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Explain tpp bill Videos

Illuminati EXPOSED Hillary Clinton campaign speech adressed TPP sort of?

In this video i explain the complete dodge Hilary Clinton uses on the TPP. Noone knows whats in this bill yet many in support of this campaign do not see the ...

Enzi talks about TPA and TPP

With an alphabet soup of different trade bills coming up before Congress, I explain in this video what the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and the Trans Pacific ...


https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/06/senate-passes-fast-track-we-can-still-prevent-tpp-train-wreck ...

User Comments

"Duhr.. we're gonna have a diff'ernt flag.. we'll have diff'ernt money!!" Alarmist propaganda bullshit. All you are doing is talking completely out of your ass.
People have been spewing this stupid shit for decades.I really hope in 2, 4 or 6 or 20 years from now, the next time your listening to another alarmist asshole, and you're pissing your pants about something that's going to fundamentally change everything for the worse... for your sake, I hope you think back to this random internet comment from so long ago and you realize how the TPP never once directly effected your life, let alone fundamentally changing everything about the country.And I hope you find peace in that memory.
+Lon Jemaa He's telling the truth and we should do something instead of being indifferent.
Which are the 12 nations in the TPP ???
+Numa P The 12 countries negotiating are: USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia.
This is the first time I have seen anything from you on youtube and it will be the last. Although this is a subject we need to be focusing on, you have presented a blatantly incorrect title that is misleading and doesn't help educate people. The TPP didn't pass, it was the TPA, which just helps it move along. There is such a huge difference between the two that I can't trust anything you post from this point forward. They may be on the same topic but it's enough to compromise your integrity.
It won't pass together we have 30 days to look at it before it passes and there's no way it will
+Hemms Stop being such a dipstick !  If you think the "TPP" won't pass, you're fooling yourself. Arguing over symantics is just what the "masters" want us "slaves" to do. And you are falling for it !
So as of 7/11 fast track hasnt passed ?
+grindall61In that case I retract my statement and will be checking out your other videos. I admit I was in the wrong here.
+Hemms No worries. I make different videos for different audiences. This was intended for the average joe who doesn't know much about what's going on the in the country. Other videos are made for those who have greater knowledge and won't be understand for the average joe.
+grindall61All fair points, I agree with you 100%. It's just really disappointing that we need to phrase things like that just so that people take it seriously. You have my apologies, I thought you were titling it as you did for more views.
+Hemms I have made over 30 videos on the TPP and know exactly what it is. I spoke to many people personally about this topic. I spent every conversation having to tell people the difference between TPP, TPA, TAA, TPIP etc... Everybody was confused by all the acronyms. The TPA passing is a very big deal however most people don't realize it. We also know that every time fast track is granted the deal ends up passing. We know for a fact that the Republicans were paid off for this vote. They are going to pass the final package when Obama comes back. I titled the video in the way that I did for people who do not have understanding of the topic. The real fight was the TPA not the TPP itself. Now that the TPA has passed, this is a done deal and we both know it. I intentionally kept it simple for people who were confused. If you listened to the whole video you would know that fast track was explanined two different times along with the process so people were not mislead. You can make the argument that the title is misleading however we both know that it's over. The TPP will pass when Obama comes back so I don't see what the big deal is when I help people understand how big of a deal this is. Titling the video TPA would have lessened the impact of what actually happened since people didn't know what it was. I was going toward a certain audience... Other videos were made for a more advanced audience.
Its all in secret just the way Fascist's like it. So much for transparency in government.
Dusted my musket off today.
Bwahahaha....are ya sure I don't see any muskets being primed ... C'mon Batman I can't believe you took that serious ha-ha...
No that's just you, I'm pretty sure.
The men in America are to busy jacking off to Kaitlyn Jenner, to rise up...lol

Our World Simply Explained by Dr Bill Deagle ~ lol

As simple as A-B-C. Now my video creativity has found a home.

