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My best friend's wedding psychology Videos

Child Psychology...FUNNY Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan...

Like❞ Us on FB ☛ //www.facebook.com/SmileitzSunnahOfficial ❝Follow Us❞ on Tumblr ☛ //HalalHumor.tumblr.com Child Psychology...FUNNY Ustadh ...

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I am 13 and when I stumbled upon this video and watched it, I almost cried at how true this is. See, when I was a kid, I always wanted to get my parents or two of my eldest sisters' attention. They always ignore me and my sisters just brush me off my calling me annoying and other names. Whenever I have no one to talk to, I go to my mom but even she brushes me off..... Now, they want my attention and my mom wants me to talk to her but of course after all these years, I still feel hurt.
So I thought about my actions of ignoring them and try to rekindle my relationship with my parents and sisters. UNFORTUNATELY whenever I try to invite myself in a conversation, I'm ALWAYS cut off and my dad sometimes harshly ridicule me. I go to my room;crying while I try to cheer myself up by being on my laptop or phone. I'm just hurt and angry but I can't even try to talk to them about this problem without bursting into tears so I just stop the conversation.
@ydowefight4islam I am sorry i just checked to make sure..and ustaadh and ustaadha mean a learned person ..this is a persian word..and the urdu word which i mentioned earlier has been picked from the persian language ..and means the same..but basically this word ustaadh is used in many languages .it has a persian root
this is EXACLY how convos with my mom goes. now she just assumes that im engaged in EVERY SINGLE bad thing out there. having her around me is a pain. i use homework as an excuse to get away from her.
I study child psychology and it is crucial for child-parent bonding. If you can't build a positive relationship in the early years it is difficult to parent them later on.
I'm sorry for spamming but this is one of my ways of letting out all my feelings and I can just live in peace; without feeling hurt all the time.....
@samiadinos Assalamu alaikum You can find my FB page link on my channel's info section...inshaALLAH or search on FB for "Smile__itz Sunnah Official
Hamdilallah my dad is not Muslim but he would always come home from work wanting to talk to us and play with us, I was so lucky
I told my dad about this and he said that the most important thing for a father is to put a roof over their head and feed them.
@ydowefight4islam no that ustadh is from the urdu word ustaad..its not arabic where a dh would mean the alphabet zaal
wow. very nice realization at a young age. be a real muslim/ muslimah. may we all be guided to the true path.:)
hey. on facebook. there are a lot of young muslims groups. can you specify on which one is yours. thanks.
you speak such important stuffs with such simplicity and clarity its amazing to listen to you:)
love these lectures alhamdulillah ill show all these to my mum and dad if possible
All young parents... this lecture is especially for you..
Am 15 and I find it akward to talk to my mum and dad.

Minsan Lang Kitang iibigin By Juris Fernandez With Lyrics

MINSAN LANG KITANG IIBIGIN BY JURIS FERNANDEZ WITH LYRICS Mahal, pangako sa iyo'y hindi magbabago ikaw lang ang iibigin ko kahit, ikaw ay ...

User Comments

Best nick we dedicate this song for our love ones ,,,hehe,,
+Angely Ercillo ©
hihi. go. to song
Hey Pearl How are you doing?
Hiiiii pearl how are u

2 - The psychological thriller short film(with english subtitles)

MIND IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING, BUT SOMETIMES IT TRICKS YOU This movie is not like twisting your brains and working out the math equations, but it ...

User Comments

Really good everything was perfect camera lighting and bgm was also good. Very gripping story line nice thought oly negative I could find was no police will have beard and hairband so next time just make it look more natural but other than that excellent work guys 
great concept..... story line is good and it displays the intelligent brains of criminals visual effects are good but i think it was overloaded with the sound effects, it could have been bit more effective.
Its a big concept made into short movie..and thank you all.
awsm,nice twist at the end!. expecting more from you guys.
Super Pada... :-) Good Job... Brilliant Work Guys...
Is it just A trailer or jus a short film ??
super aagi ide maga.....nice short movie...
Nice use of the Man of Steel soundtrack lol
good work on visuals......
Brilliant Kiran :)
Brilliantly done

Top 10 Most Beautiful Hollywood Actresses

Title : Top 10 Most Beautiful Hollywood Actresses 10. Katherine Heigl : Katherine Marie Heigl, born November 24, 1978, is an American actress, film producer ...
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