monterrey)
my grandpa was jewish. he was from leon, guanajuato, the same city the last mex president, vicente fox, was from. there's several million jews in mexico, but like here, they're a small minority.
This year is very speical , it's encoded in the pyramid ! 481 the height of the pyramid times 12 of the zodiac = the jewish new year 5772, 29th of September 2011 . Spread the good news !
Is it set in Mexico? Note: Mexico City has a population of over 1 million Jewish citizens(and at least 3 bagel factories). Also wondering: is it in Spanish, perhaps Yiddish-Spanish?
That's right, just look at the "Tomatodo": it's a dreidel! And the chocolate coins of holidays are the same ones in Hannukah. Latkes are "tortitas de papa"... the list can go on! :)
no, i'd definitely say millions. no more then 2 or 3, but still. alot of them have blended with the rest of mexican society. though, generally the upper class.
mexicans have jewish blood and customs all the way from the inquisition. THey fled spain and went to mexico
I loved this movie so much I bought myself and my grandmother a copy.
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