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Ella Eyre - Together

From Ella's debut album 'Feline' – OUT NOW. iTunes - //po.st/FELINEiTdlx Spotify – //po.st/FELINEsp Apple Music – //po.st/amGTy Official Store ...

User Comments

2:13 wow I feel sry 4 the girl in the middle
yeah that was ella
i met her when she was trying out this thing! i took a pic with her!
+Stephanie's Msp Vids ♥ lucky!!
Another music video about young adults with no jobs, breaking the law and acting like idiots in an attempt of being "free".
I dont think its about being "free". Its about having fun and living your life the way you want to. :)
I need her hair!
bit creepy
Minute 2:00 Albanian Flag on Ella's back
Albanians flag had various forms throughout history... Maybe its not about albanian, it was somethings she likes.
+InpirationVision No, it's not. That eagle is different. Also the Albanian flag is red...
When can we stop hating people for their religion and respect the fact that people have the right to believe what they believe? I see people going in and out of businesses own by middle easterners and kicking them like dogs. This is not right. Don't get me wrong on 911 I did the same thing. I hated more than most after that, but it is time to give the respect that any human being deserves, stop hating and show the true NEW American spirit Love and respect for all races, this doesn't mean you shouldn't council in the spirit of your belief it just means that respect and love be shown in it. Swords are never as mighty as pins and council before war. There is always a way to speak to people without hate in your heart. The way people can have a change of heart is to first know love, second have an open heart and respecting people for their own experiences in life. Let's just try to love today and know that the true nature of man can be compassion. We don't all have to be the same life would be pretty boring if that where the way we are. Thak you for the room to speak
+World Love "have an open heart and respecting people"Wanna see you how you respect and love someone who cuts off children's heads because they want to go to school (see IS), Mr. "world love"
+Michelle bennett Thank you for the words of support.
Great message the world needs more love!!!

Tyrion and Bronn - I like you

You're far from home, Lady Stark. To whom do I speak? Ser Vardis Egan, knight of the Vale. Is Lady Arryn expecting your visit? There was no time to send word.

User Comments

10 good men>20 good men
+supermegaguy666 but only if you have some climbing spikes
Or at least some of Mace Tyrell's diplomacy

Let's Play Skyrim (Blind), Part 559: Soljund's Sinkhole and Reachwind Eyrie

(Part 1 of 2) Don't go into this mine, you say? There are dangerous undead things inside, you say? All in a day's work, my friend. My apologies for the quality of ...

Crosshair Video Blog: Glen Eyrie

Skyrim Walkthrough Part 48 - The World-Eater's Eyrie [Commentary / HD]

Learn here how to REALLY use your new iPhone //bit.ly/1UKdTgJ Watch more Skyrim Walkthrough [Commentary / HD] videos: ...