User Comments

O so it's not the scum bag subversive zionist jews fucking us over it;s the aliens. What kind of cunts does he take us for.
+Brandon Blount Yer right
the demons are controlling the Juden ,which is what everyone is not tying together.and they've been doing it since Babylon.
so my stomach ache is from a higher dimension where the beer demons rule? because my stomach ache is mighty real
+FlyingAxblade Your soul is affecting your stomach and these enteties are affecting the reality of your soul.
+FlyingAxblade Your soul is affecting your stomach and these enteties are affecting the reality of your soul.
Love Deagle but I'm not sure i know anyone that I could share this with that would understand anything is saying. I've listened to him for years 
You can share with me. I just discovered Deagle, very interesting info and concepts.

10 Biggest Lies About the TPP (w/ David Dayen)

Journalist David Dayen, explains how the foreclosure crisis is still hurting Americans. Does the ongoing crisis in inequality explain the failure of Fast Track trade ...

User Comments

People should wise up & NOT believe the pathological LIAR(s) campaigning & in the WH. This TPP Trade Agreement is not about more & better jobs & better economy. If you believe that the TPP trade agreement is in our best interest, Ironically, US history of the future may report, "Barrack Obama, considered the FIRST Black President of America, took the US to bankruptcy, (when the US debt 100.2% exceeded GDP) & dissolved all rights of sovereignty, borders, freedom & ownership (including gun, real estate & family ownership) & using JADE HELM, sold the US & its citizens INTO SLAVERY to China, under the TPP Trade Agreement of 2015, which circumvented the Congress, the Constitution & all laws of this country. After the US was dissolved in 2015, Black Corporatists within the Elite, pushed to historically portray the infamous President more honestly, as a foreign born mulatto (55% white, 45% Black) Muslim Dictator, who was promoted into the Presidency by the liberal mainstream media & gained office as a result of manipulation of the vote count by the corrupt US government under the direction of the NWO Corp Elite. Obama’s legacy is that he transitioned the US from freedom into servitude under the TPP Trade Agreement of 2015, dissolved the nation & let our borders be overrun by illegal immigrants.” (Sic humor) One Big Ass Mistake, America! This is NOT ONLY a conflict of Interest (Obama, CEO of TPP) for the Office of President & a serious breach of Ethics & National Security of the US but a tyrannical & traitorous misuse of presidential power & an act against the United States of America without sufficient exposure, justification or representation to oppose it. The global power elites view multilateral free trade agreements as one of their main vehicles for establishing, step by step, socialistic regional governments controlled by themselves as stepping- stones toward a NWO socialistic global government under the United Nations.The citizens of the US, WE THE PEOPLE, are now faced with some serious choices: (1) Calling on your Congressmen & Senators to IMPEACH Obama & have him tried as a TRAITOR to this country & if they do nothing (2) As provided by the Declaration of Independence, begin a Revolution against the current regime. What the heck are people paying taxes for, anyway?
+Judd HurstI am focused on the tip of the problem but not the whole problem This government is no longer showing a two party system opposed to one another. We now have a one party system, issued in by G. Bush as the New World Order. But this has been going on a long time. There are two governments occupying the United States of America today. First, there is the traditional government established by the founding fathers, founded upon the Constitution & an elected government, and there is the Fascist-Bavarian-Illuminati backed “underground or shadow government” led by the Corporate-Military-Industrial government, which is fighting against traditional America on its own soil.In other words, the two sectors are the Judeo-Christian based Constitutional Republic of America & the Luciferian-cult-based Socialist empire of Bavaria, known as Bavarian or the Illuminati. Since as early as 1776, a gradual coup d’etat has been underway by Illuminati secret societies to undermine, overpower, and take over the traditional form of government in America & establish a fascist Luciferian dictatorship working under the guise of a new world order.Secret societies rule our government. Not one President has been elected for the past 30 years that was not a member of the Council of Foreign Affairs (CFR) and Trilateral Commission run by the Illuminati. Over the past 40 years, the New World Order has successfully taken over the elections process to guarantee one of their followers is always elected as president, The American public has been deceived and played as fools by those who wish to destroy them from within. I call them the New World Order Corporate Elite criminal cabal for that reason.
+Judd Hurst Homeland Security was built overnight.
The problem whith is you are looking at it like it's just Obama .when in reality he is a continuation of presidents who strip our rights and ruin our country . When was the last time the government gave rights back to the people. The NSA wasn't built over night neither was homeland security.