User Comments

You can lower the difficulty. I was a paladin like build (one handed, block, healing with respite, archery). What I did: For the first dragon, what I did was avoid fighting it and I would fus ro dah the draugr off the cliff. In later stages, I drew the dragon away and killed it. Then I drew off the draugr in groups of about 1 or 2 and fought them. I would fus ro dah them and them hit them with my sword. Once they got up I hit them with power attacks stun them to prevent counterstrikes.
ok you guys im a beast at skyrim lv81 100 everything full dadderic armor and thats what you need beleive me it makes the quest a lot easier except for me the deathlords haha a pain you know but i just took them out with my daderic bow and my iron arrows but lure them off 1 by 1 and its a lot easier escpecially if you have like enchanted weapons or armor that has enchantments the quest is easy put the puzzle is hard consault youtube for the puzzle beleive me yours truly MAZE INFADEL
Actually, I think I just shield bashed then attacked with my sword and rebash them once they were no longer stunned or they were about to hit me with a power attack. At that time, I didn't know how much damage block took off even when my stamina was low, so that could help (I would just run away). Finally, make sure to avoid the archers until last so you can run up to them and melee quickly (like hit them with fus ro dah and use their down time to run up to them).
I can't beat this quest, even with the walkthrough.- I'm a higher level which means that I get the draugrs shouting fus ro dah at me and deathlords instead of weakling draugrs. - By any possibility, make a higher leveled walkthrough perhaps? - Not difficulty level, as in character level. IF anyone else is having the same problem, thumb the comment so it gets noticed - ty.
The Gauldur Blackblade has an enchantment to it that helps you out a lot against dragons if you have the soul gems for it, get up close to the dragon after dragonrend and keep hitting it because the enchantment on the blackblade is absorb 15 pts of health every strike then keep recharging with soul gems...just a tip
how do you use a bow? i dont have the game so i was asking thanks. i do plan on getting this game. when i play a role-playing game like this i am a sword and shield kinda guy. on this game though i plan on using the bow, shield and sword. thanks for this walkthrough. i am really enjoying it.
@HaZeViTaL this character's a nord. the frost resist came in handy against some dragons but i have never used battle cry. seems like the risk of the target fleeing into more enemies and aggro'ing them is too high. -v
damn you just rushed through the main quest im a lvl 40 on this. it makes it alot easier because i just use dragonrend and summon dremoras like crazy and dragons are dead in 30seconds-1minute
How do you change weapons without going through the favorites list? Also please do a high-level walk-through of this because every Draugr I face is a stinking Draugr Deathlord. Please help!
Doing this quest is hard as shit you have to do everything at night and you cant see anything and if you do it during the day your health, stamina and magika wont even regenerate!
Two notes: 1) I didn't lower the difficulty 2) Thank the gods (:P) they didn't know all three words to unrelenting force (that happened to me in caves when I was higher level).
@TheExplicitShadow that's the Eagle Eye perk in the archery tree. hit the "block" button to zoom in. the time-slowing effect is Steady Hand, also a perk in the archery tree. -v
@W3E0E5D i never have enough confidence in it to use it, i usually stick to freezing them or the fire breath, does is work that effectively against multiple opponents?
@W3E0E5D yeah like if your not a sneaker and you just go balls to the wall attack everything and everyone its for you but i use it on dragons mainly too
@sonicwingmode2 it landed pretty quickly anyway. also, you can use the time it's flying around up in the air to heal yourself if needed. -v
What i am trying to do for this part is use my nightingale invisibility skill and sneak behind them with daggers and one-shot them. :D
@sabertoothpanther yea i get you lol ima make another one an just strt killing everybody just for the fun of it lol
Okay so this guy has normal/differnt draugrs bu how come when I did this quest, every draugr was a "Death Lord"?!
@sabertoothpanther it does with multiple opponents but for me i only use it on dragons so they don't kill me lol
um dude idk but if your still having troubles get daderic armor and bow not arrows use iron or steel arrows
Have you completed it yet? I now got to this point in the main story and it seems nearly impossible..
@HowcastGaming so dragonrend is only good for grounding dragons? I thought it was for weakening them
I don't get why you use archery and magic if you're a Nord. Nords are good for melee combat.
How are you getting such easy draugr all the draugr that attack me are batshit crazy strong?
nvm so your a nord and use magic and archery and what difficulty are you playing on?
the dragonsbane sword that u get at the blades sky temple really really helps man

Skyrim's Hidden Treasures - Reachwind Eyrie

In this week's Skyrim's Hidden Treasures we take a look at Reachwind Eyrie, a unique Dwemer tower. Want to go the extra mile and help me grow? Use the links ...

User Comments

How many hours do you have in Skyrim?
Was a chest up top outside opposite side of birds nest
I just finished the main quests, and now I am just exploring areas as I come across them. Have to say I really appreciate your videos, simply because I know that you have visited almost of all the areas in the game. So thanks for you info and walk-throughs!
+William Gaines Glad you enjoy them :)

Banishing Flood Damange from Glen Eyrie Castle

Lord Varys and Petyr Baelish - Since we last saw each other?

You're far from home, Lady Stark. To whom do I speak? Ser Vardis Egan, knight of the Vale. Is Lady Arryn expecting your visit? There was no time to send word.
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