Fast-Tracking TPP Will Bypass Future Congressional Authority - News Brief

A day after an embarrassing defeat for President Obama's trade agenda, the Senate leaders have reached an agreement for senators to vote on two of their ...

User Comments

People should wise up & NOT believe the pathological LIAR(s) campaigning & in the WH. This TPP Trade Agreement is not about more & better jobs & better economy. If you believe that the TPP trade agreement is in our best interest, Ironically, US history of the future may report, "Barrack Obama, considered the FIRST Black President of America, took the US to bankruptcy, (when the US debt 100.2% exceeded GDP) & dissolved all rights of sovereignty, borders, freedom & ownership (including gun, real estate & family ownership) & using JADE HELM, sold the US & its citizens INTO SLAVERY to China, under the TPP Trade Agreement of 2015, which circumvented the Congress, the Constitution & all laws of this country. After the US was dissolved in 2015, Black Corporatists within the Elite, pushed to historically portray the infamous President more honestly, as a foreign born mulatto (55% white, 45% Black) Muslim Dictator, who was promoted into the Presidency by the liberal mainstream media & gained office as a result of manipulation of the vote count by the corrupt US government under the direction of the NWO Corp Elite. Obama’s legacy is that he transitioned the US from freedom into servitude under the TPP Trade Agreement of 2015, dissolved the nation & let our borders be overrun by illegal immigrants.” (Sic humor) One Big Ass Mistake, America! This is NOT ONLY a conflict of Interest (Obama, CEO of TPP) for the Office of President & a serious breach of Ethics & National Security of the US but a tyrannical & traitorous misuse of presidential power & an act against the United States of America without sufficient exposure, justification or representation to oppose it. The global power elites view multilateral free trade agreements as one of their main vehicles for establishing, step by step, socialistic regional governments controlled by themselves as stepping- stones toward a NWO socialistic global government under the United Nations.The citizens of the US, WE THE PEOPLE, are now faced with some serious choices: (1) Calling on your Congressmen & Senators to IMPEACH Obama & have him tried as a TRAITOR to this country & if they do nothing (2) As provided by the Declaration of Independence, begin a Revolution against the current regime. What the heck are people paying taxes for, anyway?
Help those we can, my phone doesn't allow me to correct typos, sheesh.
To stay out of courts and jail. I think the ridiculousness, sadistickness, becomes more obvious so that we will revolt... that was the whole urge of Zeitgeist, Alex Jones and all those fake shootings and terrorist attacks.Back in the day they err called witches, dragged putt and burned alive, now their called terrorists, taken to court and burned from the inside out via lethal injection, if not killed by police first....It's gonna get crazy, but we can do nothing but stay close to the truth, he'll those whom we can and watch as the screams begin.In silence.
Insanity must be stopped; this administration has a strong, lengthy record of filthy lies.
+ISOABlessing And the ones before this one also! Funny most of congress and senate along with all the other seats were here at Bush , Clinton , Bush , Obama . O let us not forget all the carney goers that know deep inside all the games are rigged . USA populous

Why Does Fox News Let Bill O'Reilly Lie?

More Bill O'Reilly dishonesty at //bit.ly/1Gy235d Bill Maher compared NBC's treatment of Brian Williams' dishonesty with Fox News' treatment of Bill ...

User Comments

People keep saying that FOX Noise is a propaganda channel for the Republicans, but I think it is the other way round. FOX Noise simply wants viewers, and at some point they realised that older people are more likely to watch the news than younger ones. So now they say and do what older people want to see. And the Republicans do the same. By the way, I am not trying to be cute when I write Fox Noise. They are not a news outlet, and it is ridiculous that people keep saying that they dominate the news segment. They don't. They are not part of that segment. The very reason they are so successful is that they don't do news, but entertainment. It's like comparing the ratings for WWF-Wrestling and "Fast and Furious". After all, both have The Rock, so same segment, right? That's how much ClusterFOX have to do with news.
+BartJ583 Fair point. I think it's likely that Democratic voters sat out the last midterms while the Right mobilized their base.
+vau0807well to be fair, there were reasons for that success - barring poor people from voting by voting on a workday; the ridiculously low turnout; gerrymandering; the ridiculous idea that a state with 40 million inhabitants gets just as many senators as a state with 4 million inhabitants etc etc ... the electorate as a whole is at 40% GOP.
+BartJ583 They had a strong showing in the last midterms, though. Noam Chomsky called it "a suicide pact for the species".
+vau0807But as I said, the Cold War Generation is dying out. Money is nice and all, but you need something to appeal to in the electorate, and GOP does not have much to offer anymore,
+BartJ583 Nothing. The GOP will continue to receive enough money from corporate America and the Religious Right to run candidates. I agree with Noam Chomsky that the Republican Party is not an actual political party in any populist sense, but more of a very elaborate pro-business special interest group. The GOP is an odd amalgam of Bible thumpers, Randians, and Wall Street.
+vau0807Nothing. For every 90yo FOX fan who dies, some 59yo guy elsewhere turns 60 and starts watching FOX. It will change when the Cold War generation dies out, in 25 years or so, but until then, FOX will continue to make money.The interesting question is, what will happen to the GOP during that time?
+BartJ583 What happens to FNC when these elderly white viewers depart Heaven's Waiting Room?
I keep waiting to hear Fox respond to O'Reilly's chronic lies. Still nothing.
+vau0807 Sadly true. In the spirit of Fox, if it's inconvenient, just ignore it.
+Jim Fortune In all seriousness, simply remaining on the air is FNC's response. It's easy to imagine Roger Ailes at a posh dinner date with Rush Limbaugh and Rich Lowry quipping "Is that all they've got!?" with a belly laugh as they sip Sherry.
Fox News just wants the ratings, so they let some fool bring about sensationalism and emotional conditioning to a crowd of ignorant tools. MSNBC is no different, CNN, etc. They're all the same. 
+Pablo Richards Eh, I'm not so convinced that MSNBC isn't a propaganda arm of the left, although they clearly aren't as effective at playing that game compared to FNC.
+Luis Rosales No, they are not all the same. Fox "News" lies with an agenda to be a PR wing for the GOP. The other News channels are just trying to get ratings.
there is a big difference between Bill O'Reilly, who is a commentator, and Brian Williams who was an anchor of a hard news show on NBC. LB, stop YOUR lying and distorting the facts.
+dave watson hope your friend has better morals than an ally cat
Yeah, lots of guys, and sadly I don't believe in guns, so I have to chase them off with a water bottle with a spray nozzle. Like cats and such.
+dave watson Yea she looks like she is a real firecracker. I bet a lot of guys try to light her fuse. I agree with your stance on abortion. We certainly don't need anymore liberals walking this sorry planet.
+genie0390 Thanks. She is quite a firecracker. Tonight after work we plan on smoking weed, having unprotected sex, then driving straight to the abortion clinic. 28th time this month.
+dave watson oh look it's Davey boy. He's a misty eyed little do gooder, aka liberal. Nice bitch you got, nice teats
+genie0390 Look kids! It's a Republican. Just don't get too close to the glass, they have been known to shoot. Oh, don't worry children, the glass is bulletproof. They can't get you out here in the real world.
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